Shed Season for Colorado

True that regulatiosn are unfortunate, but in the past few years, an huge influx of shed hunters encroaching on winterrange closures and pushing animals befroe they've even shed is causing problems and pushing animals out of traditional winter areas. It would be nice if all went by good ethics, but most are not and with the increase in winter range violations, which is a seperate offense and being prosecuted, and those that go to unretricted areas way too early, something must be done to help out the animals, not just get there antlers. Think of the animals first
If they would enforce the rules already in place (no ATVs, no harassing the wildlife, etc.) this would not be a problem. A shed license is just another avenue to gain revenue and to keep folks from enjoying a renewable resource. True, a shed season would make it easier to prosecute the law breakers but unless there is a total shut down of public land (i.e. no hiking, no predator hunting, etc.) the rules aren't going to work.
Never heard of a winter range violation Ranchbroker. Most BLM land is open for other activities like rabbit hunting till the end of February in Colorado. Who do you think causes more disruption, gun-toting rabbit hunters or a lone shed hunter slowing walking across the hillside? Don't have enough game wardens already? Hey, let's make a bunch of new restrictions and laws for a problem that really doesn't exist. Anyway, most of the griping is from locals who want the sheds for themselves and perceive the public land to be "theirs".

I have been shed hunting for over 16 years. I have encountered another shed hunter only once. Web sites like ebay have only LOWERED the price of sheds since now they can be purchased by anyone very easily.

I am opposed to regulating shed hunting in Colorado. Just cause Utah did it doesn't make it right.
Pretty soon you will be to late. Utah passed the northern shed hunting season before there was anything I could do about it. Everyone just ended up raiding the hills anyways though. I can vouch for that since my hot spot was trampled with horse and human tracks when I arrived at five o clock in the morning May 1st to hike my butt off only to find a maze of human and horse tracks. I guess thats what I get for obeying the law and not disturbing the other shed hunters from their shed hunting.....
Everyone, Please send your comments to the CDOW on this. The more folks that comment the better off we will be. The shed season thing could spread throughout the west quickly and could even impact other areas of the country.

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An earlier comment was they had not heard of witner closures. In several parts of WY, there are Forest Service lands closed, BLM lands closed and even State lands. That may be the effetive way of doing it. No season, but on CRITICAL winter range, have a closure. The huge number of people creates a situation where the bucks and bulls are pushed into marginal deep snow country and the losses to winter kill increase due to the human pressure. SO.... Antler hunting is OK even if you harm the animals? Something has to be done to control the huge influx of people and pressure.
Ok, here's the deal.

The short story is the Wildlife Commssion told the petitioner's to go back and refine their position, with the assistance of the DOW staff. Therefore, it is likely they will go forward with something. Plus, now they have all our objections so they can try to overcome so of those inconsistencies that we pointed out. It will come up again in November WC meeting.

Everyone should check this website of the Gunnison Sage Grouse Strategic Committee and read their minutes after each monthly meeting. The minutes give a pretty good detail of what they are discussing.

This is the first step in Colorado as labeling shed hunters as bad guys. It will spread, once it takes hold, to other parts of the State and other States. Already a done deal in Utah. Just one more regulation where one is not needed. Feel your freedom slipping away????

I guess I don't see what is wrong with making us shed hunters wait until May 1st (maybe earlier in areas not as snowed up as Laramie, WY and Gunnison, CO), then allowing the access to critcal winter range at that point. The honest ones amung us will turn in those that break the rules. That has happend on a regular basis in this area anyway. There is no point in pushing the animals when it is reasonable to wait to access those areas later. Like I said, there are several public land areas already administered with winter range closures.
The proposed closure has nothing to do with the animals. It is to protect the Gunnison Sage grouse that is no longer a candidate or even a species of concern regard T & E species. And they aren't making folks wait till May's June 15th. Why don't you do some homework before you post comments that aren't really germain to the issue...?
I thought we were talking about shed seasons and alternatives, including no regulations. Not Sage Grouse plans and closures? However, it looks like the Sage Grouse issue could result in the same outcome (closures) in the Gunnison area, without a Colorado Shed Season. I see your point thinking all these different issues could result in an outright closure of public lands to anything at some time in the future.
Thanks RB...didn't mean to come off like an a-hole (which I am at times). They attempted this last year using mule deer as the scapegoat. Now mule deer numbers are sky high (in one year???) and they are trying to close lands to shed hunting using the grouse as the concern. Keep in mind YOU CAN STILL WALK ALL OVER THE SAME LANDS, JUST CAN"T PICK THE SHED UP. Any numskull can figure out that this does NOTHING to minimize disturbance to the grouse. Furthermore, USFWS found that the grouse needs no protection and THAT IT IS DOING FINE.

This was proposed by a quasi-government group founded and funded by the taxpayer. Now the WC gave the go ahead to the DOW staff to REFINE the issue with this group. GOV. waste BIG TIME. won't apply to private lands where 33% of the grouse reside.

Remember...under their proposal, users can do nearly ANYTHING ELSE on these SAME lands and it is not a violation. But...if you pick that shed up, BINGO, you are a criminal. If that isn't clearly an attempt to being to regulate and eliminate shed hunting, I don't know what is.

If this was guns, there would be a revolt. But since it is sheds, they will probably prevail. Sad the way things are going in the good old USA. Soon we will all be making the same income, looking at animals in the zoo, and living in the same style energy-efficient high rise building giving most of our income to the government....oh yeah, probably all speaking English as a second language...:(
Definately see your point. It doesn't make sense to close shed hunting when one can be out on the winter range anyway doing anything else. How can that protect the animals? It can't.

If an agency that manages the winter range thinks it is being over loved, then I would still go along with an access closure (like I mentioend happens in WY in a few spots anyway) to protect wintering wildlife.

But not a shed season that has no teeth and does not result in true protection, only unneeded regulation, is hogwash.

The Grouse thing, Gunnison and Greater in WY, could result in these greenies starving to death in the dark!

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