Active Member
I've had a few trail cams stolen in the past off the Arizona Strip , the most recent was in early september of last year . There are alot of Muley Crazy members as well as the Muley Crazy crew that are dedicated to the Arizona Strip Region whom leave there Trail Cams out in certain areas . Im certain we all share the same related issue/problem of our cams stolen as Ive talked to a few Guides etc that have had similar problems . Well Ive gotten fedup w/ this problem and Im certain those that relate are pissed off as well .It really sucks to come back your site where you've left your camera to find it gone, after having the high hopes of catching that Giant Buck on camera . Let alone the cost of the camera's, batteries, sd cards , time , fuel etc. It adds up immensely and is not cheap !!!
We need to look out for each other, we all have and share the same passion . We can all be a tight niche group and police these problems ourselves . For my 2 cents, this is what I've initiated for everyone to benefit as well as give some peice of mind while your Cams are sitting on your water hole.
There are 2 main primary routes people use to get out onto the Arizona Strip . Ive placed a camera on each of these roads , and have adjusted each of them to where anyone going up to 45 mph , you're able to get description of vehicle and plate ID #'s , whether there coming or going from the strip . Tested thoroughly w/ my fourwheeler and truck . Second and foremost . Ive researched and invested $8500 .00 in my bushnell, reconyx, and stealth cams, remodifying them w/ a satellite transmitters and software , which enables every triggered image going straight to my computer . These satellite transmitters and software come from the Garmin Oregon 550T hand held . In all actuality, it is easy to integrate your trail cam to these Garmin Gps units . When you open your account through Garmin , you can then insync your unit to your computer . The Oregon 550 T comes w/ a built in camera which the photos will give you the precise coordinance of location . I figured, why couldnt you take the software and satellite transmitter and integrate it to your trail cam ? Yes it was expensive to do but now I've got satellite trail cameras. Here I am at home , viewing each individual image taken per camera , having time and date and battery life stamp on each , also if the camera is taken it can be tracked down , followed and recovered . So , for all those that read this, pass it on . Anyone have any problems w/ stolen cams this season and on , please email me . The chances are , they likely drove by one of the 2 placed cameras Ive got set on the main roads .
Doesn't your pocket protector get tangled up with your bino strap?

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
Oh man I hope I see one of your cameras on my way down're guna think Bigfoot mooned you!! :)[/IMG] ~Z~
I guess I'm not following you in how those roadside cameras are going to help you any. Just knowing a bunch of vehicles went by that you have on camera, license plates showing or not, won't be any help recovering anything IMO. It would seem that you've spent a fortune on technology that is great if people leave it alone, but the only way I could see it helping aid in recovery is if you have one hidden taking pictures at each spot where another is doing the picture taking of the animals you hope to capture on your camera. I know at least one person has been caught on camera that way. I would think you now better be praying that the roadside ones don't come up missing too!
Not only do the cameras on the roadside have satellite transmitters, everyone one of the cameras I own are remodified w/ the satellite transmitters. when you come upon a camera in the field, you usually come upon, directly in front of them , especially if you were look them over ... criminals contemplate there actions prior to executing . Every one of my cameras have a laminated forwarning label on top of the camera . likely that will initiate curiosity . By the time they're done reading the label, a picture or 2 will have been already sent to my computer . Just like your Gps units atleast most of the Garmins, you can track your unit. same applies to the cameras as well as the mph . As is set up, due to the satellite transmitter being on 24/7 , it's taken about 2 months of the battery life away from my bushnell's and approximately 10,000 images off the Reconyx and I dont even want to mention the Stealth Cam's. LOL. I'll just say it sucks. So as we speak, my Guy ( electronic specialist engineer) is working on getting the satellite transmitters to go into sleep mode( Time Between sensor triggered images) to sustain battery life, which I failed and overlooked initially.
Ah, now I gotcha! You're really talking about the newest instantaneous gizmos available and one of the main reasons Montana oulawed game cams during the hunting seasons. I hope you catch some creeps on camera and can lower the boom on them using that new technology!!!
Holy crap!

I can't believe I read that whole post since I didn't understand a word you said..... except that you had some cameras stolen.

I hate theives too.

I also strongly dislike all the whiz-bang technology....and we call this hunting?

Whatever happened to the wonderful hours we used to spend behind a good pair of binoculars?

What have we done to ourselves?

Good luck getting your gadgets back! Really... I mean it!


PS: I guess I'm simply too "old school"
I have never had a camera stolen, but I did get pictures of a guy taking a leak under my tree-stand.
Good on ya' for taking action and coming up with a way to better the trail cams. I hope it helps you in reducing the amount of cameras stolen. Unfortunately, there are people out there that would rather rip someone off instead of put in some hard earned hours to buy one for themselves. You know who you are...
It will be great if you can use this system to catch some of the crooks that steals trailcams down there.Post up some of your pic would love to see how they work.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
too old school as well.

But impressed that you have the ability and thought process to make it work. I know what you are doing I just don't understand the how.
Can I have a sticker to put on mine?

I think it's awesome. If you have the time and money, this is exactly what it will take to catch these POS'.
"You spent $8500 on game cameras. Thats sad."


It's an interesting concept. But really, what are you going to do with all the vehicles and license plates you collect? Hack into the DMV and question every person who was out there? Good luck with that.......
I suspect this post is more about hoping to deter thieves than actually implementing the technology. The financial outlay doesn't seem justifiable given the issues involved.

If I'm not mistaken, most of the AZ strip is public land. Whether right or wrong (and it IS wrong) having someone take your camera left on public land will be difficult to prosecute. You may get your camera back, but the thief will get away with it. I will also admit to being old school enough that I don't think these internet linked game cams are proper.

I agree with the other posts. Spend more time with your boots on the ground.

sounds like you have more money than you know what to do with. Sh-ite that's crazy. are you a guide or is getting a big muley worth a life savings?

just sayin..
Hasn't Moultrie had this type of thing around for a while now?

Seems like 8500 to develop "new" technology is a little overkill when someone already has done it.

(I know, I know, the moultrie operates off of cell service where the "new" one operates off of gps......)

Are your engineers developing how to integrate a web cam too? maybe even a microphone and speaker so you can talk to the theif as they are trying to take your camera....
That would be pretty cool to have a speaker so You can tell the thief" move away from the camera" I bet the picture you would get would be priceless.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Dude, next time you feel like wiping your ass with $8500.00, send me a pm first, I'll put it to good use. Jesus some people have way too much money!

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

440Sixpack wants to measure your boners!
Is it possible to also rig those same cameras with remote controlled guns? I would like to sit in the comfort of my office, see the game on the strip live, and then shoot them from here. I could then call you and have you go retrieve it for me.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-23-11 AT 04:25PM (MST)[p]how about lets outlaw video survailance on public land.???
put a bounty on cameras found on public land...$50 for every camera turned in to the camera crushing facility...

>AT 04:25?PM (MST)

>how about lets outlaw video survailance
>on public land.???
>put a bounty on cameras found
>on public land...$50 for every
>camera turned in to the
>camera crushing facility...

Exactly. I don't like the idea of having a once in a lifetime tag in the middle of nowhere, and 20 dudes are watching my every move at home.
I always root for the guys that pick up litter on public land, they are more like heros than thieves.
Good luck with that! I hope you really catch some guys and get them busted.

That said, if I were to strap a $100 bill to a tree in the public woods, I would not expect it to be there when I get back. Is it wrong for someone to take it even if I posted a note saying this was mine and I will be back for it? You bet! But not a big surprise.

Sounds like you have a good plan. Hope it works.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
Why dont you just go to the hardware store and buy some chain and iron and a lock and build a lock box and chain it to a tree? could do that for a few bucks and save the $8500 for your kids college fund.
Were someone...hypothetically speaking, to shoot a trailcam with a .220 Swift, say from 200 yards,.......could you see the bullet coming from your home system?

At that point, could you toggle up your personal satellite mounted, dilithium crystal laser, target the bullet and vaporize it, thereby protecting your trailcam?

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
If you dont want your crap stolen dont leave it out in the woods,cant you hunt without trail cams?
I lost two sept.2010 it was very upsetting, made me wonder if my camp and truck were safe? was just talking to a local that said he and a group of people had a meeting with blm about outlawing cam's on blm?
That is truly sad that you spent $8500.00 on that crap. If you have to use trail cams on public land to hunt deer you are not a hunter in my book. Quit being a lazy a$$ and use your two legs to find the deer.
I hate them but would never steal anything. I don't think I should hike into the natural setting and have to worry about some ##### spying on me when I take a dump. I admit I did take a crap near a wallow in 5bs and picked the wad up with a stick and wiped it on someone's trail cam. That's not stealing it is giving.
I would like to see them outlawed, the spring tune up thing sounds fun though, would a 22 long rifle get through to the vitals?
LOL! I dont think this thread is going where he thought it would go. $8500 worth of cameras on public land is bull$hit. Level the playing field and outlaw them. Problem solved. You wont have to whine about someone stealing your cameras you leave in the middle of nowhere, and other hunters wont feel like they have to spend that kind of cash to compete with you "trophy guides". If outspending everyone else on electronics is what seperates you from the competition, then thats pretty sad. If you leave anything of that value out on the strip or any unit for that matter, expect it to go missing.
Looks like from the way this thread has turned that the OP has more than theft to worry about! Goodness gracious, I don't like all this new fangled stuff either, but things have gone a little extreme here!!!
A couple legal questions:

At what point when private property is left on public land is it considered abandoned?

What is the definition of littering?

I don't disagree at with what you are doing on private land, but public is all of ours and I don't want people setting up trail cams, tree stands, pop up blinds, feeders, duck blinds, etc and leaving them on public land.
If someone took my truck that's stealing and so is stealing a trailcam. However, this guy spending all the $$$ and technology to get a buck on the private land? Outlaw this baloney!!
Get off your lazy backside and hunt dude!!
I set up a tree stand on public property and it was used by other people. I never ran into them but if I had I would have felt compelled to let them stay... since it's PUBLIC property. I would hope they wouldn't trash it or steal it however.

I wouldn't steal or trash a trailcam even though I don't think they represent my style of hunting.

There are some good questions surrounding their use on public property. I don't have the answers.

Good morning to all .... haven't had a chance to get on here and comment or reply to anyones concerns since yesterday as my father was admitted to the hospital. He's been fighting alzheimers for 7 years .what a crazy ugly disease .
As I now get on here, Im pretty marveled to see so many facetious comments, even obscene comments. Too those whom make such obscene gestures or comments just shows your true colors . And you dont even know about all the true facts about what Im doing and who I am . I welcome all comments, everyone has the right to vent there opinions, I don't take nothing said personal . But Im willing to shed a little light of who I am and what I do and am doing .
Im more of a contributor or giver than anything else . I am someone who gets along w/ anyone, very laid back and open minded. I get up at 6:45 am every morning and do stock trading until 8:00 am . This is my primary income and is lucrative. I've helped many people become successful by only working 1 hour a day making up too 150k a year and then some . It's very easy , anyone can learn this and it's guaranteed. For those interested send me a pm. After stock trading for an hour a day, I have the rest of the day doing whatever I want. But you'll find me working and volunteering working for the FBI setting up internet stings for pedofiles, protecting our children . I contribute about 10 hrs a week to this alone . As for the Trail Cameras , The initial topic on here, I an a volunteer for AZGF and helping Luke Thompson whom is main officer for the Arizona Strip . The main purpose for the trail cameras is we are collecting data regarding the Mountain lion population . Which these images taken at these water catchments has proven thus far , it is over populated and hopefully will result to more mountain lion tags allocated and a price reduction on the nonresident tags . Am I a hunter ? No I am not . I am a videographer/photographer . I've never hunted in my life for Mule Deer or elk . Mule deer are my passion, and I do buy/purchase Mule deer collections such as the RainbowsEndBB in Challis Idaho which included the Mundy Buck . So for those whom think I'm doing this for only my benefit or fun, think again. I also send data to the water development center (Joe Curry) regarding certain catchments needing to be fixed or maintained. If cameras become outlawed, awesome, whatever, so be it , it is what it is. But Im doing this voluntarily for AZGF and have proof of that in my truck at all times . Thievery has become a problem of trail cameras, and I hope I do catch someone in the act, it's virtually inevitable .
$8500 on TCs! That's awesome your in a position that your able to spend that kind of cash on something like trail cams. I have a hard time spending $100 on a TC. Even though it sounds like you have the money to replace your stolen TCs it still suck when someone stills from you no matter what the value is. Those of you that has had something stolen know the feeling. It down right blows! I can see someone spending money to catch a crook after they've been robbed. Justice is priceless. Hope you catch one of the thieving SOBs in action and post his mug shot up on the web.

Another thing just because a guy uses trail cams doesn't make him a lazy slob of a hunter. Majority of the guys I know that use trail cams are some of the hardest hunting fools I know that work their asses off in everything they do.
I'm a little confused, you're trying to tell us you've modified these cameras, using the Garmin gps, to upload photo's when taken immediately to your computer. I'm not a gps whiz by any means, but I'm crying B.S. I think you would have to spend a lot more that $8,500, and the garmin gps, to get photo data uploaded through the gps system. I don't think the garmins you speak of even has that capability. I believe you just blowing smoke. Just my $.02.
Bingo! I think we have the winner.

If you are so damn smart why don't you solve the problems in the Middle East, or Illegal Immigration while your at it....

>I'm a little confused, you're trying
>to tell us you've modified
>these cameras, using the Garmin
>gps, to upload photo's when
>taken immediately to your computer.
> I'm not a gps
>whiz by any means, but
>I'm crying B.S. I
>think you would have to
>spend a lot more that
>$8,500, and the garmin gps,
>to get photo data uploaded
>through the gps system.
>I don't think the garmins
>you speak of even has
>that capability. I believe
>you just blowing smoke.
>Just my $.02.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-24-11 AT 01:21PM (MST)[p]Maybe the guy is blowing smoke, but why are there so many "smart" people that come on a thread and say "I don't think you can..." before you do some research on this subject. Just because you "don't think it can be done" doesn't mean squat. It's more like you just don't think before spouting BS, period!!! I hope the OP comes back with the proof and tells all of you what you need to know and then you'll be men enough to come back on here with an apology. A couple phone calls to this guy Luke Thompson of the G&F and the H20 guy, Joe Curry, out there should be all that's needed to verify if what he stated is fact or not. If it is, I hope there are a whole bunch of apologies to someone who may just be doing what he stated and a great benefit to conservation!!! It sure doesn't make sense to me that a guy would put names out like that for easy verification if he was "blowing smoke" IMHO!
G&F makes a lot of money on the strip, really ?
I would bet that the total fees collected for all permits.... deer, antelope, sheep - rifle and archery - add up to less than $20K for both 13A & B. Barely buys gas for the WM up there, let alone pays his salary.
>A couple legal questions:
>At what point when private property
>is left on public land
>is it considered abandoned?
>What is the definition of littering?
>I don't disagree at with what
>you are doing on private
>land, but public is all
>of ours and I don't
>want people setting up trail
>cams, tree stands, pop up
>blinds, feeders, duck blinds, etc
>and leaving them on public

if it is legal why can't he put a camera on public land is he not part of the" public" whats your idea of " public land"

I don't want anyone on public land it's mine!!

I was stating my opinion, just like you, isn't that what his forum is about. I actually use far more advanced GPS systems at work than the Garmin he mentioned, so I have a small background on the subject. I was trying to state my opinion in a decent matter without getting extremely technical. I hope he can prove me wrong. Until then, I still stand with my previous comment, he's blowing smoke.

And I'm not knocking on the time he dontates to the various causes, thats great. I'm just taking issue with the proposed GPS uploading trailcameras.
The AZGF has little enough money as is and is very well under maned . So , why dont I do what I've done w/ my cameras , file away my data collected and distributed to AZGF and get one Hell of a tax right off ? Exactly what I did , hence these cam's and all the work and money spent on them, the money I got in return through my taxes, Im the sole owner of the Cam's and now they're free. Broke even !!!! Still have the Cam's . Ya people, w/ an open mind, you can go along ways in life !!!
I dont think he needs to prove anything to anyone. Who cares if you dont believe him.
At the end of the day, im sure he wont lose sleep over it.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-24-11 AT 03:05PM (MST)[p]Sir, it's not what you said, but rather the way you said it!!! Opinions are one thing, but to just state what you think and don't really know for sure and then be nasty through your whole post isn't just offering your opinion---JMO!!! Please read your initial post and see if just maybe you couldn't have stated things more appropriately to disagree with him without basically calling him a liar!!!

One_Dryboot---You're starting to scare me more and more with our agreeing on a lot of things lately here Bro, LOL!!!
Hey Bro---I'm not going to argue with anyone if it's true that you can make a good living at your desk for only an hour or two a day. I'm surprised a bunch haven't said you're blowing smoke on that too! Have a good day Sir!
Im not on here to prove anything to anybody other than Im on here and out there in the field helping others as well . Im not even a hunter , Im a photographer and observer to these Mule deer that inhabit the Arizona Strip to heart !!! Thats all . I had cameras stolen , got pissed off and now doing things a little diffrent .Other cameras had been stolen out there as well besides mine. My purpose for cameras is researching the mountain lion population, simultaneously updating the way the water catchments are functioning, etc. Another example of theft. Chad smith through Vaquero outfitters . When they initially located that 240's 42 " wide buck they dubbed Bull Winckle. He had 2 cameras stolen off the same catchment . Guess what ? There were 5 other cameras on that site at the same time and only his cameras, both times , not the other cameras, ended up stolen .

I dont think that it matters what he does for a living, how much money he has to "blow", or how he decides to spend his free time. I say good on him' for helping the AZDWR keep cat numbers down which in turn allots for more of you to hunt your trophy muleys. Look at the bright side, at least he is being productive and spending time doing what he enjoys and not something that would harm you or your family.

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