Pissing On America

Common sense isn't real common with you or RELH. Most of the real nut jobs faded away, Kingfish, Aspen Adventures, Forkie but some of you guys have hung in there.
>Common sense isn't real common with
>you or RELH. Most
>of the real nut jobs
>faded away, Kingfish, Aspen Adventures,
>Forkie but some of you
>guys have hung in there.
One thing is true you and rest of the Haters of our Country would be covered in spit by the Veterans of this Country.
Corndog you want to be like Obama and you want to be so politically correct but you can't without a head on your shoulder after ISIS chops your head off.
Cornhusker, I do not hate Obama the person. I just hate his wanting to change this country to a socialist state. As for you and your blind devotion to Obama and his liberal socialist ways.
As a veteran I would not cross the street to pi$$ on you if you were on fire. You better be glad that most of the generation of WW11 vets are in their graves or they would tar and feather you and your kind and run you out of this country.

Pretty bad when Cornholer calls people unAmerican for supporting the only democratic ally we have left and Nemont calls people unAmerican for building a social security contribution of $300000 and expecting to at least get their own money back. Sad state of affairs between the jew haters and people that want to push Granny off a cliff. I hope every country in the world figures out Obama is a phony coward and flips him the bird in public. I don't have to respect the fool just becaus 51% of the country was dumb enough to vote for him. He is still an idiot.
You take lying to a new height here. Show me where I said I hate boomers for just wanting their money back? That would be cheap and actually something I support. At least that would end the forced enslavement of my kids and grandkids.

What boomers want is their money plus all their medical paid for through Medicare and continued cost of living adjustments forever, regardless whether or not they have means to pay their own way.

So continue your lie if it makes you feel better and continue to take with both hands from Social Security and Medicare and still condemn the generations below you as lazy free loaders. That is why boomers are the worst generation of Americans. They are like you, liars and greedy and don't care what happens to the country as long as they get what they want.

So, I paid in around $300000 with no interest. I have not had a medical expense for 10 years and my mother who is 92 has not seen a doctor for 25 years and never took a pill. When you pay your $300000 for the good of the nation I will do the same. Write me the check and we will be good.
>So, I paid in around $300000
>with no interest. I have
>not had a medical expense
>for 10 years and my
>mother who is 92 has
>not seen a doctor for
>25 years and never took
>a pill. When you pay
>your $300000 for the good
>of the nation I will
>do the same. Write me
>the check and we will
>be good.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-19-15 AT 09:04AM (MST)[p]Glen,

I know you hate facts but for every one of who who isn't taking their are 25 who are. As a generation boomers are the worst, it isn't even close.

Let's review for a moment. Boomers have and will inherit more wealth than any generation in history. What do they leave behind?

Record debt, no net investment in infrastructure, their kids and grand kids in debt prison for the debts ran up by boomers, a broken education system, broken medical system, broken foreign policy, broken government, broken country.

Debt: Bush one was the last WWII generation president, national debt was $2.5 Trillion. After three boomer presidents the national debt is now $17.8 trillion.


Boomers are the grasshopper generation, consuming everything in front of them without a worry about what happens to the people after them. They play lip service to it but just look at Glen. He supposedly paid in $300,000 but instead of just saying that was the price for living in the greatest nation during it's largest economic boom, he wants his tax money back. Even though most the debt and spending went back to programs for the boomers. Tell me what is patriotic about paying taxes and demanding them back just because you didn't get yours.

How much do you think my kids and grand kids will have to pay for your generations orgy of debt? I know you are owed your money back but hey who cares if the lazy next generation has to give up their labor to pay for your debts, as long as you get yours, all is well.

Don't P!ss down my back and tell me it is raining. I would write you a check for $300,000 if you would denounce you Social Security and Medicare. If you are drawing both then you are party of the problem not the solution. You should be trying to help the people coming later because your generation spent all the trust fund money on themselves.

Interesting that the national debt exploded in the last ten years but it is all the fault of the boomers right? Why don't you be honest for a change and admit that you are an advocate of redistribution of wealth. Write me the check and you can keep medicare and SS. I will never use the amount I paid in let alone the compounding interest on that money. It was a democrat liberal program and you can bet there are millions of people in later generations that are sucking it dry as we speak. SS disability is growing faster than any other government program. Your generation piled on the debt faster than mine did.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-19-15 AT 10:14AM (MST)[p]
The last three president were boomers, who else should be blamed?

Why don't you be honest and state that you believe the government owes you?

I just went and looked at what my expected life time SS and Medicare Taxes are given my income and when I hit full retirement age. I will have paid the treasury $1,325,000 in just Social Security and Medicare taxes. That doesn't count income taxes or state and local taxes.

Care to bet which age group is using Social Security disability the most? Do you really want to go there?


(look at the above graph and tell me again that education doesn't matter to our country)

It is about averages numb nuts or are you so into denial that you can't figure it out. Instead of thanking guys like me for paying in so you can get yours, you crap on the next generations and demand your money back, even though the guys and gals your generation voted in spent it.

Boomers are the just like you: self centered and do not care what happens to the people who have to pick up the tab for the bills your generation has rung up. Facts don't lie.

I am already having income redistribution happen to me. It is done to me every year as the government redistributes my money to boomers.

For a boomer to whine about income redistribution shows how greedy they really are.

That graph can be misleading. It does show that highest percentage of disability insurance to be the 60-64 age group as of the time it was compiled.
I am willing to bet that when the generations behind the 60-64 group get up into that age group, they also will have a much higher use of disability insurance benefits as they get older.
It appears that we should not be that concerned about the age group as Nemont is, but more concerned about amount of low achievers that end up sucking the well dry with programs pushed and supported by the liberals in this country.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-19-15 AT 11:26AM (MST)[p]
That is probably true but it is also true that the VAST majority of new claims for Social Security Disability are coming from Boomers.



As Boomer gain power in DC spending soars. That again is just a fact.

This was all predictable when they hit the ground. It's like a wave going threw, the water left in its wake will b turbulent.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-19-15 AT 12:16PM (MST)[p]I guess my point was they aren't to blame for when they were born. All the planning in the world won't turn the tide
Had we not been rapeing these accounts for years they might still b viable today. I don't expect to receive a nickel from ss. That's been my thought process and planning since I was a teen.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-19-15 AT 01:10PM (MST)[p]Had we not been raping accounts? It happened regardless of who was in control so that is a cop out.

I don't blame boomers for when they were born. All I would ask is that they quit trashing the generations below them as lazy slugs and then turn around and hand them the bill. To take even a small amount of the blame for the shape our finances are in. As a generation they were given the keys to Cadillac and are handing over a broken down pinto. Yet you won't find many who will admit they any responsibility for anything except the ones like Glen, who bust on me as being unAmerican when he wants his regardless of what it would do to the country.

I will pay more than 3 times almost 4 times what he has and I get that it won't be there. Don't hear me demanding my money back.

I paid a much higher tax rate in 1980 when I was earning $150000 a year than you do taday and I thought all those years my tax contribution was to pay for the government. On the other hand social security was said to be a "secure" account in my name for me to withdraw when I got old. That was above and beyond my part in paying for the government. Please explain.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-19-15 AT 02:15PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Feb-19-15 AT 01:39?PM (MST)

That shows how stupid you are because you believed that. SS has been a pay as you go program since it was passed. There was never, ever an account with your name on it. Never has been, never will be. That money was spent on current beneficiaries just like it is today. The so called surplus was stuck into what? They are being redeemed monthly now.

You can pretend the government told you there was an account with your name on it but that was never put into any official communication from government to you. That may have been talked about at coffee and you were not smart enough to check it out for your self.

I bet I pay a higher marginal tax rate than you did on $150,000 back in 1980. If you were making that in 1980 you should be in the 1% today.


You paid lower FICA taxes with more of your income exempt from the tax. In addition you didn't pay all the additional fees we have today nor did you pay the AMT if your income Exceeds $200,000 and your health insurance premium was what $80 to $100 a month, gas was less than a buck? So please spare me that you were over taxed. You should be rolling in it because the you would have to exceed $450,000 now to equal $150,000 in 1980. If you couldn't figure to invest and save shouldn't be the fault of the those of us now stuck with your bill now.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-19-15 AT 07:15PM (MST)[p]

Wow I missed a fun day here. I guess the moral of the story is the only thing wingnut baby boomers care more bout than themselves is Israel.

There is no debate baby boomers are the most selfish irresponsible lot in the history of this nation. I'm saying that as one from the very tail end myself, be honest for once in your lives you sad sacks.

DimWit I'll ask again, what has Israel ever done for us? by that I mean for us that wasn't directly for themselves. be specific.

Stay thirsty my friends
I doubt we'll need any ground over there to launch an attack in the future. Your fearless leader has everyone whipped into shape!
We have plenty of places to launch an attack from to protect Israel. we don't even need Israel for that.

Now about those contributions to us from Israel? do tell.

Stay thirsty my friends
Dude what have the Arab nations over there done for us. They have stabbed us in the back far more times then Israel has ever done. Made a $hit pot of money off of us selling us their oil at inflated prices after it was Americans that built their oil industry in the 50's.
They got rich off of us and used some of that money to support and fund radical terrs that have attacked us. Osama Bin Laden was a perfect example of that with the Saudi Royals funding their relative money over many years.

Israel is like our in community police force to keep an eye on what the radicals are doing and provide muscle to keep them from going to far overboard.

If we didn't have to protect Israel why would we need to buy any friends in the middle east? just send them money and they send us oil , done and done.

Also to that point, what did Bin laden say about Israel and why we were attacked?

Don't shuck and jive me, answer the questions with facts I don't want your spin or opinion.

Stay thirsty my friends
Mad or evil? he managed to elude a republican for 7 years so what's that say? maybe you're right not much.

Stay thirsty my friends
Good thing we water boarded those guys and got that curriers name and put that gal in charge of finding him 10yrs prior. Glad barry made a clean shot!
> Billy
>Clinton had Obama but declined
>the kill, due to the
>idea of cruelty to animals.

Why would Clinton kill Obama? Seems a little rough.
Dude when old Billy Clinton failed to take that shot at Bin Laden, it was because the aerial photos showed there was a airplane at his terr training camp that belonged to the Royal Saudi family and Billy did not want to pi$$ off the Saudi princes by homing in a cruise missile and killing members of the royal family. They were visiting Bin laden who was related to them. If you want more facts, look them up yourself as they are out there. Talking about spin and opinions, that is your claim to fame. As for us building there oil fields, I had a uncle that spent five years there doing just that in the 50's and they ended up giving us the finger after it was done.

>> Billy
>>Clinton had Obama but declined
>>the kill, due to the
>>idea of cruelty to animals.
>Why would Clinton kill Obama?
> Seems a little rough.
Their was a documentary on Osama about his life and the time he spent here getting degrees and going back to become a terrorist.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-20-15 AT 01:58PM (MST)[p]
Here's a little article why things like the middle east matter. I know it's probably a little long for you 440, but it's easy to follow if your try. So try to look at history and understand it couldn't happen then either. The nuclear timetable only speeds things up 1000 fold. Sure they'd be foolish to take us on but as Hitler and Bin laden have proved it only takes a madman to reap havoc on the world stage.

here you go. It's by Thomas Sowell

Susan Rice shares the mindset of those who glibly dismissed Hitler?s rise in the 1930s. When Alfred E. Neuman asked ?What, me worry?? on the cover of Mad magazine, it was funny. But this message was not nearly as funny coming from President Barack Obama and his national-security adviser, Susan Rice.

In a musical comedy, it would be hilarious to have the president send out his ?happy talk? message by someone whose credibility was already thoroughly discredited by her serial lies on television about the Benghazi terrorist attack in 2012.

Unfortunately ? indeed, tragically ? the world today is about as far from a musical comedy as you can get, with terrorists rampaging across the Middle East, leaving a trail of unspeakable atrocities in their wake, and with Iran moving closer to producing a nuclear bomb, with an intercontinental missile on the horizon. We will be lucky to get through the remainder of President Obama?s term in office without a major catastrophe, from which we may or may not recover.

Iran has announced repeatedly that it plans to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. But you don't need an intercontinental missile to reach Israel from Iran. Tehran is less than a thousand miles from Jerusalem. As was said long ago, ?Send not to know for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee.?

It was painfully ironic to hear Ms. Rice tell us that the danger we face today is not as serious as the dangers we faced in World War II. Anyone who has actually studied the period that led up to World War II knows that the Western democracies followed feckless policies remarkably similar to those that we are following today. And anyone who studies that war itself knows that the West came dangerously close to losing it before finally getting their act together and turning things around.

In a nuclear age, we may not have time to let reality finally sink in on our leaders and to wake up the public to the dangers. There was lots of ?happy talk? in the West while Hitler was building up his Nazi war machine during the 1930s, as the Western intelligentsia were urging the democracies to disarm. The dangers of Hitler?s sudden rise to power in Germany during the early 1930s were played down, and even ridiculed, by politicians, journalists, and the intelligentsia in both Britain and France.

A temporary political setback for the Nazis in 1933 was hailed by a French newspaper as ?the piteous end of Hitlerism? and a British newspaper said even earlier that Hitler was ?done for.? Prominent British intellectual Harold Laski opined that Hitler was ?a cheap conspirator rather than an inspired revolutionary, the creature of circumstances rather than the maker of destiny.? In other words, Hitler and the Nazis were the ?junior varsity? of their day, in the eyes of the know-it-alls.

Even after Hitler consolidated his political power in Germany, imposed a dictatorship, and began building up a massive war machine, the Western democracies continued to believe that they could reach a peaceful understanding with him. There was euphoria in the West when British prime minister Neville Chamberlain returned from a conference in Munich, waving an agreement signed by Hitler, and declaring that it meant ?peace for our time.?

Our time turned out to be less than one year before the biggest and most ghastly war in history broke out in 1939. Today, when people can graduate from even our most prestigious colleges and universities utterly ignorant of history, many people ? even in high places ? have no idea how close the Western democracies came to losing World War II. For the first three years of that war, the West lost battle after battle in both Europe and Asia. France collapsed and surrendered after just six weeks of fighting, and few expected the British to survive the bombardment Hitler unleashed on them from the air.

Americans were defeated by the Japanese in the Philippines and, as prisoners of war, faced the horrors of the infamous Bataan death march. When the British finally won the battle of El Alamein in North Africa in November 1942, this was their first victory, more than three years after Britain entered the war. A nuclear war is not likely to last three years, so there is unlikely to be time enough to recover from years of glib, foolish words and catastrophic decisions.

Thomas Sowell.

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/413953/nows-no-time-happy-talk-thomas-sowell
good one but you may want to review you first post. If you had gotten a better degree you would understand that Osama was the guy in Afghanistan that you hate and Obama is the guy in DC you hate.

Clinton didn't draw a bead on Obama except when Hillary and Obama were locked in a nomination battle.

For christs sake RELH you're back on Clinton not killing the Bush family friend before 9/11 again?

All I can say is you are too damn funny. I love this site.

Stay thirsty my friends
What is the matter Dude? Does facts upset you when it shows that your favorite people you support are capable of having SNAFU moments on things that effect our country.
You blame Bush, and we just lead you by the nose to Clinton who really screwed up and we ended up with 9/11 because he failed to kill Bin Laden prior to 9/11 because he did not want to upset some back stabbing Saudi Royals who were supposed to be our allies.
Just wait and watch Obama's screw ups catch up to us when those terrs he released get back into the game in the near future.

>What is the matter Dude? Does
>facts upset you when it
>shows that your favorite people
>you support are capable of
>having SNAFU moments on things
>that effect our country.
> You blame Bush,
>and we just lead you
>by the nose to Clinton
>who really screwed up and
>we ended up with 9/11
>because he failed to kill
>Bin Laden prior to 9/11
>because he did not want
>to upset some back stabbing
>Saudi Royals who were supposed
>to be our allies.
> Just wait
>and watch Obama's screw ups
>catch up to us when
>those terrs he released get
>back into the game in
>the near future.

I know chicken little, the sky is falling and it's all some black guys fault. it started with Cheney's doomsday predictions in 2008 and you've appointed yourself as the national crier to replace him. bluehairs just have to have something to whine about don't you.

Here you go californians, from a jew paper so you can trust it. Boehner admits he pulled a fast one. and polls show it is not a popular one. well played dipchits.


Stay thirsty my friends
>I know chicken little, the sky
>is falling and it's all
>some black guys fault.
>it started with Cheney's doomsday
>predictions in 2008 and you've
>appointed yourself as the national
>crier to replace him.
> bluehairs just have to
>have something to whine about
>don't you.
>Here you go californians, from a
>jew paper so you can
>trust it. Boehner admits he
>pulled a fast one. and
>polls show it is not
>a popular one. well
>played dipchits.
>Stay thirsty my friends
We all know sooner or later you would find some junk on the internet to post here, now take a nap.
For what it is worth, if it at least appeared we had good good relations with Israel, it would only help the nuke negotiations with Iran.
That's hard to do when the leadership of israel will only be happy once they force us into war with iran.

Stay thirsty my friends

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