The Dallas Cowboys WILL win Superbowl


Long Time Member
Ok. they probably won't. BUT, after last year the defense can only get better. Romo's back is bad. Same thing that put out Aikman. A shame as I like to watch Romo play regaedless of all the MM experts opinion. The hated Broncos got Ware, a favorite player of mine. Maybe, with Murray and Bryant along with Witten, we can get back to 8-8. Got my annual thread off to a late start due to work and other life committments. Sooooo.... who do you guys think will hoist the trophy? mtmuley
VIkings but I realize they don't have a realistic chance for another year or two if things go well.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

Let me guess, you drive a 1 ton with oak trees for smoke stacks, 12" lift kit and 40" tires to pull a single place lawn mower trailer?
We just have to win the Black and Blue Division first then who knows.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
>VIkings but I realize they don't
>have a realistic chance for
>another year or two if
>things go well.
>"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
>Let me guess, you drive a
>1 ton with oak trees
>for smoke stacks, 12" lift
>kit and 40" tires to
>pull a single place lawn
>mower trailer?

I grew up in Minnesota....vikes always break yer heart
Just like Aggy did tx_packmule? BWAAHHHAAA HAAA HAA!!

mtmuley - sorry to say it, but yes, that defense CAN get worse - probably will too. They lost the 2 best players on it last year (Ware and Hatcher), didn't add much through the draft and now have lost Scandrick for 4 weeks.

But hey - don't let that kill your enthusiasm for this year! In fact - get it in ink like this guy:



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LAST EDITED ON Aug-15-14 AT 02:33PM (MST)[p]They do but I will never cheer for another team, except my #2 team and that is whoever is playing the packers that week ;)
-edit- except when the packers play the cowboys then I always hope for a 0-0 tie.

I am really liking the coaching staff and how there are no "favorites" for players. Each one is earning his spot (except AP), If they have a 15th defense or better this year and their offense is decent, they might have a chance in the north. Divisional games are always tough no matter what. The first 5 weeks will reveal who the vikings are for this year.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

>wah wah wah......
Zigger?s response on 8/12/2014 to anyone that commits suicide.
zigger is a great example of a low life pos, that doesn't deserve any help. There are many things that would be nice to wish for or say but then I would be just like him.
I might not have always thought so but that mtmuley guy is a pretty good dude. If my 9'ers don't take it all this year, as much as it goes against my grain, i'm gonna pull for Muley and his Cowboys!

How's about them 9'ers huh?


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Viking get into the SB I'm betting big on them to win the odds has to be in my favor since they are 0-4 now. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Well now you get to cringe like us Bronco fans when your QB gets
hit.Cowboys worst product on the field in years.Im guessing 6-10
The vaccuum cleaner one? Again? Roy, Ware didn't help them much last year. Not all his fault I know, but I am sad to see him go anyway. One of my favorite players. Joey, the niners are in a meatgrinder of a division. Seahawks-9ers games oughtta be great this year. Seems like it will be one of those two come out of the NFC right now. At least if Denver gets lucky enough to make it to the SB, either of those teams can give them an Ass whipping. Wait, one already did! mtmuley
After that pre-season game. I'm guessing 4-12.Yeah we got are a$$ beat in the Superbowl.But not by your sad team.Maybe you should switch colors.Too bad you have to bring up a team in your NFC division that beat us.The Cowboys watched the game last year just like you and I.Maybe you should change your heading to.

Funny guy. I see that all the illegal contact penalties in the preseason are because of Peyton's whining about getting his ass kicked in the SB. Give me a fricken break. Switch colors? To what? The bronchos. The instant SB winners because they got Peyton? I hope the crybaby keeps complaining. Probably about the defense hitting him will be next. I don't give a rat's ass who beats Denver. As long as it happens. mtmuley
Hey Mntman
I am with you.....I am a Vikings fan-sufferer. Things are looking good this year. We should have a winning season and possibly could make the playoffs. It looks like a real effort on the part of management. Not just a move or two to hang their hats on.I am also a Peyton fan....I like the bronco's. Any player that plays hard and keeps his nose clean gets my backing. Football is a sport like hunting where good behavior seems to be acceptable but not applauded. Bad behavior is too often the headlines. Its a great time of the year for hunters and football fans.
:) got a a co-worker that is a cowboys fan and we go round and round. He hasn't responded since I sent that picture to him though, lol.
I am sure he will come back with something good though.

JTB, understand that! That is one thing I really like too, Kevin Garnett is a great example of that. I like the players that bust their asses on the field/court and then you NEVER hear about them off the field except for when they are volunteering or donating if even then. Cause the most of the good ones don't advertise when they do good things for others, it is just another day for them.

Don't understand why players have to be such dip$$$$$ once they get that money.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

>wah wah wah......
a certain individuals response on 8/12/2014 to anyone that commits suicide.
There are many things that would be nice to wish for or say but then I would be just like him.
Talk about a weak schedule.The Broncos just sent a 3-0 team packin.Lets see you on here next week at the same time.
Its funny that there is a rival between the Dallas Cowboys and Denver Broncos and they really have no reason really to be. Its more like the battle of the Midwest fans I guess. Being from Albuquerque New Mexico the rivalry can get pretty heated.

I personally don't have a team but Ive noticed The Broncos fans have really become rowdy ever since they got Manning (Pretty much when they started winning games) hahaha
If the Cowboys can continue to run the ball and play sound D they will be in every game.

So far they look like the real deal.

I'm also from NM like tinemaster and he's right there is a rivalry between my Cowboys and the donkeys lol. Especially in my home town in Taos it's either your a cowboy fan or a bronco fan and there are endless arguments about the teams. It's all good though. Keeps it entertaining.

My Cowboys look pretty good this year I will also admit I'm surprised a bit. I think next week will be the real test. We will get to really see how good our Offensive line is. But so far everyone is playing good Romo, Witt, Dez, Williams and Murray who is breaking franchise records and leading the league in rushing yards. They just need keep it up along with the strong D and they'll break that cursed 8-8 record.

Gotta love The Month of October... Hunting, football, and Baseball postseason!

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
Just like last year, the referee's will decide who makes it to the super bowl.


Nobody goes there anymore. It's too crowded.
Huge win in Seattle. Cowboys effectively controlled the line of scrimmage from start to finish.

They really are the real deal.

They sure look better then My Vikings. Hope they play good the rest of the season.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Didn't see the game as I am antelope hunting. Sounds like the Boys kinda took it to the Seahawks. They might be for real. If that defense continues to come on, look out. mtmuley
Good game for the Cowboys.But don't pull out the toothbrush & brass polish just yet.They still don't wear that crown.
Even the Ref's couldn't help the Seahawks in Seattle this time. Good job Cowboys!


Nobody goes there anymore. It's too crowded.
Murray is having a career year so far but his penchant for fumbling will probably cause him to be traded.
His fumble in the red zone was costly when you consider it negated the possibility of getting points which would have made the difference in regulation time.

crazymaez is right. I had a bad feeling last night before the game. A winning streak, an opponent (a divisional one) hungry for a win and Monday nite. Hope they get it together for Arizona. Hey crazey, I'm looking forward to the Manning/Brady showdown. Should be one Hell of a game. mtmuley
Boys getting healthy at the right time. 6 games remaining with most of those games against teams with losing records. The games against the Eagles will likely decide the division winner.

Arizona Cardinals will be playing in the Super Bowl in Phoenix in 2015..........count of it!

I take all the credit of the Cowboys good season! Having just the right fan, see post 11, can make all the difference in the world! :)


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Thanks Joey. Keep it up. I remember the Cowboy/Niner battles of years past. Really good stuff. Looks like the Niners may have righted the ship a bit. I'm tagged out but will hunt with friends as support on Thanksgiving. BUT, I really want to get back in time for the game with the Eagles. mtmuley
There'll be days were your head is handed to you. The key is how this team responds to their ass whooping.

Still a lot of football to be played.

Cowboys can't beat the Seahawks. Their defense is like a gift that just keeps giving and Russell makes things happen especially at the time they need him to.
Smacked the Eagles in the mouth at THEIR house. Yeah, and kicked the snot out of Seattle. Pretty good win. Indy will be tough, I wish it was in Indy. mtmuley
If the O line is on their game it shouldn't matter who the RB is but I have a feeling that Murray will play knowing the importance of the last 2 games.

If Murray can't go or is ineffective the Boys have 2 nice RB in Dunbar and Randle who are more than capable of filling in.

The Seahawks are playing much better now. Wait and see. I think they would beat the Cowboys by 10 if they played them again. They will stop the Cardinals.
Cowboys are a different team so far this season but it's those must win games that have been their ultimate undoing. Is this the year that Cowboys finally get over the hump?

We shall see.

Whoever will play will be against the Seahawks . The Hawks are getting better as the season goes. The Cowboys would need more than luck.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-20-14 AT 08:51PM (MST)[p]Aren't you jumping the gun Deermadness? Let's wait and see if they do meet.

Besides, the Cowboys have already shown they can go head to head with them and they know that.

Sorry it us true the Cowboys have done well. But the Seahawks have improved since they played the Cowboys. This is just my opinion so don't get panties in a knot.
You guessed them 4-12 there crazymaez. Wish the Cowboys would have had the donkeys on the schedule this year. mtmuley
You obviously don't get why I post this every year And I think it has been more than 10. This year sage is secretly a fan. Made a difference? mtmuley
maez, pay attention. It's never crickets from me whether the Cowboys win or lose. Bronco fans like yourself........different story. mtmuley
After another win with Cardinals I think the Hawks are playing better now than any team in the NFL. Let error rip Hawks. 594 yards tonight. Kam Chancellor, Richard Sherman, Russell Wilson, Luke Wilson, Haushka, Marshawn. The Hawks are playing better than last year now. It's epic.
Because they, like a couple other teams keep getting better. Russell Wilson was a rookie and now look at him. They are practicing and improving quickly. Did you listen to Tony Dungey last night or are you just here to make an boring comment.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-22-14 AT 08:20PM (MST)[p]The road to the Super bowl will go through Lambeau Field! And Packers
are bullet proof at home this year..
Uh Oh Denver fans. The road to the AFC championship goes through New England. I don't think the Packers can beat Seattle in Seattle, and it's looking like homefield will go to them. Dallas has already done it. mtmuley
Seahawks are 4th seed currently. .still have to beat niners. .
pack loose and AZ loose its detroit with home
Field advantage..
Hopefully we'll see who's playing better. One thing is for sure, the Cowboys aren't scared of Seattle or the supposed "twelfth man" bs. mtmuley
>Cowboy roundup.

Yes you can brag about that win, however the Legion of Boom has been preparing for Tony Romo and his minions.

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