Seems Trump Loosing Steam .... ?????


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Is Trump hurting himself? I haven't been following things that close, but what I do catch, it seems Cruz is making a bit of a run.

Brian Latturner
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The 2 biggest liabilities for the Trump Campaign are Donald Trump and his followers. A vote for Cruz is a vote against Trump with no expectations of winning the General.

Idaho and Utah would rather lose the election than support a candidate that the church disavows. At one time Trump supported PP, enough said, instant disqualification. Next
You can't have a 61% disapproval rating and continue to make gains. If the Democrat primary wasn't rigged for Hillary with the Super delegates she would be losing steam as well with a 56% disapproval rating.

Cruz is a worse choice than almost anyone in the pack.

Great choices. A blowhard liberal or a whore mongering right winger. I am sure the GOP is supporting Cruz until they are ready to expose the big scandal about the DC Madam and how he was a regular customer. After they kill Trump and Cruz they will run Ryan.
>Great choices. A blowhard liberal or
>a whore mongering right winger.
>I am sure the GOP
>is supporting Cruz until they
>are ready to expose the
>big scandal about the DC
>Madam and how he was
>a regular customer. After they
>kill Trump and Cruz they
>will run Ryan.

The ironic thing of Rafael's relative success is that he was elected to the Senate on the Tea Party ticket, but is now the GOP Establishment candidate. But I'm sure he feels no pain or guilt for abandoning whatever ethics he had.
Guess I missed the part where he abandoned his ethics and is no longer who he was a few years ago. In the end, you might be right glen.
>Guess I missed the part where
>he abandoned his ethics and
>is no longer who he
>was a few years ago.
>In the end, you might
>be right glen.

Pay attention. The future of the nation is at stake and we have people like you going to the polls.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-06-16 AT 07:42AM (MST)[p]Ryan won't do it. He values his chance at being a career politician and is looking to 2020 or 2024. I believe Ryan thinks the GOP will lose and the country may be ready for a shift back to the right after 3 Dem terms.
I think you may be correct. but the thing of it is the new right is going to look like what the old left used to be.

The far right is dead. and that's a good thing.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
>>Great choices. A blowhard liberal or
>>a whore mongering right winger.
>>I am sure the GOP
>>is supporting Cruz until they
>>are ready to expose the
>>big scandal about the DC
>>Madam and how he was
>>a regular customer. After they
>>kill Trump and Cruz they
>>will run Ryan.
>The ironic thing of Rafael's relative
>success is that he was
>elected to the Senate on
>the Tea Party ticket, but
>is now the GOP Establishment
>candidate. But I'm sure he
>feels no pain or guilt
>for abandoning whatever ethics he

Let's try this a different way so maybe we can have an intelligent discussion. I say he's the same as he was before he was elected to the Senate and hasn't "abandoned his ethics".
LAST EDITED ON Apr-07-16 AT 08:40PM (MST)[p]I support Sanders and I have not punched a time card in 34 years. When you are the business owner there is no time card to punch. Perhaps you have owned/own more businesses than I have, but I have employed a little over a 100 people. Over those years I work/worked with countless vendors nationally and abroad.

So run that one by me again, the whole, "Give me everything, I don't want to work for it myself". Cuz, I'm not really getting that one. There is never a bandwagon with me, no finger to air, I said early who my picks were for both sides.


At that time Bernie was only down 95 points, but I support his own anti-establishment message. Not a single person here has ever asked why? Why Kasich, why Bernie? I told everyone not to bet on Clinton, she would repeat 08 and here we are.

Bernie could still lose but I would feel better if either he or Kasich were at the helm. Kasich is more for strategic reasons to break the partisan gridlock hopefully from within Congress. If Bernie were running as a 3rd Party from the beginning he would have had my support. He walks the walk, our kids are screwed, we are screwed, he's a 1 Termer, he's got game and he'll get great chit done. I knew he was well before he ever announced.

I have heard he maybe ineffective, to which I say, "Look at the Congressional approval numbers, is anyone claiming that what we have now is effective?".

The Donald tells it like it is...that is the mantra I beleive?

I would enjoy watching this play in the background at one of his rallies.
Trying to pick and defend any of these candidates is a fruitless venture. they all suck beyond definition. How we could take over 300 million americans and end up with 4 of the least popular ones alive you'd think would take a dedicated effort. it's like a bad joke.

Clinton will win. only because she sucks a little less. that's how we do it in America these days.

Anyone think they're smarter than the bookies? I wouldn't bet on that. but you can if you feel lucky.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
You're really Impressing me dude!

Is that the Best the US can do?


[font color="blue"]They Shot Him in the Back AKA 'LaVoyed Him'!
Who among them knows and understands the constitution and will abide by it and defend it? There's only 1 right answer.......go!
> Trying to pick and defend
>any of these candidates is
>a fruitless venture. they
>all suck beyond definition. How
>we could take over 300
>million americans and end up
>with 4 of the least
>popular ones alive you'd
>think would take a
>dedicated effort. it's like
>a bad joke.
>Clinton will win. only because she
>sucks a little less. that's
>how we do it in
>America these days.
>Anyone think they're smarter than the
>bookies? I wouldn't bet
>on that. but
>you can if you feel
>Stay Thirsty My Friends
LAST EDITED ON Apr-08-16 AT 09:08AM (MST)[p]
Seems odd that he would say he is going to work night and day to transfer these lands to make the West look more like Texas but is also a champion of the Constitution. You can't have it both ways, either he lying about his intentions or about his love for the Constitution. Which is it?

Ted is pretty pliable on the Constitution when it suits him.

He can work night and day till he keels over, he constitutionally can't do it alone because he has a phone and a pen. The fact that the tree house blog used a pic of mark Levin an an anti cruz article is telling. Wasn't precident set about 8 yrs ago on that matter?
Cruz is a non issue . everyone except DW hates him and he'll never get any help at the convention. Trump is falling apart. So will they give the nomination to Trump who will show up at the convention with the most delegates, but short of the 1237 anyway ? or chance a revolt and give it to Kasich or Ryan ? my guess is Kasich. that's where this race is at right now.

I would bet that Cruz doesn't get the nomination . but that's as far as I'd go at this time.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Cruz admits the Federal government own the land. That's different than Bundy. Cruz just doesn't think it right. He can think whatever he wants.

I hope not Kasich. Who wants to listen to what he did in Ohio for 4 years? "What we did in Ohio was....." Enough already.
Cruz can think whatever he wants that's true. but in true wingnut fashion he'd try to fulfill his delusions and that's the problem. but like I said Manny has as good of chance at becoming president as Cruz does.

I can't wait for the DC madam's info to come out and show Cruz was a customer. not that it's true, but hey we aren't looking for the truth anyway are we. the Hillary witch hunt confirms that.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Must be some GREAT Choices if 50% of Americans don't like the one & 70% don't like the other!

[font color="blue"]They Shot Him in the Back AKA 'LaVoyed Him'!
>[font color="blue"]It Took a While,But I Think I finally Pissed the Pope Off! They Shot Him in the
>Back AKA 'LaVoyed Him'!

[font color="blue"]They Shot Him in the Back AKA 'LaVoyed Him'!
Alex Jones and the enquirer are as credible and the GOP and their super packs.

All you have to do is toss it out there that Cruz is in the Madam's black book then repeat it 17,000 times a day. it can work just as good as saying Hillary was at fault in Benghazi. nobody gives a FF if it's true. get in the game.

Stay Thirsty My Friends

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