Remeber When............


Long Time Member
I remember when opening day was a holiday from school as we got off on Friday for the annual deer hunt, you could hunt anywhere you pleased. Deer everywhere
The parade down state street with bucks in the back of trucks showing them off.

What the hell happened liberals put an end to that

What do you remember when?............

just a fun post nothing political..LOL
Leaving school with my shotgun in the back seat of my Torino to go bust up some birds. Had about 1.5 hr after school was done for the day before shooting hours ended.

"Courage is being scared to death but
saddling up anyway."
Yup, back in the day (AZ) we had opening Friday off. In high school there were a lot of us that had guns hanging in our gunracks. I go back home sometimes. My generations legacy seems to be that we killed all the jackrabbits and almost all the rattlesnakes. :-(

Splitting my time time between the winter and summer range......
May you live long enough to cash in those preference points. Amen
It hasn't gone away entirely. Our school here has incorporated a "Fall Break". It's the same thing as spring break but it covers the entire youth rifle hunt for the majority of units around here. Pretty cool in my opinion.

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