Taste Tested the Tri-Tip Tonight


Long Time Member
Did a little corrective maintenance on the grill yesterday, and repaired the burners and flame shields in preparation for today. This was that discounted Prime Tri-tip I found, and have been marinating for the past few days. Got it on the grill and seared all the sides (the one got a little crispy), pulled them at 95 degrees, and wrapped in foil for another 30 minutes until they all hit around 125. While they were soaking up the indirect heat, I was able to make some hot German potato salad and finish off the asparagus on the grill, instead of the oven. It all came together pretty good! The left-over meat has a date with destiny as beef tips over rice one of these nights!!






Trix: Not really a "true" German potato salad, as I was totally out of red potatoes and substituted in russets. Just lots of spuds, bacon, onion (have to hide those from the wife), and more of an oil and vinegar dressing. Mine is more of a combo I guess, but I use half the mayo, mustard, relish, and celery as you would in a normal creamy salad. I don't chill it and serve it warm, until after the meal, then it's just regular cold potato salad I guess.

Traditional German salad should look like these two stock photos.


I do a similar potato salad without the bacon. I add chopped & sauteed red & green onions, chopped green olives, some dill & other spices with a vingarette dressing (no mayo). Next time I do it, I'll try the bacon.

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