Shed News


Long Time Member
This was in the mid west somewhere I watched the video my 1st impression was the horns were planted !! There was not a single deer on any of the farms in any of the video !! I am still not convinced the horns were not pre planted !!
Well old Hornhunter that’s how it works now days. Im going to do that for the Utah Guys. I live in Idaho and I’m going to hide antlers on my farm so they can come up on the weekend and practice while their season is closed
Well old Hornhunter that’s how it works now days. Im going to do that for the Utah Guys. I live in Idaho and I’m going to hide antlers on my farm so they can come up on the weekend and practice while their season is closed
Nah we dont need those Utards up here !! Gonna be enough of them up here chasing our herds as it is !!

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