The Super Bowl's...


Long Time Member
...sit down meal -- pulled pork on steamed buns with onions, dill slices, BBQ sauce & horseradish. A plate of pinto beans w/onion & pickled jalapenos, a few fries & one of my smoked salmon poppers added for adornment. ;) the crockpot immersed in root beer, onions, garlic & spices...


After six hrs. on low...ready for shredding


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Looks like a winning combo ! Did you toast the buns ,?
Lightly steamed.

How does the root beer additive work/taste? I've also heard of using Dr. Pepper but never tried it
The root beer tenderizes the meat and imparts a nice flavor. And yes, any acidic soda would work but with different flavors.

Once I pull it, I add in a bit of BBQ sauce for color & mix thoroughly. One shoulder provides a decent amount for a couple more meals.

I just found these recipes online. Close to what I do, sans garlic, onions & spices.

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Thx! gonna try it... that looks fantastic. I really like those Hawaiian buns for BBQ
Darn. I completely forgot a main ingredient. I mistakenly said 'BBQ sauce' for coloring in the first reply here. After shredding, mix a whole bottle Chili Sauce with two cups of root beer in a fairly lge. pan & simmer until it thickens a bit. Then add all the meat & stir it together!


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