Saying Goodbye to my Nephew


Long Time Member
My Nephew, age 22, passed away last night. Be was a good kid who had an addiction problem and it got him in the end. We're all pretty much in shock right now. Damn Drugs, what can an Uncle say?

I will miss you Daniel
Sorry for your family loss. Give them all the support they need right now on losing their son. Now you know why I hate drugs and drug dealers. They have cost too much suffering in this world.

Very sorry BM. Very sad when these young folks with their entire lives before them leave early.

I'm with RELH, again, DAMN drugs and DAMN those who provide them, in any capacity. I have to believe there is going to be, some how, some way, some day, a reckoning.

Sorry to hear about this Fred, and yes he was too young to leave the family like this. It happens alot these days.

I am terribly sorry for your loss, Beanman.
My daughter went through a drug addiction for five years but was one of the lucky one's to pull through it. I just don't understand this generation and the drugs, it's just horrible. My prayers will be with the family, and may God give them the strength to get tthrough this.

That's too bad, beanman. No easy way to get through something like that. Some addictions are far stronger than ones will to overcome it. I'm sorry.

Cancer doesn't discriminate...don't take your good health for granted because it can be gone in a heartbeat. Please go back and read the last line. This time really understand what it says.
Thanks everyone, it does mean a lot to me. My brother and his Family are the ones who are really hurting.
>Sorry to hear about this Fred,
>and yes he was too
>young to leave the family
>like this. It happens
>alot these days.

Sorry to see that happen. I have a nephew in the same situation. Good hearted kid, just been down the wrong road for many, many years....just a matter of time.

The sad part about this is the waste of what should have been a good life. I'll never understand it.
Sorry for your loss, Makes me sick to see this.

Sorry to hear BeanDude. I'm sure he was a good kid, just made some poor choices like most do when they are young. Like a few others here, my nephew is going through the same thing. He'll end up in jail or dead. I hope he finds his way to jail.
Damnation, beanman!
That's a tough deal.
So sorry for the loss and wasted potential.
My heart and prayers go out to you and your brothers family.
Sorry to hear about your nephew.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Sorry for your loss Fred. Horrible tragedy. 22 is way too young.

You said it all:


You will be in my thoughts and prayers.


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Beanman i have walked where you family is walking.9 years ago i lost my one and only son the same way.Everyday and every second he is on my mind.I love that boy more than words can describe and reading your post hit me with a terrible flashback.Words are so empty to try to tell you how sorry i am..People are walking with blinders on if they think it can"t happen in their son was a Christian from a loving home.If they really want to go war against drugs make it a capital offense to anyone selling heroin or any drug that is lethal to the user.I will pray for you and your family and will ask for God's grace with this terrible loss.
LAST EDITED ON May-28-15 AT 02:49PM (MST)[p]Thanks Guys,

My Brothers Family are very strong Christians and Daniel was too. Just weak in the addiction direction. So yes, it can happen to any Family.

Craggar, I understand...

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