New Approach To Mule Deer Unit Search


Long Time Member
I've been communicating with a number of MM folks, for the last couple of months, here and via PMs, regarding which unit to apply for, for a 2017 mule deer tag in Wyoming.

I have had great feed back and I appreciate each of you that have helped me with my inquiries.

A couple of you have suggested outfitters or a private land access fee. I don't believe I'm going to do an outfitter hunt, only because I don't wish to spend my limited resources that way, but after reading many of your suggestions I have come to the conclusion that I should give some serious thought to looking into paying private property access fee, in order to increase the probability of hunting a few more mature bucks in 2017, particularly in units that have later season (Nov.) hunts, but............if not late season, large enough properties, with reduced hunting pressure, where the owner may be allowing a few deer to put a few more years on, before they are taken by hunters.

In as much as I have never attempted to contact private property owners, I would appreciate anyone that could give me any suggestions on which units I might consider and which private properties have generally produced an older age class of mule deer in recent years.

I have maximum non-resident points (11, I think) of Wyoming mule deer, and I'm committed to using my points this year, before I get so old I can't put a rifle to my shoulder. :)

Thanks again.

Wendall fraughton in sw wyoming. Not sure if he allows just access though.

Honestly the best mule deer spots in wyo are on public land. Not talking G and H either...
You might give Adam Guild a ring too, to check on access to the Guild Ranch. They've got some amazing bucks, but I don't know if he is doing trespass fees or whether its leased out to an outfitter at this time.

Adam Guild
(307) 799-6409
[email protected]

Broadbent also has hunting. I don't know if he outfits himself or leases it. Might check on trespass fees there to.

These ranches (including Fraughton) are all in region K, area 133 and the western part of 132.
Wendell Fraughton will not let anyone hunt his ground except his family and the Eastman's. I have tried for years.
Ben, I've had very little success, asking landowners permission to hunt their property, at least it has been my experience since about the mid 1980. Prior to the 80's a few would allow access, if asked politely. But very rare now, under current conditions.

I've generally given up wasting my time and aggregating the land owner. It was become such an unnecessary waste of time process, that makes all parties uncomfortable and both go away unhappy, so I stopped doing asking.

However, some, not a lot, are willing to accept an access fee, with positive attitudes. I know my limit of $1,000 is low, as I've been told, but that's what I have to put into it and if I can find a decent ranch to work with me, that would be outstanding, if I can't, oh well, I'll hunt public land, do the best I can and live with the results. We all make our choices, without a gun to our head, so I'll be satisfied with what ever the ends up being the outcome.

Thanks again gents.


Sorry I have not been paying attention to MM lately. The best thing to do for a private land hunt might be to contact the Lusk, Douglas, and Gillette Chambers of Commerce. I know Lusk and Douglas Chambers both keep lists of landowners that allow trespass fee hunting for deer and antelope. Likely Gillette, too.

The main thing you need to remember is that most of eastern WY is private and most of western WY is public. So if you want a private land hunt, come east.

But remember that most of those ranches let bigger numbers of hunters in than the deer age classes can stand. You won't see many places that have decent numbers of mature bucks. Even the landowners who don't lease to outfitters do the guiding themselves and charge more $$.

Bottom line in this situation is that it'll take time to cultivate a relationship to find the right ranch. And as is often the case, you'll get what you pay for. I'll ponder this and send you a pm if I come up with a brainstorm. We've had a good winter and spring here in eastern WY and the critters are off to a great start for 2017. Good numbers and buck/doe ratios are high.

The good news is that you can get a license every year in most of eastern WY so if you find a good spot, you can come back every year.

Best of luck.


Wyoming Hunting Guides & Outfitters

Badger Creek Outfitters

Offering elk, deer and pronghorn hunts on several privately owned ranches.

Urge 2 Hunt

We focus on trophy elk, mule deer, antelope and moose hunts and take B&C bucks most years.

J & J Outfitters

Offering quality fair-chase hunts for trophy mule deer, elk, and moose in Wyoming.

Yellowstone Horse Rentals - Western Wyoming Horses
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