Nevada Sheep Results?


Long Time Member
So I know I didn't draw any Nevada Tags, but I am curious if any of you are going sheep hunting in the Silver State this year?
"Not I" said the little red hen. 17 points, applying for units with decent draw odds... still no love.

[font color="blue"]I don't make the soup,I just stir it.[/font]
I'm on the 10 year wait but 2 buddies of mine drew tags! Looks like another trip to 181 and the other is in 252. I think I'll quit my job to help! Should be fun!
Didn't draw, but a friend of mine drew..his 5th choice, but he drew. Hope to be able to help out.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
Nope - maybe AZ will be kinder to me this year.

There are two kinds of people without
beards - boys and women. I am neither.
This is my year! I drew archery muley in Utah, archery deer and antelope in the same Nevada top it all off, I drew another Desert Bighorn.

This is not bragging, in fact it is finally payback for all the times in the past six years my sweet little wife drew the big tags: elk, desert and rocky bighorns and mtn goat all in Nevada.

Don't know too many who have drawn that many tags. All she needs is the Calif bighorn and she will have drawn everything Nevada has to offer....gotta love her....kept me out in the field the years I didn't draw!
camplind, how many sheep points did you have?

[font color="blue"]I don't make the soup,I just stir it.[/font]
I had 15 points and finally gave up on the more popular units and decided to apply in areas with better odds and at least the chance at a 160 inch ram.

I drew area 207 which until a few years ago was known as 205 South. My wife took a 150 incher there in 2008 and knowing the lay of the land may help me a bit.
268 a SHEEP FACTORY,good go.Hunt partners wife drew 254,2nd year in a row hunting here !!! Bruce & SilverGrand
Congrats to your son. The same thing happened to me. He got his sheep 5 years before I will have my chance. But I didn't mind because I got to be by his side the whole time. Perhaps next year you can all go again.
No love from any of the states...but Nevada really let me down.
Setting on max points (23 for DBH) and (19 CBH) as a NR. How in heck can someone draw with 4 points and in one of the best areas? Must be living right or darn lucky...Huh?
Don't even get me started about Utah!!! and the way they treat NR. Every year when I get the dreaded words Unsuccessful I feel sick knowing how much money I've already donated. Maybe next year will be better? Congrad.'s to the ones that drew!!!

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