Pissing On America

You should know something about that subject of "Pissing on America", you have been doing it for a long time.

If barry had a good relationship with our allies we wouldn't be having this conversation.
Any red blooded American should be outraged at the actions of the Israeli government and what the speaker did. It should be nonpartisan outrage as well.

>Desperate times call for desperate measures.

Buck same quote Hitler used. NeMont hit this one exactly. I have no idea how any American no matter what your party preference or ideology could support this.
Double post it pisses me off so much. There is an organization that Israel funds where if you do the conversion to Judaism you are allowed to immigrate, can't remember the name off the top of my head. Look it up and off to the Holy Land for you that support this. We'd be hanging your UnAmerican a$$ if it wasn't for the Constitution. We still need the Alien and Sedition Act, supporting Israel over the US is treason IMO.
Who cares what you people think? It is a perfectly legal move for Boehner and his buddy. The fact that Obama hates Jews and treated their Prime Minister like a piece of crap for the last six years means he can and will do what he needs to to get to speak to America. Obama is all about the Muzzies and with the mess his Arab Spring and early withdrawal issues have created you better believe most Americans will support Israel. At least they still have a set of balls. Any allies left in the ME for America that are not collapsing? Might need a base or two nearby in the future.
Considering what's at stake, and the flagrant disdain Obama has shown toward Netanyahu, I'm ok with it.
I understand that Netanyahu might be your Prime Minister but he's not mine. I'm an American you guys that love Israel so much might want to reaffirm your allegiance to Israel since their interests and ours are not one in the same. Obama doesn't treat Netanyahu like the king of the World, Netanyahu thinks he is which is the problem with you Israel lovers. I don't dislike Israel or the Jews but I pledge allegiance to my country not a foreign country that uses our good will.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-25-15 AT 04:03PM (MST)[p]For some of you patriotism stops were Israel is concerned.


"When we go to fighting their standing right next to us." (DW)

What are you talking about? I thought you had some sense and logic and Dude was wrong. Where did they fight beside us?
A. Vietnam
B. Korea
C. Persian Gulf
D. Afghanistan
E. None of the above

E is the correct answer. To be fair a few tactical bombings in Iraq but that's it.
Bibi is coming to America to declare war on Iran.

That chicken shyt can't do it from his own country.

I guess you could look at it like Boehner gave an executive order against the will of most Americans. Does that make you feel better? It should.


It's written in the good Book that we'll never be asked to take more than we can. Sounds like a good plan, so bring it on!
"But what neither the Speaker, nor those who cannot manage to think beyond their distaste for this president, understand is the truly unprecedented step Boehner has taken by joining with the leader of a foreign nation against his own president.

Presidents come and go. However, respect for the office of the presidency, particularly on the part of the man who is second in the line of succession to the presidency, should not."

IMO it's just as shameful that you wingnuts don't understand enough about this country to be outraged. Whether Obama uses EO's too much or not isn't the issue and it isn't funny it's a total lack of understanding of this country and what makes it great. You guys remind me a lot of the Arab ragheads.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-25-15 AT 06:47PM (MST)[p]Cornhusker, it is very hard to have any respect for the office of the Presidency when we have a idiot in there that is bent on destroying our Constitution and every thing it stands for.
In a way I do not like what happen with Boehner and Israel, but I can see their frustration of being forced to do it by Obama with his unrelenting agenda. Did not Obama also ship the bust of Winston Churchhill, that was in the white house, back to England. Seems Obama does not like our allies and has a knack for pissing all of them off.

You crybabies must be havin an off day I haven't seen the race card yet. Let me help you out:

O bama don get no respek coz he (half) black!!! Speeka Baynuh, and Mista Nay Tan Yahoo.... is RACISTS!!!!!
I don't agree with what they did but I'm going to say this and we all need to think about it.

It's politics and things usually are never the same as they seem.

Every single thing this president has touched in the middle east has turned to chit! EVERYTHING How many times has he been unaware of events in the middle east? You can't count them on both hands so somebody's not getting briefed or paying attention! We don't screw up our intell that bad, Sorry

I also think it's a shot across his bow to make him aware that he may not be as powerful as he wants to think. At what point does the current charade end? In the past the senior members of the party would have put a check cord on who ever was playing this foolish game. Every president before him has at some point had to work with congress for the benefit of the people.

What better way to embarrass him on the world stage since he thinks nothing of embarrassing them, If world leaders are going around him it sends a message to him, and lets face it they all know exactly what the protocol is. How many allies has he alienated? As Iran has publicly proven we're not the only game in town and their progress with Putin on their nuclear programs is proof.

I suspect that Obama hasn't been truthful with Congress as evidenced by outbursts regarding the matter from within his own party. Given that he has a demonstrated propensity for lying you have to factor in that he may have been caught at it. Somebody is leaking photos and our defense department and CIA should have been aware of things but if that progress hasn't been given to Congress it may explain the outbursts.

I think Obama's problem is he's certainly not feared, respected, or truthful and sadly it's a situation of his own creation at home and abroad. He pissed on America long before the people finally had had enough and lifted their legs in protest and washed his party out of power in the midterms but fear not while wet with anger it didn't seem to dampen his resolve.
Cop out by a cop RELH I obviously live by a different code right is right and you don't do wrong too many in both parties do.

Buck your Mom is calling you're out of computer time you've got school tomorrow.
RELH , what has Obama done unconstitutional? be specific . "he's bad m'kay " isn't specific .

Even if Obama were the antichrist you claim, isn't your republican congress in a position to pretty much shut him down and draft bills to fix what he broke? don't give me any veto chit, that doesn't stop them from trying.

You have congress now, enough of your cry baby whimer sniveling it's time to lead. put up or shut up.

Back to wonderjew, is it good for this nation to have our congress sticking their heads up anyones butt that far? especially a foreign leader with the most powerful lobby in the US ? I hope your wonderjew is gone before Hillary gets in office because she's almost as in love with AIPAC as you clowns are.

The whole thing is disturbing, it's as close to treason as you can buy without crossing the line.

Stay thirsty my friends
Cornhusker I have come to the conclusion that you are nothing but a piss ant liberal that will cover and even lie to protect the fool you voted for twice. You liberals can not stand to get the boot in your a$$ when you play your games!!!!
Dude if Obama could get his way, he would violate the 2nd. and 1st. amendments of the Constitution and even your warped brain knows that. He wants our guns and goes out of his way to target the press when they go against him and got caught at it.

What is with all this righteous indignation. You would think Boehner just raped a nun.
He invited the the head Jew to address congress. Big deal. The Obama administration has not broken any precedence?
Big deal over nothing.
>Buck your Mom is calling you're
>out of computer time you've
>got school tomorrow

What you didn't like my sharptom impression? I figured it would give you and El Baboso goose bumps
No they did not get goose bumps. They just got their thin liberal hide pricked and they do not like it. It's ok in their book if Obama does one of his end runs, but can not stand it when a end run is used to combat Obama's left wing agenda.

One reason they were stupid enough to vote for the con man twice is because under that thin skin, they are just like him. Must of been a big disappointment when Obama even screwed his left leaning liberals by lying to them as well.

Let me ask you muslim licking dorks: is it worse to invite the head of Israel to talk to the House or invite two muslim parents of Bergdahl to speak in the Rose Garden after good men died trying to save his ass? Obama has demolished any sense of protocall for the Executive branch. Basically have George and Weezy Jefferson in the WH poking their finger in the eye of America. I am sure you watched Obama's interview with the fat hooker named Gosell right? Must have broght a tear to your eye.
It has zero to do with Obama. Imagine if Pelosi invited Hugo Ch?vez to undermine GWB when he was in office? it is the idea that our differences end at the waters edge.

There is zero in common between a sitting head of state of a foreign country undermining our president and two parents visiting the Rose garden. That is an apples to Zebra comparison.

Support Israel all you want but you should still put your own country first


They would put Netanyahu in the whitehouse today if it moved Obama out. anything anyone can do to undermine Obama is fine . I really don't think we want to know what they'd approve of.

What I can't figure about you wingnuts is you couldn't figure out who you want to win the super bowl if FOX didn't tell you, yet FOX is saying what Boehner did was wrong and you still won't give.

When FOX isn't far enough to the right, you might be a dipchit.

Stay thirsty my friends
That should tell u we don't believe everything fox says like u claim we do. Thanx for coming to that realization.
Like I said, if FOX isn't far enough right, you might be a dipchit. meaning you are , since you don't get it.

Invite Bebe over and sniff him at one of your AIPAC functions of it gets you off . we don't need him as a congressman.

Stay thirsty my friends
I think Americans want Congress to work together. If Democrats just want to be the party of "NO", maybe they should try winning an election once in a while.

Doing something wrong is better than doing nothing at all, right?

What's the Democrats plan for ending terrorism? Be specific.


It's written in the good Book that we'll never be asked to take more than we can. Sounds like a good plan, so bring it on!

If you are okay with a sitting head of state, regardless of the country, attempting to undermine America's foreign policy from within our own halls of congress, then you need to throw away your conservative credentials and just admit you are not an American in any sense of the word.

If this is the level of your anti Obama feelings are at, then your type of thinking is a bigger threat to this country then any liberal policy ever was.

This one has zero to do with Obama and everything to do with having another country come to the halls of the People's House and undermine America and it's foreign policy. Doesn't matter if you agree with that foreign policy or disagree with it. It has to do with what is America first and we will do what we want without some other countries leader writing checks we have to cash.

This isn't even anti Israel, The actions of Israel's leader and our Speaker to undermine out own country is unheard of.

Support Israel and be anti Obama all you want but to support this action by Boehner and Israel shows anyone with a firing brain cell you don't support America and what her goals are.

Really, Nemont. Hugo Chavez and Israel? Those parents represented the dumbest international move in our history. He gave up five known enemy combatants and they already said one is the head of communications for ISIS. You ever wonder why they refuse to release the results of the Bergdahl investigation that was completed last year?

It is not unamercian to treat Congress like crap so why is it unamerican to have the House invite someone to speak? Clinton did exactly the same thing right before their election so what is the rub? Maybe the tremendous deal Obama is working out with Iran? I am sure they are our best friends right?
LAST EDITED ON Jan-26-15 AT 10:36AM (MST)[p]If barry would spend time with him (his job by the way) congress wouldn't have to. Remember the puppet master is iranian. Treating our allies like allies is what barry should be doing.
Buddyin up to our enemies and ignoring our allies is proving to be a lousy foreign policy!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-26-15 AT 10:55AM (MST)[p]So you are just dishonest in regards to supporting America and American interests aboard.

That now makes sense why you would cheer for an American failure in Foreign policy.

Anyone who supports Boehner on this truly needs to lower their American flags and fold them up and give them to people who want this country to succeed.

Only idiots and Anti American citizens would support any foreign leader coming here to undermine our country, regardless of who is in the White House.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-26-15 AT 11:04AM (MST)[p]Maybe I missed something (it happens but I forget the last time) give me the link that says they will b plotting against the us. Is this a closed meeting no dems allowed? If the dems are invited they can foil the plan and save the us and remain in power for all eternity.
DimWit what is it you look for in allies? just someone to take money and serve themselves?

How many troops has Israel put into any war we've been in since Israel was founded ? Allies used to be people who fought with you not just coat holders.

I'd just really like to know what makes Israel a nation we want leading us around by the nose. it's even worse when you ask them to.

Israel wants us to end talks with Iran and bring about a war which we will fund and fight. if you morons can't see that I pitty you.

How about this zionists, if Iran is prevented from getting nukes either by treaty or force Israel must give up the illegal nukes they already have? sound fair? or let me guess that's different. jews are special and need treated as such.

Stay thirsty my friends
So, now democracy is treasonous and unamerican? How about Obama picked a fight and his obnoxious attitude made it a big one. Now he has no balls for the real fight which is typical of his foreign policy. Was he right about the Arab spring? Was he right about Bergdahl? Was he right about Lybya? Was he right about Russia? Syria sure worked out well and Iraq is a total success. Then why would you blindly support him on Iran? He is dangerous and if a coequal branch wants to make that point would you prefer he was allowed to gag them? If Obama is right and has the support of the American people then he has nothing to worry about a speech.
You are free to criticize him, I do every day.

There is a huge difference between being critical of his foreign policy and entertaining a foreign leader who wants to undermine a sitting president and if you are too stupid to know the difference then you are part of the problem of stupid voters in this country.

Do you understand why Israel was being slow walked on the Iranian issue? Do you even care to try to think beyond your tiny little mind about what is going on in the Middle East? Have you considered the impact on the regional balance of power since we knocked off Sadam in Iraq and elevated Iran's influence by installing a Shiite Regime in Baghdad that is allied with Iran?

Who do you think if financing, arming and training a lot of the anti ISIS forces we are leaning on? I will give you a hint, it isn't Israel nor is it Saudi Arabia. It is Iran and since we enhanced their importance in the region through our actions we are trying to work through the back door.

Which is a bigger threat, ISIS or Iran? What is in the best interests of the United States right this minute? Fighting ISIS or being lead into a conflict with Iran through an attack by Israel?

So be critical of Obama, God knows he deserves but don't side with a foreign leader over a sitting U.S. president, That is cheering for failure of our policies. To believe a foreign country, regardless of which foreign country, has our best interest at heart is the stupidest thing ever posted on here.

Cheering Boehner for keeping an open line of communication with our allies is a far cry from anything you claim. This is similar to southern states protecting their border when the federal government would not. I don't see a problem with it. He's going to speak to Congress. You make it sound like we're giving him the nuclear codes and the key.
Cheering Boehner on to let Israel derail our efforts against ISIS is cheering for our failure. I guess we will see if you are willing to sacrifice the blood of your son or daughter to do Israel's bidding, you seem willing to sacrifice every one else's blood.

If this is a legit and above board way to go about it then why is Boehner getting hammered from all sides except the people hoping for our failure against ISIS?

I'm sure we'll hear all about the meeting, and the amount of attention this is getting will look ridiculous.
Looks like the meeting is 5 weeks away. From what I can tell barrys not very far away from Israel right now. Why not swing over, have a little dinner, bottle of wine, chat it up and see what the deal is? Isn't that what you would do if you thought there was an issue between a friend and yourself?
LAST EDITED ON Jan-26-15 AT 02:10PM (MST)[p]If I thought the friend was trying to drag me into the middle of a conflict that I didn't want to be part of because I had my focus on another battle that is already being fought, I would not drop by, especially uninvited and unwelcomed. Add that to the fact that the said "friend" is living in a house that I subsidize and he still doesn't want me around, I will be sure to not stop in.

Maybe the little friend should swallow his pride and realize who is floating his mortgage and lifestyle and eat a bit humble pie when it comes to screwing up my plans.

Nemont-you have clearly stated the Iranian situation. Now, do you think if we play nice with them we will become friends and they will leave us alone? I think they are filling the void from all of the old dictators and hate ISIS because they jumped first and are the opposing tribe. Bottom line is we cannot placate Iran and survive. They are the enemy and they are getting stronger. They will come for you one day and we will have to fight them so why would we not want a base or two in the ME? They will never just agree to get along with infidels any more than ISIS will. I guess we will see if Obama's plan will work as I doubt Congress can override his veto. Oh, I seem to remember something about treaties being the perview of Congress but you can educate me on that one.
We made them stronger or don't you understand that?

Treaties have zero to do with the House and only are ratified by the Senate. Which treaty with Israel do we have for mutual defense?

Here is where the low hanging fruit of people unable to comprehend a world bigger than the State of Arizona go wrong. It is not about playing nice with Iran.

Iran has enough problems of their own with a weakening economy and a population that is very young and very much ready to be part of the modern world. To say they are all our enemies shows how little your mind can absorb as fact vs fiction fed you by the media machine.

You can support 100% Israel right to exists and even that we have tacitly given our umbrella of protection since Israel first became a nation. What no American should accept is another dead American soldier because Israel doesn't like Iran

Thought the commander in chief had to sign off on a declaration of war? Again, after we hear the speech this will b an obvious overreaction.
I'm not stupid enough to have to reiterate what has already been debated. I'm just going to tell you on this NeMont is spot on and "YOU ARE WRONG."

I really wonder if your dislike for Obama is so strong that you actually want the U.S. to fail. The only other explanation I have is you just aren't bright enough to understand why the head of state of another country undermining your president in the House is a big deal. Either way it has nothing to do with Obama an a lot to do with you. Some of us have to work and can't get involved in the debate that raged I'm on central time.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-26-15 AT 03:20PM (MST)[p]When was the last declared war? Be specific

I give two $hits what Bibi has to say, he isn't our president and doesn't get to vote on whether Iran is bad or not.

The content matters way less than the optics of this do. Suppose anyone is watching this outside the United States and making plans based upon Boehner's need to give Obama the finger while bowing to Israel?

What he says in front of the House speaks way less than the fact that he is there and he has the ear of the Crier of the House. I thought Boehner was just another RINO.
Again, if it's that big a deal, drop by. He's right next door. Act like a man, act like the leader of the free world. I banged on christe awhile back for an optics issue and u had a problem with that. He will do nothing and get all the mileage out of this he can....sad. And let's not talk about "bowing" to foreign leaders barry did a little bowing of his own awhile back. This whole thing could have been avoided if he just did his job and met with him himself
Act like a man? If any sitting president groveled to any other country like you suggest, your hair would be on fire. Why should the president of the United States have to swing by and make nice to a little pr!ck like Bibi? How about Israel act like a nation and fund their own wars and their own military instead of relying on our treasury? Are you good with the Billions we put on our kids credit cards to give to Israel?

I used the bow just because I knew that would come out, here the difference, the king is dead and he isn't going to be interfering in our political process.


So now it is Obama's fault that Bibi is a pr!ck? You probably blame a woman when she gets raped because she was wearing the wrong kind of clothes.

I still cannot believe anyone who claims to be a conservative isn't Pi$$ed off at a foreign leader involving themselves in our politics. It is bad mojo.

Obama sucks, no doubt but we only get to have one president at time and it used to be that our politics stopped at the waters edge and Americans wanted the country to succeed. Now we have guys like you who want to make sure the president fails regardless of what means for us. It is unAmerican.

3 times around the dance floor. U guys are actin like the church lady that just heard someone try to sneak 1 out that turned into a squeaker!
Sometimes the simple kid just can't get it.

It isn't about Obama it's about the Speaker of the House undermining the president in The Peoples House. It doesn't even matter who the president is it's a big deal no matter who is president. I'm sure you're not going to get it but I'll let NeMont keep trying.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-26-15 AT 04:03PM (MST)[p]U guys are acting like they're letting North Korean leader Kim Jong-un speak to congress. It's one of our allies! U guys sound anti Semitic.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-26-15 AT 04:10PM (MST)[p]ah and now the race card comes out. You sound like a bent wrist liberal accusing anyone of being antisemitic. Go find a single thing I have posted that is against the Jewish faith. You find one and I will delete my account here.

Here is the problem when you let something slide because the side you support is in office, you lose the moral authority to demand different actions when the side you support takes over.

How do you know what Bibi says won't set off more problems we have to deal with. He will have the world's attention and the rest of the world is watching and not everyone watching is going to draw the same conclusion you are. Bibi is there working in the People's House to ratchet up pressure on Iran, at the very same Iran is at a crossroads and we have leverage on them. Bibi is removing any leverage and screwing us over for his own good, not for ours.

I am done on the subject people too stupid to understand that what ever weapon you use against your foes will be eventually used on you don't need advice they need a shrink.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-26-15 AT 05:19PM (MST)[p]http://history.house.gov/Institution/Foreign-Leaders/Joint-Sessions/#.VMbYM_QZXfM
Looks like it happens on a fairly regular basis. Again their an allie.
DimWit, still waiting on you idea of what make allies.

Stay thirsty my friends
Seriously, Carol writes for Israel National News, Israpundit, Think Israel.org, One Jerusalem.org, and the Israel Insider.

I can't find anywhere that he would have a vested interest or bias at all. (Sarcasm). Even then his list is B.S. The 6 day war showed flaws in Soviet Weapons. I will guarantee Dude is going to eat this up this should be interesting.
Dw, that's classic comedy, thank you.

Did you happen to notice everything Israel did for " us " was in their back yard and directly effected their welfare? odd huh?

You didn't mention how much money and equipment we give them to do things for " us " either I noticed. know what those numbers are?

If Israel wasn't stirring the hornets nest just how many things would we need them to do for " us " anyway ?

Most important of all , if Israel doesn't have to operate more than 100 miles from home to why don't we be good allies and do things for Israel and the rest of the world within 100 miles of our border ? think that will fly?

You set the bar for being good allies real real low. take care of your own azz ONLY , get someone else to pay for it and get credit for doing it from zionist mouthbreathers.

Answer by the way, Israel sent NO troops to any of our wars since they they were gifted their country.

Stay thirsty my friends
>Anybody catch O'Reilly's talking points tonight?

Nope I don't need anyone to help form opinions.
Then you are saying you have a closed mind to any other opinion outside of yours. A little bit narcissistic on your behalf don't you think? I do not agree with most liberals and the liberal press, but I still listen to them in the event they have something worthwhile to say.

You're an anti-semite if you call a zionist out for his actions. You can't win can you? well AIPAC's job in a nutshell.

Sad to see how many mouthbreathers suck it up at the expense of their own nation.

Stay thirsty my friends
>Anybody catch O'Reilly's talking points tonight?

I did. To borrow Cornholer's favorite new phrase, he was spot on.
>You're an anti-semite if you call
>a zionist out for his
>actions. You can't win can
>you? well AIPAC's job
>in a nutshell.
>Sad to see how many mouthbreathers
>suck it up at the
>expense of their own nation.
.....you are a racist if you call out Obama for anything......

.....the left wins because they are so successful at convincing seemingly intelligent people to be their tools......


I liked it big...fondler doesn't
Looks like Nemont and Dude just lost part of their Obama team cheerleading crew. Bergdahl is being charged with treason and disertion. This will make Obama look like the biggest jackass in history. Having Bergdahl's parents saying a muslim prayer in the Rose Garden after he traded 5 killers for their son. Just the guy we need negotiating with the Iranians for our children's future safety.
So from now on we leave any soldiers behind we aren't sure are worthy of saving . you people are idiots.

Don't change the subject from Israel AIPAC junkies.

Stay thirsty my friends

I get that you would abandon American Servicemen and Women to the enemy because you don't like the President but thank god the ethos of the military is superior to the population at large of this country.

If Bergdahl is convicted, that is his fate do to his actions and his choices. At least he is on American soil, facing American Justice and doing so because he failed America. I know none of that matters to you but it matters to the people who serve. It matters that they believe our country would move the heavens and stars to try to get them back, regardless of what they did or did not do.

To do less is dishonorable, I guess I know where you fall on that spectrum.

Doesn't matter, they aren't in the chain of command when it comes to deciding if he was to be left behind or not.

So I take you are willing to decide who is American enough for you to bring home as well? Again thank god for the honor and integrity of our Armed forces.

Sounds like the same Chain of Command has decided to punish him for his actions. Again the honorable thing to do, once he is accounted for.

Ever stood in a formation for roll call and there is a missing man? Even in peace time is a big deal to account for everyone under you command: good, bad, smart, lazy, deserter or POW.

And if precedence and protocol mean so much why did we give up fiveterrorists for 1 deserter?
Nemont-you are a pompous ass for sure. I am all for doing whatever to get a soldier back other than releasing people who will definitely kill more soldiers. I am not for the POTUS parading the muslim parents in the Rose Garden for a photo op when he surely knew from intelligence reports that Bergdahl was a deserter. Then the soldiers who served with him went public and said he was a deserter and the WH immediately trashed them. By the way blowhard it was reported on NBC news today and they said they confirmed it with the Pentagon which last time I checked was not O'Reilly.
FYI I wasn't involved in that decision. Go ask the people who were.

If O'Reilly's guest ends up being correct he is a big douche bag for getting ahead of the official announcement. No honor in that, but just for a micro second, assume no charges are brought against him, yet you are fine with convicting him in the court of O'Reilly?

I thought conservatives love the Constitution? Since you seem to know more than the person whose job it is to decide whether to bring charges or not, what exactly will Bergdahl be charged with?

LAST EDITED ON Jan-27-15 AT 11:17AM (MST)[p]Glen,

Per Captain Jack Sparrow, "Sticks and Stones, love".

Which will have a lasting impact on our security and peace: Bergdahl's dad mumbling a prayer or Bibi committing us to an armed conflict with Iran

Do you ever think beyond the borders of Arizona or even care about the future for our kids and grand kids? You sure seem willing to spend their blood and treasure on Israel.

There are how many raghead terrorists? you really thing 5 we couldn't prove a case on are the ones who matter? grow up.

As Nemont said it's not up to the soldiers he was with to decide his fate. what a way to run a miltary you clowns.

Follow the money, AIPAC has the best congress money can buy. Rand Paul only 5k ? no wonder he's sucking up to the jews like a hoover deluxe.


Stay thirsty my friends
According to the NBC news article he will be charged with desertion and released likely with a dishonorable discharge and lose the $300000 in back pay. Maybe treason but I doubt it. You are quick to attack FOX and support Obama/Bergdahl but have a closed mind on allowing the bumbling idiot in charge to negotiate a treaty without congress. He said he will do whatever he wants and screw congress so we all know where the O stands. Do you trust John Kerry and Obama to protect your grandkids? Both are weak kneed fools and you know it. If Israel falls and the Jews are all dead then you think the ME will just go away? We might just see fairly soon the way things are going.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-27-15 AT 12:24PM (MST)[p]No I don't trust Kerry or Obama nor do I trust Boehner and I especially don't trust Bibi.

You do understand that Israel has nukes in violation of many international treaties right?

Show me where I supported Obama/Bergdahl.

Do you believe we won't come to Israels aid when they are attacked? There isn't a president or future President that will allow Israel to fall to force of arms. Israel is going to swamped by a population time bomb and the growing impatience the rest of the world has with us and them.

Do you trust Boehner to give a damn about your grandkids? Be specific on how Bibi committing us to conflict with Iran, being cheered on by Boehner makes us safer.

You can dislike Obama and Bibi and still stay true to conservative principles. It is not an either or choice like the low hanging fruit around here seems to think it is.

What Boehner is doing is unwise, bad politics and does nothing to make us safer. Zero, zip, nada.


My point exactly O'Reilly's guest is a douche bag, much like the host of the show.


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