Son-in-Law is a gift. Baby Backs and Sides, Home Made Turnovers


Long Time Member
Kids were here, and worked their azzes off for Mom. All I had to do was support the outside efforts, and feed them dinner. 8# of ribs later, I can do that!!!



I do up to 8-10# of ribs in the Insta-Pot for 45 minutes, then sauce and finish on the grill for 5 minutes. Fall off the bone tender, an everyone loves them. Never get them as tender anywhere out to dinner.
I do up to 8-10# of ribs in the Insta-Pot for 45 minutes, then sauce and finish on the grill for 5 minutes. Fall off the bone tender, an everyone loves them. Never get them as tender anywhere out to dinner.
I can’t remember when the last time I had tender ribs at a restaurant…… it’s been decades. Actually…… it’s getting to where getting a really good, old time meal, at a restaurant of any kind, is dang rare.

This summer I made a loop, starting in early July, went from central Utah, north to central Alberta, south to New Mexico, west to Arkansas, back east through Missouri and Colorado then home to Utah at the end of August.

Then we travel we try to take a road we’ve never driven before, to see what we’ve missed before. We generally get one nice meal a day, usually toward evening, in the best rated restaurant, based on local input, and two or three different internet web site recommendations. Generally try to go to which ever one is rated by others as the best or at least one of the top two or three.

This summer the meal quality seemed to have taken another overall drop in quality (price increases are expected and understandable), everywhere, not just in some areas. There has been a steady decline in quality for the last ten years…… in my opinion.
I'm definitely with you on the poor meals. If we are traveling together, I generally have the wife look up the restaurants on the phone, before arriving at a destination. Don't mind paying for good food or service, and preferably both. I really like it if the hotel staff is 40+, and I can ask "Where would YOU eat?"

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