Sort of like the Revenant..


Details are still not fully gathered, but a guy I know had a run in with a Griz. on a MT. Elk hunt. Both Bear spray and guns were deployed.... Not quite soon, or accurately enough it appears. He is recovering the sewing job was pretty intense to get things put back in the correct spot.

That happens in in instant with a grizzly. Big and powerful animals. Wishing him a full recovery.
Might have to part his hair in a little different way from now on.

Hope he has a speedy recovery. Not a good way to end a hunt.
Read his account of the event, as told to a friend and posted to FB. Bit in the wrist, thigh, and head. 90 stitches in head alone. One pepper spray worked, the other didn't, handgun knocked down by bear when it closed. Ouch!!! Lucky not to have more life-threatening injuries. Released from hospital today.
So I haven't seen the Revenant, it looked interesting but then it slipped my mind. Is it worth watching?
It's interesting unless you've read the historic report of the incident. It was a disappointment to me. They could have done much better if they had been more authentic, the movie didn't do the history justice, in my opinion. But my opinion and a nickel are worth about five cents.

Other than that, it's pretty good movie about an early western fur trapper that got attacked by a grizzly and survived.

Turn 50 or 60 of those somebitches loose in the Trinitys, around Tahoe and the Sierras and we may get our forests back from the dopers and yupees. We know how to SSS they don't. Had a buddy have a distant encounter with one in Wyoming on an elk hunt horsepacking out last year. He said that bear was on point and they had 300-400 yards in between them. They got off the mt quick. They are no joke!! How bad is the ticket if you are packing a shotgun or 338 on a hunt. The fine might be worth it.
My fifteen year old young hunter daughter was sitting next to me when I pulled this post. I hurried up and scrolled past it. Pretty gruesome! She was spoked this year on the opening weekend of the deer hunt. She had a coyote walk up on here at ten feet. Scared her a little. I didn't need her to see this. Hope the hunter has a fast recovery!
A BULLET TRAIN! The only other thing besides a good guy with a gun, that will stop a bad guy with a gun ;-)

John just tell her bears gotta eat too
LAST EDITED ON Sep-06-17 AT 08:46AM (MST)[p]Story is that they saw the bear at 30 yards and the victim yelled at it. It charged and both hunters deployed pepper spray. The victim's didn't work (wonder how old it was) and that is who the bear hit. Chased him around a tree a couple of times and then took him down. Tried to use his side arm, but the bear knocked it out of his hand and stepped on it at one point. The other hunter loaded the bear up with spray from a couple of feet and it withdrew at that point. 4 mile ride out to the trail head. Went to the hospital, 97 stitches in his head, released the next morning. So is the story a friend of the victim posted. I expect he'll be up for the rifle hunt.
"How bad is the ticket if you are packing a shotgun or 338 on a hunt. The fine might be worth it."

In some states you are allowed to pack a firearm, while bow hunting.
That bear put a hurting on him for sure, That Guy should buy a lotto ticket.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Holy S**t, yikes! Interested to hear the full story, when it comes out. That guy is a lucky man. I'm praying he makes a full recovery and does not have too much PTSD when afield after something like that! Wow!
What part of the state? That's brutal. I shot a phone book at 10 yards the other day with a 12 gauge slug. Man that did some damage......

"That's a special feeling, Lloyd"
>Pffft. You ever seen what a
>Utah lion can do to
>a TARD on a wheeler?


I Just cracked My first DEW Open & Just SPEWED it at four & a Half AM!:D

Back Me Off to 1,700 Yards,650 is a Little Close & I'm Not Comfortable with it!

A GUT SHOT at 1,700 Yards will Still Make Some Good BRAGGIN Rights so I Can Say I At Least Hit Him!

>Turn 50 or 60 of those
>somebitches loose in the Trinitys,
>around Tahoe and the Sierras
>and we may get our
>forests back from the dopers
>and yupees. We know
>how to SSS they don't.
> Had a buddy have
>a distant encounter with one
>in Wyoming on an elk
>hunt horsepacking out last year.
> He said that bear
>was on point and they
>had 300-400 yards in between
>them. They got off
>the mt quick. They
>are no joke!! How
>bad is the ticket if
>you are packing a shotgun
>or 338 on a hunt.
> The fine might be
>worth it.

Plenty of places to hunt without grizzlies if they scare you that bad.

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