Prayers for Zeke


Long Time Member
Many of you would want to know that our friend Zeke lost his wife last night. LaNae was an amazing woman and independent to a fault. She suffered a stroke while alone at their cabin last weekend which eventually took her life. Zeke has already endured the tragic death of his only son Zac and now he is without his incredible companion.
He is certainly one of the finest individuals I know but he has to be reeling badly right now. I'm hoping you will join me in keeping him in your thoughts and prayers.
Please know Zeke that we sincerely grieve for you and your family.
Thanks for the update. Thoughts and prayers for them all. I have lost 3 friends this week, and at our age it is tough to lose out on good friends!!!
I remember as a kid sitting in Zeke and LaNae's home listening to huntin stories and staring at big sheep on the wall. LaNae made sure I had some chocolate chip cookies and a drink. I was starving and those were some of the best cookies I've ever had!

My heart sank when my Dad let me know the bad news today. Lots of prayers and love your way Zeke!
Oh man. Zeke is one of the few that never gets into the bickering and backtalking that so many here do. Always has good things to say, and good advise. So sorry to hear about his wife passing. That's a lot to deal with. I will pray for him.
Zeke...I'm so sorry man. I couldn't even imagine your pain. All the prayers to you man. Ik we have never met formally, but if you ever need ANYTHING, just let me know!
So sad to get this tragic news...wishing you peace and strength during this difficult time. Sincere condolences to the family and extended family of friends.
My condolences to you and yours! When my wife passed away 6 years ago, I remember hearing Willy Nelson's song, "It's not something you get over. It's something you get through". May God, your family and friends help you get gracefully through this.
Oh dear... My you find peace and comfort during this immense time of sorrow. My our Lord bless you and keep you and provide peace amongst you and your loved one. Spirit in the Sky.
I don’t know Zeke personally but from what I’ve seen and read over the years here he seems like a knowledgeable great person. I have no doubt she was the same. Very very sorry for your loss.
Wow. Feel like I was just kicked in the guts. Zeke is a great person and love to visit with him in his office. He has gone through more in a short time then any one person should have too.

Prayers for you and your family Zeke. If you need anything I'm very near by and will help in anyway I can.
So sorry for your loss. I can’t even imagine what you’re going through. Stay strong sir. Prayers sent your way.
I hope to never feel that. Sorry doesn’t go far, just keep goin not much else to say.
Unfortunately, we will all feel this loss at some point here on earth. I know we are all "internet tough guys" on this website, but that alone is a good reason for all of us to be a little kinder to everyone we come in contact with. We all are, or will, face some tough circumstances and losses in this life.

Being kind is not a weakness - I personally need to be better with this.

Some of us may not know you personally Zeke, but we empathize with your loss (now and previously) and hope you feel of our support and love for you and your family!!
I just got off the mountain and saw this on Facebook. So sorry for your loss Zeke ! That explains when I would drive over to the cell phone call out area. That the central Utah family cabin was vacant. Don't take tomorrow for granted fellas !
Zeke is a stand up dude, he has talked sheep hunting with me multiple times. I’m sorry for his loss, and these post are always reminders to do what you love doing as much as you can and spend time as much as you can with your loved ones because non of us are ganurateed tomorrow. Keep you in my thoughts and prayers zeke!
Zeke is a stand up dude, he has talked sheep hunting with me multiple times. I’m sorry for his loss, and these post are always reminders to do what you love doing as much as you can and spend time as much as you can with your loved ones because non of us are ganurateed tomorrow. Keep you in my thoughts and prayers zeke!
Great post Brad.

I wish you and your family well Zeke.
Thoughts and prayers Zeke. I’m sorry sorry to hear of your loss. May the Lord carry until you’re ready to walk on your own again.
Unfortunately, we will all feel this loss at some point here on earth. I know we are all "internet tough guys" on this website, but that alone is a good reason for all of us to be a little kinder to everyone we come in contact with. We all are, or will, face some tough circumstances and losses in this life.

Being kind is not a weakness - I personally need to be better with this.

Some of us may not know you personally Zeke, but we empathize with your loss (now and previously) and hope you feel of our support and love for you and your family!!
Zeke i unfortunately have never met you but the folks who do Shouts loudly to the quality man you are. Im so very sorry for your loss and heartache. ElkhunterUT brings up something for you and all of us to remember, if I had a life verse in scripture its John 16:33. It's Red Letters and says in paraphrase, In this world , you will have many trials and tribulations....But be of good cheer as I Have Overcome This World. This world is just a vapor that quickly vanishes, our earthly bodies are just a tent or temporary dwelling place . It's not goodbye if you know the Lord , it I'll see you later. Praying peace in your home Zeke, the peace that surpasses all understanding. If you'd like to talk , pray, please shoot me a text or call.
Jim Brown
I don't know Zeke but, he sounds like a good guy. It saddens me to hear stories like this. Such a tough thing to deal with. I'll pray for you Zeke. Keep your chin up & stay strong!
I've been off the site for 2 weeks for a family vacation and elk hunting. I was super excited to login and see what I missed. The excitement quickly faded when this was the first post I saw today. As mentioned above, it was a kick in the gut. Heart wrenching feelings for Zeke and his lost.

We love you bro! My deepest condolences. I can only imagine the pain. Just grateful that eternal covenants can lesson the sting.
I am so sorry to hear of this. I couldn't imagine the grief you are feeling, Zeke. I hope God gives you peace very soon.
Anyone heard from Zeke or bigwiffy?

Just checking in on them to make sure they are making it through this time of remorse.


Thanks to all of my MM friends for their thoughts and prayers. Believe me when I say this helps!

It's been quite a transitions for me so far but with the support system that I have, it's been "easier" than it would have been without it.

She's gone (for now) but not forgotten. She wasn't perfect but she was perfect for me!


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