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after seven and half years of Ron Bush most people don't even have any change at all, I'm not worried you can't get blood out of a turnip
Piper is your world really that bad? Do you really believe that Obama as president is your only hope? I really hope not.

No Ransom my world is pretty good, the weather is finally nice I went backcountry sking today and there was elk sign everywhere. McCain or Obama would be welcome break from the far right that has caused so much damage to this great country of ours
LAST EDITED ON Jun-21-08 AT 09:49PM (MST)[p]GWB is far right?.....yeah right. I wish we had a far right president.

Wow back country sking. It was 104 here today. No snow in sight. A few dust devils and wildfire smoke is about it.

All the wealth concentrated in the hands of a few people, no public lands, are those the things you wish for?
It's been a cold late spring here in Wyoming' the wind rivers are still full of snow, I went sking in the wyoming range, although things are starting to melt fast now
>Getting called useless by a life
>long Walmart greeter...now that hurts.


>after seven and half years of
>Ron Bush most people don't
>even have any change at
>all, I'm not worried you
>can't get blood out of
>a turnip

Wow! the wife and I are doing better now than we ever have in the past, significantly better!

I for one like having that money in my pocket instead of giving it to some bum that thinks the government owes him/her a living.

Wow...thanks G. Bush!!! Its gotta be his fault we are doing so well ;)
I'm glad someone is doing well god bless GWB, the problem is a lot of working class Americans are saying something else, do you think they are all lazy bums?
No, a recession is just a manditory coffee break, you should thank Bush for the relaxation.
So does mine, but I'm not stupid enough to think the majority of Americans are in that boat. these are some tough times for a lot of folks and it's going to get tougher, it's nothing to be made light of. if you're immune to the economy you're either in a very good situation, or ignorant to reality.
I know some damn hard working diligent businessmen who won't last another year if things don't pick up.

If I wasn't lucky enough to be in one of he few sectors of the economy doing well and with no debt load I could be one of them myself. I don't think we've seen the bottom of this thing by a long shot yet, you may may not see the humor in it yourself before we do.
I own a costruction company and they say the new home construction sucks. But all of my employes got over 60 hours last week and will do the same this week so if this is the bad times i will smile all the way to the bank. at leest until oboma gets rid of bushs tax cuts and i will have to fire half my crew and then we will see hard times.
>I know some damn hard working
>diligent businessmen who won't last
>another year if things don't
>pick up.
> If I wasn't lucky enough
>to be in one of
>he few sectors of the
>economy doing well and with
>no debt load I could
>be one of them myself.
>I don't think we've seen
>the bottom of this thing
>by a long shot yet,
>you may may not see
>the humor in it yourself
>before we do.

all the more reason to make the Bush tax cuts permanent and cut corporate tax rates to 25% ;)
Do you even care about the national debt?

Until we get a handle on energy prices our economy will keep going down hill, tax cuts just like interest rates are a stimulus but not a cure, and both are as low as they can get.
Do you do realize who controls congress don't you? The Dems even rode into office saying they would have an energy plan the Republicans were doing nothing to stop rising gas prices. In the last 2 years, under democrat control, the budget is out of whack, the deficit is rising, and gas prices have almost doubled.

Great job by the Democrat controlled Congress!!!

Member: RMEF, SCI, and NRA
Bingo!! We are now suffering the effects of the Dems 2006 energy bill. Prior to that a barrel of oil was $64 and gas was $2.25 a gallon, high but livable.

As far as the deficit goes. They know for an absolute fact that if you want more of something just cut taxes. Even the Queen Marxist Pelosi admitted earlier this yr that for every $1 cut in taxes they make back $1.26. So the problem is not that taxes are to low, the problem is they can't control their spending, and they haven't been able to control it for the last 40 yrs or more. Both parties are guilty but the dems even more so because in that 40 yrs, all but 8 I think they controlled Congress.

Whats the definition of insanity? If you want to get what you've always got, just keep doing what you've always done. There insane and so are we, we keep putting them back in office don't we.
Some of you people are totally selfish and sheeplike, the Barons of greed. Who cares if the stock market is a heck of a lot lower than when Bush came into office, Who cares that young people are going inherit a ten to twenty trillion dollar debt soon, who cares that Americas infrastructure is falling apart, yea lets cut corporate tax rates then maybe the CEOs can get a big raise, wouldn't that be great, I'm guessing that when the federal debt hits around 15 trillion and the economy suffers accordingly that there will be enormous pressure to sell public lands to help ease the pressure and that will help complete the true right wing dream, It reminds of a bumper sticker ... the Bush legacy leave no child a dime... and I might add not much of a country either
I don't know boys & girls .... but it feels like this is going to get a whole lot worse before it gets better. Seems we've started down a path that's gunna take a long time to turn around! What we have is the rest of the world catching up at our own greedy expense .... but wait .... I just received our $322.60 "STIMULATE CHECK" now me and my wife are fighting over what we should spend it on. I say Cambodian Sex Wax and she is thinking toys for the Grandkids.


3 blade if we can get all this money into the treasury by cutting taxes then why dont we cut them by 50% What could be better? cut taxes so people will vote for you and get all this money back, man its all so simple why didn't I think of that before?
Great idea Piper! After all its our money isn't it? Now all we have to do is get the congress to live within its means. I do it, do you?
>I know some damn hard working
>diligent businessmen who won't last
>another year if things don't
>pick up.
> If I wasn't lucky enough
>to be in one of
>he few sectors of the
>economy doing well and with
>no debt load I could
>be one of them myself.
>I don't think we've seen
>the bottom of this thing
>by a long shot yet,
>you may may not see
>the humor in it yourself
>before we do.

No way Dude. Some people are recession proof. Count me in that group.

Check out where the national debt was when Bush tok office and where it was and what direction it was headed before the dems gained their small majority in 2006.

Then tell me how conservative the conservatives have been.
huntindude....re read post 26, I said.

So the problem is not that taxes are to low, the problem is they can't control their spending, and they haven't been able to control it for the last 40 yrs or more. Both parties are guilty! But the dems more so because it is they that have controlled congress for most of that 40 yrs.
Piper; You must be young enought to still be wet behind the ears when you start bashing tax cuts and the effects it has on the economy.
A previous President tried to get congress to go along with him on providing tax cuts to the citizens and business in order to stimulate the economy and create more jobs based on those business's taking their windfall and enlarging their business. Thus creating more jobs for the average American worker.
Congress would not listen and said it would not work. It was not until that President was assassinated before the congress would pass a bill that honored him and his want of a tax cut.
Within a short time, the economy did pickup and more Americans were taken off the unemployment rolls. In fact our country enjoyed a great increase in the economy for years to come, even while fighting a war in Viet Nam. That President was a Democrat by the name of John F. Kennedy, and the last great democrat president as far as I am concerned.
Those tax breaks do create more jobs, but we have to have reasonable spending to go along with it. Something we have not had for the past 15 years. We need to wise up in voting and get rid of the porkers, & out right lying crooks and demand more from our all of our elected officials from all parties. This being loyal to the party and only voting for party officials has killed us. We need to vote for the person, no matter which party, and demand a higher level for them in their job of repersenting us the citizens. Then maybe we will not have to vote for the lessor evil as often we do today.

The JFK quote that Limbaugh highlights constantly was made when the upper income tax rate was 91%, during Eisenhower after WW2. The truth is the government doesn't take in near enough money to pay the bills, maybe if we did pay the bills there would some encentive to cut spending, The republicans talk a mean game when it comes to reducing spending but the things they love are whats killing us, massive military spending,unregulated greed based health care,a huge prison system caused in part by a 200 billion dollar a year drug war that doesn't work and causes crime, I don't see where the Bush tax cuts have been successful except in dismanteling the middle class and causing a lot of economic misery in the future, lower taxes would be great but they shouldn't be put on a credit card
So, does that mean you are advocating that we gut our military and might not be able to defend ourselfs if attacked by an enemy.
What do we do with the health plan, adopt a goverment pays all plan that will increase our taxes two fold.
Keep returning criminals to the street by placing them on probation instead of prison time. Trying to rehab criminals is very expensive and has shown not to work that great in the past.
Stop the war on drugs and make it all legal and end up with more addicts like England did with their methodone treatment give away. Also when these burned out druggies get to the point of not being able to function in society, do we put them all on SSI and support them to their dying day. I would hate to see the tax dollar amount that would require, and if we do not do that they resort to becoming criminals to survive.
I do not accept your opinion that the tax cuts have "dismantled the middle class". You will need to explain that one in more detail with more facts before I can go along with that.
Your ideas seem more and more of the same ones I heard from the liberals of the 60-70's and most of them have failed to work and were too damn expensive that the working people would not accept the taxes that was needed to support those liberal visions of a perfect world.
The dems have controlled congress for the last 40 years? actually it's been pretty even but what happened from 2000-2006 when your hero had the whitehouse and congress at the same time? that was your moment in the sun and where did you lead us fiscally?

It doesn't matter who gets elected taxes will have to go up, sooner or later China and our other lenders are going to expect us to start acting like adults and pay our way. or we can just sell them our country to pay the tab, that seems popular as well.

Bush tried low taxes and big spending and it didn't work worth a crap, the next president takes office with a gigantic debt and a poor economy . he'll need a strategy other than " borrow it "

Tell us what the current growth rate is since you are so knowledgeable.
Maybe we should try this plan, low taxes and even lower spending.

LAST EDITED ON Jun-24-08 AT 04:13PM (MST)[p]he is not my hero. What do you not understand about both sides are guilty. Why don't we just say that the 545 people in DC need to control their spending! They need to cut taxes and CONTROL spending!! No one has tried that yet have they??

If we raise taxes the resulting contraction in the economy will actually decrease the amount of money they collect. This has been proven again and again and again. If you want less of something raise taxes, its an economic rule!

ok, I give up. I see I am going to get nowhere with this.
plain and simple if you raise taxes for bisnes owners that all ready pay to much people will get fired. and belive me I know I own my own company and if you work for some one else you have no idea what we have to pay out. so lets raise my taxes and i will have to fire half of my crew that makes alot of sence.....
but I also think bush and the congres spend are mony out of there a$$. If you live like the goverment ows you nothing and you get out and earn it you will be way more happy.But i work way to hard to give them more mony.
military spending is taboo to talk about because if you say anything about the cost you are accused of gutting the military and we will be taken over, the truth is 47 percent of the worlds military spending is done by the USA in other words we spend allmost as much as the rest of the world put together, I dont think we are going to be taken over do you? You should listen to Pres. Eisenhowers farewell speech carefully and remmember he was a 5 star general and remmember his role in WW2, you should know that the US prison population is the largest in the world, our incarceration rate is about 7 times that of Canada or Great Briton and our crime rate is just as high or higher, drug use has not slowed down one bit over the years and is just as high as places as Amsterdam, Cocaine is cheaper than it was 30 years ago, the THC content in pot is the highest in history right now. we have rampant crime in many big cities because of the way we treat drug use as a country, This country spends far more on health care per person than any other its just that sometimes its hidden because employers pay and there are hidden costs in our goods and services, the quality is no better and sometimes worse than many other countrys, over 30 percent of health care dollars go to insurance companys and with insurance companys we get lots of lawyers both theirs and yours,We don't even have computerized medical records like many countrys,allthough thats not a good option with insurance companys running the show,Its a sad joke for many Americans and its getting sadder all the time. So tell me where would you cut spending? since the big things are fine and working well, don't tell me, if we can just get rid of earmarks and welfare everything will be fine...
I paid enough taxes last year I didn't get a kicker check so don't tell me about taxes. Nobody hates taxes more than me that's why even though I can't stand McBush I may very well vote for him.

Yet I'm a realist, if you spend like Paris Hilton you need to have an income, so that means taxes. if Bush hadn't spent us into the poor house I might say we could hold this level of taxation, now with the debt we have and our economy tanking taxes will have to be raised just to hold where we are.

You want to fight elective wars, play world cop and Santa, keep our military strong and have low taxes, Bush tried it and had to borrow the difference so what makes you still say it can work? we tried it and now we're borrowing money from Hop Sing just to pay the bills. something has to change.
so insted of higher taxes lets get rid of all the goverment hand outs and the problem is solved and i meen all of then coservitive groups and liberal groops DONT GIVE THEM MONY.. I think that bush and congress should stop wasting are mony.And for the drug users put them in a room with all the drugs they want and let them OD. its there choice to do drugs so.
I'm all for letting the stoners OD, everyone wins.

On welfare and related issues I wish it were that simple, for generations we've bred welfare bums that know nothing else, most of you are opposed to public funded abortion and family planning but we pay a welfare child bonus so lets do our best to breed even more, smart thinking. there is no way to just cut them off, they're not going to starve they're going to steal, riot whatever it takes to get what they want. we'ld be looking at a class and race war that could make us another Iraq of sorts, it may happen in time anyway but lets make it later. most of these people have no skills or ambition so they're parisites without a remedy. I should add I have no problem helping those doing their very best to help themselves and there are many of those out there. not everyone on pulic assistance is a cull, some people are just delt a bad hand in life and those I'm sympathetic to.

Then we have our billions in forign aid to Israel and the other parasites we support, not to mention the never ending 341.4 million dollars a day in Iraq.

So back to reality, we need more money to feed our leeches, that means higher taxes, end of story.
I like it when Dude's moderate side speaks, he had some valid points. I also am willing to help persons who are making a honest effort to better themselfs. But, like Dude said, our liberal welfare programs have bred 3 generations of professional welfare bums that feel we owe them a living.
as for the drug problem, having worked as a undercover narcotics officer, I have zero percent tolerance for drug dealers. they deal death for a profit, let them reap death when convicted of narcotics dealing. I do not mean the 20 years or more sitting on death row and us feeding and housing them. Get convicted, appeal court has 60 days to determine they got a fair trial, if conviction upheld in 60 days, kill them on day 61.
users of hard drugs, get one time chance of rehab, second conviction gets hard time on chain gang for 2 years.
I also believe that we need to cut money to foreign countries that have backhanded us while holding out their hands for our money. This is about 90% of the countries we have funded.
Alot of our money is spent on bullcrap programs that need to be removed from federal funding.
As for the military, one reason we have not been attacked since WW11 is the fact we are ahead of other nations in being a strong military force with the latest equitment. We can still keep that if we look at other areas of reducing that we spend money on. Just pulling most foreign aid would balance that. If the other nations scream about us pulling our foreign aid, they ned to be told to step up to the plate with their money in hand and not just their vocal ranting.
We need to start running this country like a business, instead of the bottomless well that congress thinks it is.
<so back to reality, we needmore monyto feed our leeches, that <means higher taxes, end of story.

cut the lazy POS off that will teach them.

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