Rattlesnake vs Newfoundland


Active Member
The Utah deadline is close and I still can't decide what to do.
If you had 15 points and could pretty much have the Newfoundland tag or hold out 3-4 more years for the Rattlesnake tag WHAT WOULD YOU DO...
A lot can happen in 3 - 4 years...

People can get hurt or have other health issues arise, the hunter's available time may shrink due to career or family, wild sheep die-offs can occur, etc.

That said, follow your heart and go after the opportunity that you desire. And best of luck in whatever you decide!
The Newfy rams will always be smaller because they are Cali Rams. But you probably already knew that. So the question is how bad do you want to wait? If size is an issue, then you might want to wait. If not, then go for it!
Either way, you are in for a great time...and the fever will get you!
Littlebighorn, I can't argue with that logic...I would love to hunt a California Bighorn....maybe someday!

Alot of things can change in the next 2-5 years....for the better or the worse!
I want a Califonia Big Horn! I have been on a hunt in ID but, alas, it wasn't my tag.

The above posters are spot-on. If you want size wait for Rattlesnake.

LAST EDITED ON Feb-18-11 AT 01:24PM (MST)[p]Hey Zeke and KP
You both should have some Rocky pts. in Utah, so put in for a Cali ram and I will definitely make some time to join the party!
Same here....Thanks for the offer Rick!...I believe I have 8 Rocky points, so I'm not holding my breath, but if lightening should strike and I happen to draw, I'm going to hold you to your promise!

I have been agonizing over this for Months.Back and forth,back and forth...
Since I have 8-12 points in about every State.And I have never even drawn a tag,im going to take the tag and go now.Your right anything can happen...
Thats the problem with points,you get so many built up,you get scared to use them... Thanks for the Reality check.
Newfoundlands Here I come...
Thats a Great decision! Good Luck on your hunt....Can't wait to here your story and see the photos!

My bud from Alaska has the Expo Newfy tag for this year.

I will be out there alot.

Like stated above-----so if you could do with a 20 pt smaller ram then go for the Cali tag on Newfy.

Here's a photo of a ram I took a couple years ago on the Rattlesnake and this past year a MM guy took him with his rifle.


As I recall the scored around 175 or so.

Heres's a couple photos I took this past fall in Desolation Canyon.





Have a good one. BB
LAST EDITED ON Feb-22-11 AT 03:01PM (MST)[p]Hey Robb,
If you are looking for someone to tag along, I would love to scout sheep out there. And how are you healing?

I'm curious if anyone has some Newfy ram pics they could share?
Let me see how this healing goes....

I busted a few stiches out last night while sleeping and had blood on my fingers this morning so I am back to see the Dr.

First night with out the bandages and gauze so I guess I was scratching that area??


I was planning on late April camp trip from the south side....

But more like mid-May now--knowing my Mrs. she will want to go for a Mothers Day camp trip....and come in from the north side.



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