Stories of it could not or would not happen now


Active Member
Some or many of us may have some stories of things that happened years ago that could not or would not happen today. Here is one of mine, I would appreciate any of yours: There was as group of six of us cutting timber in the Los Pinos region south of Gunnison. We were all good friends. If I remember correctly, this was in the summer of 1974. We were in Gunnison all had been drinking and were on our way back to the hills. Something happened that caused us to pull over and get into a donnybrook in the middle of the street. We were in the middle of the intersection Hwy 50 and Main St. Needless to say the Gunnison police were there in short order. After trying to figure it all out and getting little cooperation and being told were were on the way out town, the policeman got on the radio and made a call. I thought we were on the way to the hoosegow. There were six of us in one pickup along with many cases of Coors. To our great surprise, the policeman said follow me. He led us east on Hwy 50 to the edge of town. There we were met by a Colorado State Highway Patrol car that the proceeded to lead us east to the intersection of Hwy 50 and Hwy 114. There we were released to be on our way. If I remember correctly we were told to " get the hell out of here and I don't want to see any of you ever again". NO arguments from any of us.
Back about 1967ish I visited my cousin down in Modesto. We were riding in his car one night and a cop came up behind us and turned his lights on trying to pull us over. My cousin took off and we lost the cop. We headed out into the country and my cousin missed a turn and we went through a fence into a walnut orchard. We were stuck in the sand. The farmer came out and said the cops were on the way. The cop showed up and asked if we were the one he was chasing? "Oh, not us officer".

We apologized to the farmer and said if he would pull us out with his tractor we would be happy to fix his fence. The cop and the farmer agreed. We came back the next day and fixed his fence much better than it was. The cop didn't issue a ticket and the farmer was happy.

I just don't see that happening now days.
The Last Couple of Years in High School..........!

We Decided to Get Us a Red Spotlight!

It Didn't Come with a Badge Though!:D

We were gettin Perty Good at Pulling People Over & Scaring them!

One Late Night on Main Street We See A Couple Guys Cruisin Main Street!

We Knew they Were Drinking!

We Put the Lights On Bright & Hit Em with the Red!

They Were Tossing Beer Cans in to the Back Seat & We Were Laughing Our Asses Off!

Then Out of Nowhere We get the Red Light!

This One was the Real McCoy Though!

Oh Sshhiittt!

We Are In BIG F'N Trouble!

My Impersonating An Officer Career Came To an End Quickly!

The Officer said:Your Days Are Numbered Bess!

You'd Best Quit The BS or I'll Haul Your Ass in Right Now!

We Were Perty Good For a Week or Two!:D
I quit drinking to excess shortly after this happened. Haven't been drunk in nearly 40 years...

A friend and I were cruising Arvada, Colorado streets. We would finish a beer and toss it through the slider into the bed of my truck. There were a little over 3 six packs worth of empties.

We were in old town, and 'out of nowhere' I was surrounded by three plain wrappered cop cars. I passed the test, but have no clue why or how. Cop says "get home now. If I see you again this week, I will remember this night."

In today's world, I woulda spent a night locked up.
Back in high school I had to take a metal shop class as a senior. Not really into it at the time, I got a lot more excited to find out the teacher was a gun nut, and he let me build a fully functional muzzleloading pistol in class. I machined the lock and all internal parts from bar stock, threaded and breeched the barrel, and even heat treated the hand-made springs inside the lock.

Somehow I just don't see any high school students making functional firearms in class these days...

The Last Couple of Years in High School..........!

We Decided to Get Us a Red Spotlight!

It Didn't Come with a Badge Though!:D

We were gettin Perty Good at Pulling People Over & Scaring them!

One Late Night on Main Street We See A Couple Guys Cruisin Main Street!

We Knew they Were Drinking!

We Put the Lights On Bright & Hit Em with the Red!

They Were Tossing Beer Cans in to the Back Seat & We Were Laughing Our Asses Off!

Then Out of Nowhere We get the Red Light!

This One was the Real McCoy Though!

Oh Sshhiittt!

We Are In BIG F'N Trouble!

My Impersonating An Officer Career Came To an End Quickly!

The Officer said:Your Days Are Numbered Bess!

You'd Best Quit The BS or I'll Haul Your Ass in Right Now!

We Were Perty Good For a Week or Two!:D
Its probably good you were caught. If you continued, you might have escalated the traffic stops you were making to something more sinister. Who knows what would have happened if you pulled over a pretty girl that was alone.
Me and my buddy were failing our computer class in high school. We kept asking the teacher if there was anything we could do. He just started laughing and said no. We begged for a week or so and finally he just shook his head and said oh never mind. What is it we asked. He said well, come to my house Saturday morning at 7 and he gave us his address. He said it would just take a couple hours. We showed up and he had us sheet rock his house for about 8 hours. I must have put a 100 holes in the sheetrock missing studs. We were expecting to get a D or a C. To our surprise we received a solid B. Well worth it. He probably could have got fired, but his secret was safe with us. Heck, we were just so grateful we passed!
In 1974 I was working in Page Az and it was not a town yet so the F&G cops were patrolling it. Well it was the wild west we would do pretty much what we wanted to and then outrun the F&G cops every time.
Well the day came when the town was incorporated and they were building a new jail. I was out drunk in town and doing burn outs and in general making a lot of noise. Well here come Joey the new cop and he pulled me over and said he was taking me to jail.
He said FOLLOW me to the jail and he took my keys and put them on the wall. He put me in a cell and the funny thing was there were no bars on the cells, he left me and said stay here until morning and don't let me catch you out on the streets.
He left and I was laying there looking at the ceiling and thought what an idiot I was to stay there with no BARS.
So I got up and left and drove home, no harm no foul, and no way that would ever happen today.
I went to a very small HS; maybe 150-160 kids in all 12 grades. Very rural. It was not uncommon for every truck/car in the student parking lot to have a gun or two in the rack or on the back seat.

Sometimes our class, and others, would do odd jobs for farmers/ranchers in the area in order to earn money for our class trip as seniors. On these school sponsored trips, almost every car had a gun in it for rabbits, coyotes, etc.

At one point one of my classmates took one of his dad's guns to school for show and tell. The gun was a war trophy from a German battlefield. I don't recall the make/model, but I do recall he was pulling the bolt back, let it slip, and didn't get his little finger out of the way and cut it pretty bad.

Our math teacher, I still refer to him as 'Mr', taught me the beginnings of how to reload.

We are not gonna see that again.
Me and my buddy were failing our computer class in high school. We kept asking the teacher if there was anything we could do. He just started laughing and said no. We begged for a week or so and finally he just shook his head and said oh never mind. What is it we asked. He said well, come to my house Saturday morning at 7 and he gave us his address. He said it would just take a couple hours. We showed up and he had us sheet rock his house for about 8 hours. I must have put a 100 holes in the sheetrock missing studs. We were expecting to get a D or a C. To our surprise we received a solid B. Well worth it. He probably could have got fired, but his secret was safe with us. Heck, we were just so grateful we passed!
We didn’t have computers when I was in HS.:cry:

We did take our guns to school in our gun racks so we could go hunting after the bell rang.:)
We’d decide at noon on friday in Cali to hunt Monticello..... and be hunting bucks saturday morning with tags.....
We didn’t have computers when I was in HS.:cry:

We did take our guns to school in our gun racks so we could go hunting after the bell rang.:)
Calculators weren't even around when I was in HS. A slide rule was about as close as there was, & portable computers were still 20 yrs. away.
We were pretty rough on the stocks finishes on our rifles when I was a kid. I remember keeping 2 or 3 in my locker in high school while I worked on them in shop class. I still have a Remington 722 in 300 Savage that I refinished. I killed my first deer with it.
We All Had Guns in Our Gun Racks & Parked on School Premises!

We Went Rabbit Hunting on Our Lunch Break!

We Took Guns in to Wood Shop!

Tore Them Down!

Re-finished the Stocks!

Re-Blued the Barrels!


And Nobody Ever Got Hurt!
One time my buddys we’re driving from ceramics class back up towards the baseball fields a couple guys were on the the trunk ridding. The school police put on his lights I flung open the police Door and hoped in shotgun and said let’s bust their ass tapia. He said Sallaberry get the f out of my vehicle. I said I thought we were going to bust them tap? Again get the f out of my vehicle. Not so back in 05
Calculators weren't even around when I was in HS. A slide rule was about as close as there was, & portable computers were still 20 yrs. away.
If you got caught with a calculator you would be expelled and back then they were bigger than they are now...LOL
Now my Grandkids use a calculator doing their homework and it is acceptable? I think you should know how to do the math just in case your ole trusty calculator is no where to be found....
I gave our house phone to my Granddaughter and told her to call her mom, she just looked at me and said how do you use one of these? Hell I would hate to see her use an old dial up that would be a hoot to watch...LOL
I was in the 6th grade the first time I saw a calculator. A classmate brought his dad’s to school for show and tell.

It was magic. I still remember it clearly.

I still have my dad’s big slide rule from when he was in school. I used to know how to use it, but that was a long time ago.
We were headed to "the vard" in Ogden one night. Got on freeway, or at least tried, and a car wouldn't let me merge, ended up in the emergency lane.

We decided to get revenge so we went FBI and followed the car home(but of course stayed back so it didn't know).

We did a , drive past when it turned in, then proceeded to go to the store to buy eggs to "teach " this clown

If course I had to stop home to get more cash. I run in the house run down stairs to grab $$$. As I come up, mom's standing there wanting to know if I've been playing games on the freeway.?

Of course I assured her I hadn't, didn't know what she was talking about.

She seemed convinced, except that she'd gotten a call from a Roy cop, telling her a Camaro with my license plates had followed him home, after driving aggressive on the freeway.

Needless to say, no eggs were bought that night
I remember when I could write a check for $12.87 and was able to balance my check book without a calculator. Those days are gone.
Where to start?? Kegs on main street, in back of the truck…M-80’s in coke machines…bottle rockets shot through 10’ conduits at cars…rumbles without weapons…riding the hood of my buddy’s truck like teen wolf…shotguns in the back widow of the unlocked truck…running from cops…getting caught by cops…beating a DUI (except sarge called my dad to come get me at 2am, lol)…Teens in the 80’s chasin the ladies…
Part of me wants to go back and make amends, part of me wouldn’t change a thing.
And the best part of all? We all survived.
I was in the 6th grade the first time I saw a calculator. A classmate brought his dad’s to school for show and tell.

It was magic. I still remember it clearly.

I still have my dad’s big slide rule from when he was in school. I used to know how to use it, but that was a long time ago.
I used a slide rule that my dad brought home from his tour in Germany. I still have it, too.

My first computer was an IBM 5051 with dual 5 1/4 floppies. The cost with a green-on-black monitor, dot matrix printer & Wordstar word processor software was slightly more than $5,000 including the interest. I still have the computer.
When I was 16, I drew a Ferris Mntn elk permit. Dad had his first and only Sheep license that year, and didn't have enough time off. So he set me up in the old Kistler tent, stove, gear and supplies in 6 inches of snow and left me by myself for the week to hunt. I trudged up that crazy mountain every day looking for a nice bull. Being 16, I got frustrated with my lack of success, so about the 5th day I went to the top and shot the first cow I saw. When I got off the mountain near dark I ran into the first person I'd seen all week- the G&F officer. He chuckled at that scrawny kid with his story of a cow elk near 10,000 feet on that rock pile of a mountain. He contacted my dad, who came the next day with much less than an enthusiastic demeanor to help retrieve that trophy cow.

When I tell people today about that, they always ask why my dad wasn't arrested for child abuse. I laugh, and once again thank my Dad for abusing me...
When I was 16, I drew a Ferris Mntn elk permit. Dad had his first and only Sheep license that year, and didn't have enough time off. So he set me up in the old Kistler tent, stove, gear and supplies in 6 inches of snow and left me by myself for the week to hunt. I trudged up that crazy mountain every day looking for a nice bull. Being 16, I got frustrated with my lack of success, so about the 5th day I went to the top and shot the first cow I saw. When I got off the mountain near dark I ran into the first person I'd seen all week- the G&F officer. He chuckled at that scrawny kid with his story of a cow elk near 10,000 feet on that rock pile of a mountain. He contacted my dad, who came the next day with much less than an enthusiastic demeanor to help retrieve that trophy cow.

When I tell people today about that, they always ask why my dad wasn't arrested for child abuse. I laugh, and once again thank my Dad for abusing me...
I was thinking you should of been arrested for shooting a cow. Punk ass kids
Where to start?? Kegs on main street, in back of the truck…M-80’s in coke machines…bottle rockets shot through 10’ conduits at cars…rumbles without weapons…riding the hood of my buddy’s truck like teen wolf…shotguns in the back widow of the unlocked truck…running from cops…getting caught by cops…beating a DUI (except sarge called my dad to come get me at 2am, lol)…Teens in the 80’s chasin the ladies…
Part of me wants to go back and make amends, part of me wouldn’t change a thing.
And the best part of all? We all survived.
And you would do it all over again…….love the good old days. Like you I think back and ask the same question….. how did I survive some of what we did.
I was screwing around in the high school parking lot back in 76 or 77 laying rubber in my old impala, i through it reverse and was going about 50 mph when some gal pulled out in front of me and I T- boned her good, hardly damaged the old impala. She called the cops and got a ticket for cutting me off, I was shocked and still am
Had the fight of the year a acoss from the Jr High School last year in 9th grade 1974. It was hyped all day and some were saying they wanted to sell tickets. My heart was racing but I felt ready to slam the punk.
We ended up starting about 200 yards away from the grounds. We each got in some big haymakers when the officers arrived. . Sent us home with a warning to stay away from.each other. I had a bloody lip and he got a real shiner.
Talk about how did we live through it, here is one I’m NOT proud of. In 1974, a friend and I were driving at night from Gunnison to Rifle for a deer hunting trip. Somehow we found a party in Grand Junction where we had some fun for an hour or two. Somewhere down the road toward Rifle, I fell asleep at the wheel and we left the road at 70 mph. I was driving my ‘65 Chevy 4x4 pickup, woke up mid air, held the wheel straight, hit the ground, bounced around the cab, and came to a stop. Wow! How lucky are we, I thought. I tried to restart the truck but it would not turn over. After a short discussion, we thought it would be best just to spend the night where we were. We had our gear so I spread out on the bench seat and my buddy got in the bed. A loud noise woke us up and we could hear a train horn. There was a small round light coming towards us. The light kept getting bigger, and bigger, and bigger. Then the train was upon us. With great noise, rushing wind, and shaking ground the train rushed by without killing us. Without knowing it we had come to rest on the railroad bed. All we could do is laugh manically. After composing ourselves we pushed the truck off the tracks and went back to sleep. The next morning we reinstalled the battery and drove on to Rifle and met up with our friends for our hunt. True story.
Talk about how did we live through it, here is one I’m NOT proud of. In 1974, a friend and I were driving at night from Gunnison to Rifle for a deer hunting trip. Somehow we found a party in Grand Junction where we had some fun for an hour or two. Somewhere down the road toward Rifle, I fell asleep at the wheel and we left the road at 70 mph. I was driving my ‘65 Chevy 4x4 pickup, woke up mid air, held the wheel straight, hit the ground, bounced around the cab, and came to a stop. Wow! How lucky are we, I thought. I tried to restart the truck but it would not turn over. After a short discussion, we thought it would be best just to spend the night where we were. We had our gear so I spread out on the bench seat and my buddy got in the bed. A loud noise woke us up and we could hear a train horn. There was a small round light coming towards us. The light kept getting bigger, and bigger, and bigger. Then the train was upon us. With great noise, rushing wind, and shaking ground the train rushed by without killing us. Without knowing it we had come to rest on the railroad bed. All we could do is laugh manically. After composing ourselves we pushed the truck off the tracks and went back to sleep. The next morning we reinstalled the battery and drove on to Rifle and met up with our friends for our hunt. True story.
Ok you win!
1965/66. My baseball coach was also the Mechanical Drawing instructor and Athletic Director. . Once a week, at the start of 5th period I was given the keys to his Station Wagon. I was 17 years old, but named after the owner of the pool hall that sold more beer than any bar in Riverside Co, CA. My job was to go the the pool hall, pick up a keg (36 gal) go to his house and change it out, return the empty, and get back to class before 6th period. We won the 1A State Championship that year. Never drew a plate. The coach obviously entertained a lot and loved his beer. Shooting rabbits out of a Highway Patrol car at night is another story.
1965/66. My baseball coach was also the Mechanical Drawing instructor and Athletic Director. . Once a week, at the start of 5th period I was given the keys to his Station Wagon. I was 17 years old, but named after the owner of the pool hall that sold more beer than any bar in Riverside Co, CA. My job was to go the the pool hall, pick up a keg (36 gal) go to his house and change it out, return the empty, and get back to class before 6th period. We won the 1A State Championship that year. Never drew a plate. The coach obviously entertained a lot and loved his beer. Shooting rabbits out of a Highway Patrol car at night is another story.
Yes, the rabbbit shooting story must be told.

Along those lines, when I was stationed at China Lake, the XO of the base and I were talking about shooting. During the last year of my tour, we would go out once a month and shoot coyotes on base.
Yes, the rabbbit shooting story must be told.

Along those lines, when I was stationed at China Lake, the XO of the base and I were talking about shooting. During the last year of my tour, we would go out once a month and shoot coyotes on base. donkeys or horses?? up feddoc

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