selling sets?


Very Active Member
Do you guys usually sell sets by the pound or is there a better way. I see guys selling sets on ebay, but is there a better place. It seems like you could get more than by the pound. Thanks for info
If it's a big bull like 365 " and bigger you can sell the set for a. 'Set price ' whatever you think the set is worth,and make a deal. A lot of buyers will do it that way.offer like 450.00 bucks or so. If it's 350" and smaller your better off selling buy wieght. Iv sold sets in the past for up to 500.00. Depends a lot on color, chips,and character with those big bulls.
I would imagine that any "bigger" sets, and even singles, would be priced based on size more than weight.
Text Richard (AntlerMan), let him know what you have (size), and he should be able to give you a number. 801-557-2284

When I've sold antlers to Richard, I didn't sell any of the big ones, so it was all on weight and antler quality.

I was offered $1200.00 for a white deer antler once. That offer certainly wasn't based on weight.

Brian Latturner
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I certainly don't have anything in that size range. I've seen guys attempting to sell sets on ebay. Maybe it's better to just go by the pound. Thanks
Depends on buyer. A buyer I Use gave me $25 a pound for a 140 Class muley. Carse it was perfect for a lamp or Chandolier he Wanted to Make. Most the elk I Sell goes by the pound Bigger Sets he pays more. Some buyers look for that special antler for a project they can make money on..
depends on if they book or not.....booners are worth a lot more...the dinks you just get poundage....

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