ruptured disc


Long Time Member
Well, crap. I have one. Got the results yesterday. How long did it take you old geezers to recover? I was climbing off the cat,...NO, DO NOT PUT YOUR MIND IN *THAT* GUTTER, and stepped wrong. Something tossed me to the ground like a used condom at a free concert.

I have another bull to kill in November.
Sorry to hear about that. I know full well how it feels. I have had surgery 3 times on my lower back over the years, with the most recent last September, in which they operated on 4 of the 5 lumbar discs. Your Orthopedist may recommend an epidural to see if it will calm it down. You don't automatically need surgery with a blown disc. I have had about a dozen epidurals over the years and in most cases, it really helped. In fact, it saved a Montana hunt for me a few years ago. So don't fret just yet, it will work out for you. Have a speedy recovery!!
Hope you're OK doc!

Season Ain't Far away!
Gonna be OK. First couple days I couldn't cough/sneeze without pain. I called for 'wipers' a couple times too.

'Bout done with steroids...and, the muscle relaxers are doing the job. Gotta learn to do less.
I feel your pain. Blew out my previously injured left arm again last week. Urgent care said "you're broken". Tried to kayak on the flat lake yesterday, and that didn't work at all. It's really serious, 'cause I can't lift a coffee cup or a drink! Sports Med today said "you're broken", and scheduled an MRI for next week at the hospital to tell me "how much money do you have???". :)
I feel your pain. Blew out my previously injured left arm again last week. Urgent care said "you're broken". Tried to kayak on the flat lake yesterday, and that didn't work at all. It's really serious, 'cause I can't lift a coffee cup or a drink! Sports Med today said "you're broken", and scheduled an MRI for next week at the hospital to tell me "how much money do you have???". :)
Yea, but can you still cook??
Had one in my neck in 2011. I happen to have burned 12 points that year on an AZ elk tag. Ended up eating it because I couldn't travel from the pain.
Here's what helped more than anything. Physical therapy, in particular there was a single stretch that was amazing. I'm sure that stretch is for that particular disc, but there may be something similar for yours.
2nd: get one of these and use it every day
Sorry to hear that feddoc. These trips to the body parts store are getting more frequent these days. Hope they can rebuild you soon.
I ripped my back one frosty morning at work. I could feel something tear and it took my breath away. I went to the company doctor and he said rest and physical therapy. No x-rays, or scans. He said I wasn't ran over by a forklift so buck up. The first 4 appointments hurt so bad I literally peed my pants on the way home. Then they started to help, or I just healed up. I'll never know. I'm probably tougher than most of you though.
Gonna be OK. First couple days I couldn't cough/sneeze without pain. I called for 'wipers' a couple times too.

'Bout done with steroids...and, the muscle relaxers are doing the job. Gotta learn to do less.
Glad to hear. Always a good thing when body heals itself.
I had 2 fusions in my neck and would recommend if you have surgery go to a neuro surgeon not an orthopedic surgeon. I also had a laminectomy on 2 vertebrae in my lower back and went on a week long deer hunt 8 weeks later.
I had 2 fusions in my neck and would recommend if you have surgery go to a neuro surgeon not an orthopedic surgeon. I also had a laminectomy on 2 vertebrae in my lower back and went on a week long deer hunt 8 weeks later.
I remember that. It wasn't too long, and you were back golfing too. To this day I have to be careful with my golf swing.
Been in the same boat. Steroids, shots, etc help. Here is where you need to be careful. All is good if you cut back on movement. When you get out hunting the bumps, awkward steps, will cause a problem for you and your back will let you know immediately. Riding a quad takes my breath away. So do some of the things you will be doing hunting and see how your back reacts. Good luck.
I have had a ruptured L5 and bulging L4.

Hurt like hell for about four months.

Saw six docs,, each one gave different advice.

I went with the one that said just rest it until it feels better.

One thing is for sure you will get all kinds of advice.
Good news of some sort. Congrats. Did a similar thing with torn bicep/forearm. They just confirmed I'm only 50% broken. No surgery required, but lengthy rehab.
If you haven't lost feeling in either or both legs or have foot drop then physical therapy and a epidural shot is what I would do.
If you haven't lost feeling in either or both legs or have foot drop then physical therapy and a epidural shot is what I would do.
Not yet on that stuff.

The therapist manipulates my lower spine every 3rd session to the point where I don't dred getting up. I'm really pleased and surprised with that. The pain doc will do the epidural ( and maby a RFA *radio frequency ablation* if needed).
Got lazy and sloppy in the shop, working on car project. Didn't pick up and put away tools as usual, and tangled up in power cords causing a quick fall. Grabbed a support on the 4WD as I was going down, and the arm was bent at 90 degrees. put the stress and strain of full body weight on the lower bicep and forearm connector.

Word to the wise - pick up your stuff!!!

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