The failed...


Long Time Member
experiment of the beef back ribs that didn't quite work out. I smoked them, then oven roasted them with a sweet & tangy BBQ sauce. They looked & tasted super. So what was the problem? There were about two bites of meat on each one. I wound up eating one of the country ribs to sate my appetite. The leftover macaroni & potato salads were good, however.

Where I went wrong was buying the back ribs in the first place because I confused them with the meatier short ribs. Live & learn. :(


Mmmmm ODW, those are the kind I love, especially when glazed on an Oriental sauce. Had some Japanese friends when was a kid. The made the best Chinese style grazed ribs every.
Mmmmm ODW, those are the kind I love, especially when glazed on an Oriental sauce. Had some Japanese friends when was a kid. The made the best Chinese style grazed ribs every.
Really? Back ribs?? They musta had a lot more meat on them than mine did. About the only use I can imagine for the ones I had was making beef stock for other uses.

I'm thinking short ribs would be 10 times better as far as being 'meaty.' But they aren't cheap. Someone has them on sale this week for $4.49 lb. In the same flyer, they have T-bones for $4.29. Which would you buy?? ;)
I have started buying the “country ribs” at our HEB grocery. Lots more meat and less gristle. Short ribs are good too. My daughter. Can eat her weight in ribs?
I have started buying the “country ribs” at our HEB grocery. Lots more meat and less gristle. Short ribs are good too. My daughter. Can eat her weight in ribs?
Agreed. As I mentioned earlier, when I saw the beef back ribs advertised at $1.88 lb., I confused them with short ribs. My wife had popped them in the freezer, so I didn't realize what they were until Weds. when I defrosted them. I just figured I'd give them a try. I now learned to read grocery ads more carefully. :rolleyes:

This is how I did about 10 of my country ribs yesterday. From a prior experiment...


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