
>Where's he going?

Probably to a movie. I saw an interview with him and they asked what the last movie he ever saw was... he said it was "One Flew Over the Cookoo's Nest" .... WHEN IT CAME OUT IN THEATRES! Guy is so out of touch with the rest of the world its sad.

To work at Burger King, it's about time. Now that Bush has his tail bewteen his legs he's almost likeable. in his news conference without the " my way or the highway " attitude he seems like an ok guy. proof that absolute power is a bad thing, maybe some change for the better is on the way.
He didn't have a choice, even many republicans wanted him down the road. the republicans will try to pin all the failures in Iraq on him as he goes which isn't fair but that's politics. I doubt he would be gone if the republicans had won no matter what they say but I will give Bush credit for one thing, he'll be the only republican not blaming everything on Rumsfeld.
ok the war is running poor, or is it....history tells us that we were in germany for how long after wwII Rummy, yes needed a change but who can honestly say they looked at the facts not media bumper stickers and slogans and spins but really investigate what is happening who voted for what what each bill really entailed!! here in MT burns is out tester is in.... problem he is not a hunter he sent out pics with himself huntinng pro photographer and a photo shoot set up, I know that the votes for dems was a vote against corruption, but how will we ever get anything done if we force out people based on media fuel... Sad to say I teach american history I know the facts and we have very few true statesmen left, jefferson never fought with madison or franklin over their differences in tax belief they met worked it out and wanted what was best for the country, we now want whats best for ME... no sacrifice. ok off my soap box and I am heading to the mts I need to hike and think and maybe shoot something
Something I know a little about, my wife's family is from Germany and my grandfather and uncles fought the Germans and the Japanese in WW2. The post war occupation of Germany was poorly handled compared to that of Japan and for that reason Germany still has many problems. This is primarily due to the fact we divided the Country in to occupation zones and it took years and years for the Country to be whole again, in all aspects. Now I have heard maybe the same thing for Iraq as a plan. Didn't work well before, won't work this time. Division only brings economic and social seperation. How about an initiative uniting people? There's an idea....
LAST EDITED ON Nov-08-06 AT 12:29PM (MST)[p]Here ya go Demo's!!! Fix it like you have been saying you will. It will be fun to watch the lefties fight with each other as to what to do now!! Sit back my fellow Americans and watch the lefties eat each other.....It will at the very least be very entertaining.
i'm with u on this one zigga its gotta be about the worse possible time to bail,,, bowing to percieved dem pressure already? the smoke hasnt even cleared yet,,, bowing to the rep party? if thats the case why didnt he bail already and possibly minimize some of the damage,,,, actually trying to hide something? i sure hope thats not the case,,,, did the admin really think the losses wouldnt be so great? dunno but imho it bad bad timing at the very least,,,,,,
With the military calling for him to go and the American people plainly fed up with things there was no choice. plus this was an olive branch to the dems that he knew were going to make life so hard on Rumsfeld that this was the only thing to do. now many republicans are mad at Bush for not dumping him ealier so they would have had a chance yesterday, all's well that ends well. there's no easy fix to Iraq no matter who's in charge so I wouldn't expect any big surprises now or later.
Where's he going?

Probably to the insane asylum from trying to be Bush's yes man and dealing with the brain dead Iraqi people. And then trying to justify it to the liberal press who act like a bunch of rabid dogs.
W still hasn't really got it yet. He said today he will work with the Democrats in a bipartisan way. But when asked in what way he will work with the Democrats he stated withdrawal was not an option. Sounds like Rumsfeld left before the ship finally loses buoancy.... I have the utmost respect for our people over there and what they are doing, I just really think the situation would cool down if we eased the pressure off a little. That would give time to let cooler heads prevail and we could then help work to rebuild Iraq -if they want our help. If they don't, then that just frees up more resources to keep OBL cornered and we should take advantage of that.
If the dems take the senate as it looks like they did Bush will work with them in any way they tell him to.
Gee, Dman, an actual idea? I like it too. I think it's time for the Iraqi people to step up and decide for themselves. Lord knows we've done everything in our power to give them that option. And I'm sure Iraq is impotent in the terrorist department, which was the reason for going over there to begin with. That doesn't mean we won't have to go back at a future date, only next time spank the hell out of them!

I could live with that option. Honorable to all who served over there too!

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