Trail Cam Thieves



I never would have guessed there are so many dishonest hunters these days, my boy just had 5 Trail cams stole in 2 weeks and we had several stole last year and even had someone use pics from one to put on internet, I think hunting is nothing like it used to be, everyone thinks they need to cheat, steal and lie to be someone I guess, and it pisses me off, I hope if any of you reading this are the ones doing this, just know you will get caught eventually or pay in the end, I guess your just not a good enough hunter to do it without cheating, and I bet you still can't get it done by cheating.
Hey Kim?

You Guys settin Cams on Cams yet down your way?

This Story happens alot it's True!
But Ya Best Hope it don't ever happen to you!
LAST EDITED ON Jul-29-13 AT 10:39PM (MST)[p]


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-30-13 AT 08:03AM (MST)[p]In the first place, the guys on here are NOT the people stealing trail cams, trashing hunting sites, tearing up the countryside on quads, or disrespecting other hunters, or Nature in general.

I would doubt the MM crew has a very high percentage of what you are referring to as "cheaters".

Indeed, we joke about a lot of these situations that are destroying our sport, but that is just basic human nature. If we couldn't laugh, we would have to cry.

So, as the saying goes, "you are preaching to the choir"......and we ALL sympathize with your issues, even if we don't always agree with the basic concepts of what YOU think is right or wrong, for your particular hunting methods.

"Being an idiot is NOT an art form. Give it up!"
>AT 08:03?AM (MST)

>In the first place, the guys
>on here are NOT the
>people stealing trail cams, trashing
>hunting sites, tearing up the
>countryside on quads, or disrespecting
>other hunters, or Nature in
>I would doubt the MM crew
>has a very high percentage
>of what you are referring
>to as "cheaters".
> Indeed, we joke about a
>lot of these situations that
>are destroying our sport, but
>that is just basic human
>nature. If we couldn't laugh,
>we would have to cry.
>So, as the saying goes, "you
>are preaching to the choir"......and
>we ALL sympathize with your
>issues, even if we don't
>always agree with the basic
>concepts of what YOU think
>is right or wrong, for
>your particular hunting methods.
> "Being an idiot is NOT
>an art form. Give it

Easy there NICKY!

He's probably still got the Operators Manual you'll need to figure the Damn Things out!

This Story happens alot it's True!
But Ya Best Hope it don't ever happen to you!
I don't have a clue who is on this site or if anyone here would do this, just wanted to get a word out and just a good place to vent, do I know you elkassassin not sure what you mean by your post, I don't do this stuff on here much, do you want to explain, and tell me who you are? then I can answer your question, like to hear from you. I just think there are more dishonest people these days it seems like, that's why the post.
Sorry nickman, I didn't say the people on here ARE the ONES doing this, but COULD be who knows, do YOU know EVERBODY on HERE?, HELL I dont have a clue who you are, but I can see you spend a A LOT of time on HERE, I don't don't think you KNOW my hunting METHOD at all, this is why I don't SPEND time on here, and stealing is stealing now matter what it is, I can't stand a thief!!! WHATS WITH ALL THE CAPS ANYWAY?
Just to the Right of your Name cougar2!

There is a single Envelope!

Click on it!

This Story happens alot it's True!
But Ya Best Hope it don't ever happen to you!
LAST EDITED ON Jul-31-13 AT 02:30AM (MST)[p]Further intelligent response to this poster, is clearly a waste of time. I have no Crayons.
Not defending those types of people who may have stole your property but how would you feel if everywhere you went and scouted there was a trail camera watching you? I think seeing stands and blinds and trail cameras set up all over the place discourages alot of good, honest hunters and turns them into the "bad guy."

You're right, hunting isn't what it used to be. Expect to get your property stolen or damaged, you left it out. My son left his bike out by the curb one night. Now its gone. Am I pissed at the guy who stole it? No, I'm pissed at my son for leaving it out where someone could be tempted to take it.

I understand my response is a poor way to justify your stolen cameras because your an honest man and would not think to do the same to others property. However, many people out there are weak (both good and bad)and give in to the slightest temptation and that is who your dealing with on the mountain. Sorry for your loss, Hope you can find a place where no man has gone before to set up your cameras and enjoy nature.
Pathetic to keep hearing stories like yours cougar2. I love that nickman (one of monstermuleys finest sheriffs) has to post bs on nearly every thread. Gives me a good laugh. Now he knows that everyone on this site are great people....WOW! Wouldn't that be nice if it was true? If I'm not mistaking, about a month ago we had basically the same thread and there were a lot of low life guys that said they would damage a cam if they seen one. Bloodtracker, I don't understand how you could not be pissed that your sons bike was stolen. In my opinion, a young kid should be able to leave his/her bike laying out ( not saying its good practice but that's what kids do) and still be laying in the same spot in the morning. The way I interpret that is almost as if you condone theft if somethings not locked up. I'm sure that's not the case, just sounds funny to me. Whatever happened to having a few morals and being respectful of others belongings?
Just my thoughts. Use them or don't, but do not believe because your camera is on a water hole, saddle, game trail or whatever that the spot is yours. Realize that it is just a tool and that it may even just attract attention to the spot and invite others that have as much right at the spot as you do.

Camera's are great on private property where a person can control the public access, but on public land no one can expect to leave a blind, camera or a note stuck to a tree, stating that this spot is mine and I will be here during the hunt so all others hunters must move on.

If I was to leave a camera in the woods I would expect to have a few people mess with me alittle. I would also believe that their would be those that would use a camera and/or card reader and look through the pictures and return the card in the same shape it was removed. No harm no foul. All is good. everyone is happy and seen what everyone else seen. Just my thought!!!

We need to work together and not divided. Before long hunters will be stocking others spots and chasing game from them and their spot. Kind of sound like what the anti hunters have done in the past and the states have had to pass laws of harrasment to address the problem.

Just what the anti's would love is to sit back in their comfortable chair at home and have hunters do their dirty work for them to other hunters.

Yes I do believe the majority on this site are honest and have common sence and would leave others property alone. Hopefully things are left alone and those using and leaving items in the field also use their common sence.

I'm sorry for your loss and hope you find your property, but I do not believe it will be found in the possession of those on this site. Although stating questions and comments on this site in the right contents could very well help you find the property or the persons involved if seen by those on this site.

Hope all have a great day and hopefully a great year of scouting and hunting!!!
I can see everyone's side here.
We SHOULD be able to leave stuff lying around without having the damn theives mess with it but we CAN'T because we'll always have the 2% of the population (in any sport) who are D-Bags!

I hate theives as bad as the next guy and I can see how walking in to scout a water hole or trail and having someone's camera clicking away could be construed as more than annoying.

Sorry your son's cameras got stolen. As intrusive as the stupid things are, I'd never condone anyone messing with them or stealing them! Period!

I could care less about cameras. I don't have any. But what I do believe is that there must be a lot of people that might need to consider putting their boots on and hitting the trails instead of hanging their cameras. That is if all you want to do is cry about someone stealing it. What did you expect?

It's more fun to see it all in person anyways. Cameras are a waste.

Theodore Roosevelt's guidance concerning
"The movement for the conservation of wildlife,
and the conservation of all our natural resources,
are essentially democratic in spirit,purpose and

"We do not intend that our natural resources shall
be exploited by the few against the interests of the
majority. Our aim is to preserve our natural
resources for the public as a whole, for the
average man and the average woman who make
up the body of the American people."

"It is in our preserve game..and to give
reasonable opportunities for the exercise of the
skill of the hunter,whether he is or is not a man of
If you haven't used trail cams, how would you know what is more fun? When I am out checking my cameras I see things in person. I've seen a lot of cool things with my bare eyes, but close up trail cam pics/videos of big bucks, bulls, cats etc are pretty neat. I get a nearly equal thrill from watching a big buck at 200 yards in person as I do looking at trail cam pics of him at five feet or closer. And since I have pics, I'll never forget it. When you say cameras are a waste, do you mean all cameras or just trail cams? No kill photos ever? Are my photos through my spotting scope a waste? Everybody's different but I've said it on here before about trail cams, don't knock em til you try em.
+1,jray. I don't like my neighbor parking his truck on the sidewalk so when I take the dog for a stroll it's in my way. But yet I still leave it alone. It's seriously that easy. It's not my property so I LEAVE IT ALONE. Even though it infringes on my right to take a walk without being bothered by another human.

I don't care where I find something, if it's not mine, I leave it alone. But then, I'm not a criminal, either.

Oh yeah- I'm also not lazy, like many guys seem to think you are if you use trailcams. That part is really pretty simple as well. IF YOU DON'T LIKE THEM, DON'T USE THEM! See how easy that was?

I've had stuff stolen from me a few times and I didn't like it. Anyone that has had stuff stolen knows the feeling of violation that you get from that. Not a good feeling. I REALLY need to go buy some Crayons!

I love how you children feel free to read things into a post that are not there. Maybe you should have an adult read them to you.

"Being an idiot is NOT an art form. Give it up!"
Hey Nicky?

Which Instruction Booklets do you not have?

This Story happens alot it's True!
But Ya Best Hope it don't ever happen to you!
I am glad to hear some decent sounding, moral guys responding on this subject, it was not my intention to accuse everyone on here, I just know a lot of guys are on here and it just might get back somehow to the ones who feel the need to steal, it' just a sore spot for me, I don't own or have ever owned a trail cam but I enjoy checking my boys, they are a handy little gadget and can help a lot, I have came across other guys cams and just went on my way it don't bother me in the least, I like the old way but why not use modern stuff if you can, I bet most bow hunters have all the latest and greatest and some new rifles and muzzle loaders are awesome and very advanced, I hate to think I had to use my old recurve to hunt, good for those that do and I'm sure they enjoy it, I hope the next time we all come across the cams we just wave and go about are business and stay out of others business that's all, I will send crayons to anyone who needs them, thanks guys I'm done.
"In my opinion, a young kid should be able to leave his/her bike laying out ( not saying its good practice but that's what kids do) and still be laying in the same spot in the morning".


I feel the same way you do about the bike situation. The fact is, you cannot do this any more. I live in a very nice neighborhood. I cannot even leave my garage door open during the day because there is theives driving around in broad day light backing up into peoples driveways and filling their trucks full of whatever is in the garages! I try to teach my kids to never let their guard down. It starts with taking care of their belongings. Basically, don't trust anyone and understand what the consequences are before leaving your property out. Also, you can leave your property out and lock it up but if someone wants it bad enough, their going for it. My coworker had his fifth wheel trailer broken into on the side of his house. The theives stole 3 flat screen TV's. Ripped them right off the wall.

You teach your kids to leave their stuff out, not to take care of any personal belongings. I will teach mine the opposite. We'll see whos kids are less frustrated in 20 years. At least my kids will be prepared to accept the consequences of their actions...and I won't even have to have the "I told you so" talk with them.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-01-13 AT 08:18AM (MST)[p]Nickman and elkassassin. You two kids make such a cute couple! Don't go anywhere on MM without each other. Little sheriff posse. I would love to send the guys like yourselves on this site hundreds of coloring books or whatever it takes to keep you from constantly commenting dumbass remarks. Maybe there's a Barney Goes Hunting video I can find you two. If you have no interest in a thread except to try to get a rise out of someone, why can't you simply proceed to something you care about and make monstermuleys better for everyone?
>+1 Nickman!!!

I've said this before and I will say it again the only people who think trail cams users are lazy are those who don't use them. If you have never run a string of cameras then you don't realize how much work they really are. And it doesn't matter if it is 2 cameras or 20 its takes a lot of time and work to keep those things operational. Not only are you dealing with the mechanics of the machine, but the weather, sun angle, salt rock, bait, and believe it or not livestock damage. And I didn't even mention other hunters purposely moving the angle of the camera even if they don't outright steal it. For heck sakes it takes a season or better just to figure out to mount a camera at the right angle to get the shot.

If you want to hunt in buckskin and shoot flint arrowheads then so be it, but most workin stiffs don't have an unlimited amount of time to scout. And regardless of what you think/feel about cameras you can only be in one place at one time. It is really about maximizing the time you have available. You would be surprised at how many big game animals hit a water hole at 2pm in the middle of July. Are the self proclaimed purists going to be out in their traditional buckskins at 2 in the afternoon on July 25th?? I highly doubt it...

Much like the person who started this thread; There is absolutely no better way to keep a young person interest in wildlife than to let them set a few cameras out. As we all know young peoples attention span is sometimes the biggest challenge in keeping them interested. There is nothing better than to have your kid calling work non-stop because he is all jacked up about a trail cam photo he just captured. So if ya want a save the children speech there it is. The self proclaimed cam haters should consider all aspects of trail cam usage rather than just their own selfish motivations....
I agree 100%. When my kids are old enough they will be raised the same way but more do to the fact that I hate things laying around. It's just a sad world we live in that needs much harsher consequences for theft and vandalism in my opinion.
Always interesting to hear guys whining about losing their camera's. Everyone knows there's a high probability the thing is gonna get stolen if you put one on public land. Go hang yer bino's on a tree branch one of these days. I'll bet they get stolen too.

It's unfortunate that we have such an opportunistic society, but there ain't much yer gonna do to change it. Guess that narrows down yer choices.

Who's all in favor of Founder making a stolen camera whiners forum...
I'm glad you automatically ASSume your cameras were stolen by other hunters... seeing as how only hunters are out in the bush this time of year. MOOP
>AT 08:18?AM (MST)

>Nickman and elkassassin. You two kids
>make such a cute couple!
>Don't go anywhere on MM
>without each other. Little sheriff
>posse. I would love to
>send the guys like yourselves
>on this site hundreds of
>coloring books or whatever it
>takes to keep you
>from constantly commenting dumbass remarks.
>Maybe there's a Barney Goes
>Hunting video I can find
>you two. If you have
>no interest in a thread
>except to try to get
>a rise out of someone,
>why can't you simply proceed
>to something you care about
>and make monstermuleys better for

You can take a F'N Hike jray!

This Story happens alot it's True!
But Ya Best Hope it don't ever happen to you!
I've been lurking here for years, even used to post under a different username back when deerking was still wearing a crown, I usually bite my tongue and just laugh at a lot of the stuff on this forum. Trail camera theft or vandalism is obviously a hot topic so here's my two cents.
If you leave your camera or stand or blind or fill-in-the-blank where others can find it, you're an idiot. Do you have a right to be pissed yes, but be pissed at yourself for putting so much faith in the human race that your equipment would go untouched.
I've come across other people's gear all the time in the field and I shake my head at where they're leaving their gear, you can see it from the trail, and nothing was done to conceal it!
I've never had a camera or blind stolen, but then again I go off the beaten path, and further in than most would go, so I don't really have to worry about it...
There is also the camp theives. I have never had my camp vandalized or things stolen but there is a high probability of that. I have heard of many others having their camps raided while they were out hunting or hiking.
I always leave my truck and trailer locked while out hunting. Things are placed out of sight. However, I still cross my fingers while I am away hoping I have something to come back to at the end of the day. Really, it is a sad world we live in when you have to prepare for the worst and hope for the best....

Trail cameras would be great for watching your camp or truck...
never have messed with anyone's stuff before. Unti'll yesterday. Have been setting up for the Elk hunt for weeks now, have hung 7 tree stands for me and my sons, and built a ground blind area for my wife ( she is disabled) yesterday there were trail cams at too water holes within 30 yards of 1 tree stand and the ground blind. I didn't touch the cams.... but I did use up a big part of their memory I hope. and left some ribbons to blow in the breeze and set off the motion sensors. I wouldn't damage or steel the cams, and can't imagine what P.O.S. would. Sorry to hear about yours, and hope you catch the jerk.Am curios to know how you respond to what I did. I feel kind of bad now, But was pissed after hiking into this area for the last 4 weeks and setting up , Clearing trails so my wife can access the spot ect.. BTW she is disabled from a hunting accident that happened at the same waterhole 4 years ago. She fell and broke her neck.
Damn Stonefly!

Hope you can get Her in on a Buck/Bull!

Guess You're Nicer than me?:D

Just Start Tuning TARDS!

That'll work!

This Story happens alot it's True!
But Ya Best Hope it don't ever happen to you!
So it is not ok for a guy to lay claim to a waterhole he cams, but it is ok to lay claim to a water hole you hung a stand on. And further purposely attempted to interfere with the cameras operation. I don't get the MM logic of crying about the unethical injustices of others while being a self justified perpetrator of similar behavior.

A guy should feel bad about it....

Leave the guy a note with your phone number and perhaps you can discuss the situation. He will probably give you permission to view the photos any time your up there. This is a better alternative than playing juvenile turf wars and screwing each other up. Most guys are more than happy to help each other out. Especially if you explain the disability situation. All this did was pizz the guy off when he would have worked with you or pulled the cameras altogether.

I dare not ask what would have happened if he hung a stand or constructed a blind in the same area. I just don't get this type of behavior....
"I left several expensive pieces of gear out in the woods and someone "stole" them" $H!T?Leave a $100 bill tacked to the tree next time and see how long it different than leaving a camera,someone is going to take it eventually.How in the world did your kid hunt before these stupid cameras came around?
I know if they was my cam's, I wouldn't work with you after that stunt. Dumb move IMO. I still don't know why some-one thinks they own a spot because they are the first person to get to it weeks ahead of the seasons, 7 stands and a blind you have to think you wouldn't be hunting them all every day so why should anyone not hunt the locations of them. You can't think they are reserved just because they have a stand or blind on them. Being first on opening day is the key if you ask me. First come first served. Early man/woman get the spot and it doesn't matter who put up a stand or blind weeks before.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
"Being first on opening
>day is the key if
>you ask me. First come
>first served. Early man/woman get
>the spot and it doesn't
>matter who put up a
>stand or blind weeks before."

That's not true either!
I've been set up and had guys come in late, spook game, and set up right in front of me! Now that's unethical IMO.... but there's nothing a guy can legally do about it if the land is public.
Too bad lots of hunters don't have the same morals. If I got to my spot on opening day and someone else was there, I would move on. Why would anyone want to hunt where someone else is already hunting?

It's all about "me" nowdays. People have lost the art of common courtesy. What a shame.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-02-13 AT 10:34AM (MST)[p]>Too bad lots of hunters don't
>have the same morals. If
>I got to my spot
>on opening day and someone
>else was there, I would
>move on. Why would anyone
>want to hunt where someone
>else is already hunting?
>It's all about "me" nowdays. People
>have lost the art of
>common courtesy. What a shame.

***Truer words were never spoken and for that guy that thinks those stands and blinds give him the area and tied the ribbons on to interfere with the cameras, I hope you didn't start a "turf war". You may just come back and have a bunch of missing and/or damaged stands/blinds because of that dumb stunt. Geez, some people!!!
Hey TOPGUN, the only reason I shot that buck last year in WY was because that other hunter came and set up not 50 yards from me. I decided that if that 'spot' was so important to him, he deserved it more than me. Next ridge over I went.... Next ridge over I shot a nice 4 point.
ElkAss, you proved my point of how big of a jackass you are. I have an uncle that's paralyzed, so if I have him an awesome set up weeks before any opener and another hunter on PUBLIC ground hangs a trail cam there I should destroy it or steal it in your eyes, right? Or wait, I should camp out til they return to check their cam, then I'm going to TUNE A TARD. You are a bad ass piece of work. Although, I'm sure in person you are a completely different guy. Wish we could all be MM hard asses like yourself.

Sorry to hear of the bad luck Stonefly. I know the challenges you face trying to get your wife in on a respectable animal while dealing with uncontrollable situations of public land hunting. It's near impossible. I agree with many others though, that you could have handled the situation a little better. I'm glad you are respectable enough not to destroy the cam or steal it like so many guys on this site say they would. I wish the states would zone certain areas for handicap hunting only. Maybe some do? Good luck this season. Hope she kills a bruiser.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-02-13 AT 05:17PM (MST)[p]>Hey TOPGUN, the only reason I
>shot that buck last year
>in WY was because that
>other hunter came and set
>up not 50 yards from
>me. I decided that if
>that 'spot' was so important
>to him, he deserved it
>more than me. Next ridge
>over I went.... Next ridge
>over I shot a nice
>4 point.

***I don't even remember that happening to tell you the truth Travis. All I remember is being way up high to the east of you and seeing you go north down the west side of that fenceline, stop, and then a minute or two later pop that 4x4! Hopefully you can pop one twice that big out there this season. I'll be heading out to Sheridan in a little over two weeks to go on to NV and OR with John before heading over to our hunt area about 9/20. I'll keep in touch with you by phone once I head out there and am still looking for you to be out there the last week of the season with me.
I know it isn't true.
But that way it should always be.
If you're the first into the spot, the others should move on to their B spot or C spot.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
>ElkAss, you proved my point of
>how big of a jackass
>you are. I have an
>uncle that's paralyzed, so if
>I have him an awesome
>set up weeks before any
>opener and another hunter on
>PUBLIC ground hangs a trail
>cam there I should destroy
>it or steal it in
>your eyes, right? Or wait,
>I should camp out til
>they return to check their
>cam, then I'm going to
>TUNE A TARD. You are
>a bad ass piece of
>work. Although, I'm sure in
>person you are a completely
>different guy. Wish we could
>all be MM hard asses
>like yourself.
>Sorry to hear of the bad
>luck Stonefly. I know the
>challenges you face trying to
>get your wife in on
>a respectable animal while dealing
>with uncontrollable situations of public
>land hunting. It's near impossible.
>I agree with many others
>though, that you could have
>handled the situation a little
>better. I'm glad you are
>respectable enough not to destroy
>the cam or steal it
>like so many guys on
>this site say they would.
>I wish the states would
>zone certain areas for handicap
>hunting only. Maybe some do?
>Good luck this season. Hope
>she kills a bruiser.

COOL IT jray!

It ain't me competing to Scent Mark our 'Own' Trees so We can all show Our True Colors!

I have been known to TUNE A TARD when needed!

These Trail Cams are out of hand!

And all the Activity that goes with them!

It's all Spilt Milk to me!

Set 500 of them out if you want!

Where I hunt there's two things you Ain't gotta worry about:

There are No Trail Cams!

And No Big Bucks!

But it sure is Peaceful!

This Story happens alot it's True!
But Ya Best Hope it don't ever happen to you!
LAST EDITED ON Aug-03-13 AT 07:45AM (MST)[p]Stonefly

I don't get it. If this sounds insensitive to your wifes situation, I'm sorry. You cannot possibly think that your entitled to all those locations you hung stands and set up ground blinds just because you put in the time and effort to do so. You cannot possibly think that because your wife had a hunting accident in the area of your stands and blinds and cleared trails, that you and your family are entitled to hunt that area exclusivly. Your on PUBLIC LAND.

These other "intrusive" hunters are not mind readers and do not know about your entitlement policy. Maybe you should post a big sign at the trail head on opening day: ATTENTION ALL HUNTERS: HANDYCAP HUNT IN PROGRESS, THIS CANYON IS CLOSED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE BY THE ENTITLEMENT FAMILY.
As much as I hate thieves, I can't feel any sympathy when someone gets their game cam stolen. Like bcb said, they are gettin outta hand.
Places like the Strip had so much more appeal before game cams were posted at every water hole.
Damn Straight they're outa Hand!

But even if the DWR/USFS/BLM/State passed Laws there'd be NO WAY of Enforcing the Rules/Laws and the same Law Breakers would be doing as they Damn Well Please just like they are now!

I Hope somebody Pisses in jrays Wallow where He's got his Cams set!:D

(((RAZZIN Ya jray,Don't Blow an Over Load!:D:D:D)))

This Story happens alot it's True!
But Ya Best Hope it don't ever happen to you!
Sad that that in our day so may seek to cheat their way through life at the expense of the hard toil of others. Respect goes along way. The kid who lost his cameras has every right to not only use those camera but to expect that his property will be respected. Like the rest of us... he loses faith in his fellow hunters. He learns sadly that those who steal will use any means of hunting to gain the trophy. I can only hope that his father reenforces that hunting is about personal integrity and ethics. In the end that is where the real joy of hunting lies. Where was the father of the thief ? Why had life lessons not been taught or learned. Back off if someone has a set up. Yes there are those who claim entitlement for whatever reason. It's not worth the conflict. Even if you think cameras are overused & intrusive and have a different philosophy... respect their right to think differently than you unless it is an illegal strategy. Life is just too short to have to fight over the spoils. It may mean they get to brag and you don't. At least in the end your integrity is in place. Life is the best teacher. Going out of your way to help another in need or respecting another hunters position is a big way of paying it forward to ensure that our hunting legacy will pass to the next generation. It's about living a good life and building a better future for our own kids. What has this kid learned ? I hope it is to be better than the next guy. I've had everything in my tent swiped including heirloom lures from my Grandfather. I've lost a canoe. Our cabin was always left open for others to use. It wasn't until about 2o years ago that we had to lock it up. Life isn't always fair. That doesn't mean we have to join the garbage. I picked up a trail camera once that the US Forest Service had set out. It had fallen down on the trail. I took it back to them. Two weeks later I get a threatening letter from their cop for interfering with an investigation. Sometimes your experiences in life are like that. Ya just gotta have faith and move forward and hope your actions will make a difference.

You need to buy yourself a couple heeler pups if you live in a neighborhood/area where you can't even leave your garage doors open. They aren't big dogs but they know their owners property boundaries and patrol like they are getting paid. In my neighborhood it seems whenever a new home is being built the residents things start getting stolen (I'll let you assume which sub-contractor crews are responsible). I personally have never had a thing taken from my garage, property, etc. At least one of my garage doors is open most days especially in the summer. I know 100% that the reason I have never had things stolen from me and the other neighbors have is because I've got two healers that watch my place and know every person, animal, bird, and bug that steps foot on my property and don't allow strangers to just walk up to my place and take things. My father lives on the 5 acres next to mine and they stole both of his brand new trailer batteries a few months back. I had just returned from camping and my fifth wheel was parked much closer to the road and easier access but not a thing was missing from me because because of the heelers. The same week many neighbors had things stolen as well.

Its amazing what a good dog will keep safe at your place. Just some food for thought. (you just need to teach them not to bite the heels of the passerbye.)
That was an excellent post Grizz and it's a shame that everyone doesn't live by those concepts!!!
Well said Grizz!!!

This last week I was mountain biking with a bunch of Boy Scouts. We found a wallet on one of the trails that had a guys social security card, drivers license, cash, etc..

Private property left in the forest.....what should we have done? We obviously returned it to him. When we did he said that he thought it would get returned, "because most people who seek out the mountains are better people". I sure hope that's the case....
By the way, the logic that 'if you leave something expensive on public ground you should expect it to be taken' is just sad. So if you pull your trailer into the mountains and go for a hike/ride don't expect it to be there when you get back. What about setting up your tent or just parking your truck for a day hike.

If you left your $50,000 truck running in a parking lot with your wallet sitting on the front seat I wouldn't touch it and I teach my kids to live the same way.
Awesome Post Grizz!!!

People know right from wrong, even dishonest people. Stealing is stealing and people know when they are doing it. Those that justify that it is ok to take a trail camera just have no integrity. I truly feel bad for people that live that type of life.
"I picked up a trail camera once that the US Forest Service had set out. It had fallen down on the trail. I took it back to them. Two weeks later I get a threatening letter from their cop for interfering with an investigation."

My uncle had the same situation in So. Utah a few years back.

Traditional >>>------->
Bloody ,my friend, I never did, or am I now trying Lay claim to public land. I know more than most how important our public land is. And I am very grateful, That I have the privelage to hunt, with my family on this land. I also never have tried to "use" my wife's " Handycap" to gain an advantage for her or anyone for that matter. If I were to try ,I am 100% sure she would make me regret it. And frankly I am shocked you would think this of someone you don't know. And of a situation you know very little about. As for the number of " locations" we have set up, we have to set up a place for myself or one of my sons along with every Blind we set for her, as she would be unable to track, clean or drag and animal she harvests by herself. The Fish and Game have told her to get Doctors permision for a special permit to shoot from a vehical, and use a cross bow, and also have special hunting dates or extended hunting dates,. She has refused all these and will only allow help after she has "filled her tag". Some on this sight know who we are and know how hard she works year round to be able to shoot her bow. Its not just going out and shooting , when she shoots it is painful, Sometimes I have trouble watching her do it. But this is the only way she say's she will continue to hunt. Myself and Family aren't the only ones to " Put in time and effort" to enable her to hunt. To date this year we have spent, With allot of help from friends more than 120 man hours, Clearing dead fall, working trails,clearing stand sights. Today we took all our stands out and are moving to a new location. The trail cam (we found 4 more at other ponds in the canyon) is still there and have not been checked or moved by the owner. The wind or rain must have blown down my ribbons , as they were on the ground near the cam. I do feel bad about useing the memory on the cam and it is something I regret. And will not repeat. Sorry to all here I dint mean to jack up this thread.
b.s, if you put them out, some body is going to take some of them,, ive lost some ,its just the way it is, get over it' don't want to lose them' don't put them on water holes where every body can seen them, use your head ,
Thats great that most of you have high standards regarding others property. It's great that you teach your kids those same high standards to respect others property. Just don't assume the rest of this world thinks or should think the same way we (upstanding sportsmen) do because the minute you let your guard down, your gonna get burned. Sad, but the truth.
i think they're great for private land. on public land some people see it as other people "trying to steak out that spot", which you can't do on public land. i think that even if your camera, tree stand, blind, etc. is already there and someone beats you to the spot, then it's tuff luck. i agree that folks shouldn't mess with your stuff but that's the risk you take if you choose to leave it.
Thats exactly what I think ropinfool. If I go to a place and see a blind, tree stand or camera then I think somebody might be hunting it. I move on and do something else. If I was dead set to try and hunt it I would do everything I could to contact the guy and see what his plans are. I would not vandalize or steal because legally its not his. BS thinking for sure. No buck or bull is worth your integrity.

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