sellin' this stack


how much do ya'll think i could get outta this stack?
We are interested in buying them, if you want to sell, What state are you in, thanks Scott, Tex Cr Antler
How many are in there? All fresh? 6 points?

From the looks of the stack, I would think you could get at least $1500. I wouldn't take less than that. Some people might think that's way too much money, but people on KSL will pay that.
i've never sold any..don't really want to but need the money. what about this stack

i'm just looking to sell these ones..







I am paying 6/lb on brown elk, even the broke stuff, 3.50/lb on hardwhite and 1/lb on the chalk, Last time I saw this beats or equals any price on KSL. Thanks Scott
LAST EDITED ON Apr-14-10 AT 03:19PM (MST)[p]KSL is a site with classified ads. And it looks like there are alot of people that are pretty proud of their antlers but just because they're listed for a price doesn't mean they're selling for that.
You've got enough antler that you could probably find someone who would want all of them without going through an antler buyer. If you go through an antler buyer, you're pretty much locked into $6 per pound. But you may be able to squeeze out a few more dollars per pound if you can sell directly to someone who makes Art/crafts.
I'd also suggest selling each set together (at least the unbroken ones) You can probably get more from someone who wants them to mount them.
If you need the money fast though, you'll probably have to sell to an antler buyer. Or me, I'll double CATMAN's offer and give you $200 dollars right now :)
Like I said before, I wouldn't take less than $1500. If you need to sell them quick, you might not get that right away. But if you can hold on for a couple months I think you could get $1000 easy. I have seen several average 6 point sets going for $150-$200 bucks. I'm going to go out on a limb and say you have about 30 antlers in the pile (All Elk). If they are all sets, you have 15 sets and your looking at $2250 if you sold them for $150 a set. That's why I'm saying you should easily get $1000-$1500 for that pile. If you sell them by the set, you could probably get more.
That's my opinion. I wouldn't sell to an antler buyer, you won't even get half what that stack is worth.

If you don't know how to put stuff on KSL, shoot me a PM and I can help you out.
I tried last year to sell my horns to scott. He said he would be in my area but that was the last I heard from him.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-15-10 AT 04:06PM (MST)[p]buck44 who are you??? and why are you using other peoples pictures????

my experience with antler buys is bad. They rape you and dont even give you a kiss out of the deal. sell privately to buyers or taxis with the sets and dont deal with buyers they pick your stack apart and devalue them and pick what they want. and give you crap prices they are never straight forward with prices. i was told that one wanted to buy my big deer set for alot and when it came down to it he said maybe 150... well i know that 150 over the phone would have turned into 100 or less once we met up. go sell blood plasma or semen if you need money that bad.. haha keep your bone make something out of it.
Dillon, If your wanting to sell horns, sell the singles and older stuff. But dude keep your sets. Trust me you will regret it.

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