Trespass Fee or Draw Units


Active Member
I am a non resident and have 10 points for deer,elk and antelope. I want to take my 10 yr old son on my points(mentor hunt). Do any of you guys know someone who would be willing to let a youth hunt their property for a trepass fee. Looking for something reasonable. I'm not looking for B/C animals, just want him to have a good chance at a bull or a decent buck. I talked to several biologist and all of them did not reccomend applying in their area due to deer numbers. I'm open for suggestions on units I can draw as well. Thanks in advance for your help. I have hunted elk & deer in many states and will give you any info on those areas.

To be honest our deer hunting sucks, but with your points you can draw a tag in the next year or two that would give you a decent hunt. you're probably a few years from a good goat tag but you can draw lots og good elk hunts with 10 NR points as long as you're not looking for book class bulls.

A trespass fee is going to be a little hard to do, most ranches anymore are owned by people who bought them for hunting, have enough money they don't want to be bothered or they've leased the hunting out. of the few places like you're talking about I know of they're over hunted to the point you may as well hunt the public.

You can get some good advice here but you need to be specific on the quality of animal and type of hunt you're looking for, and what kind of country because we have it all. what do you mean by decent? a decent deer or elk in Oregon ranges from a legal animal to average, if you're thinking 3 point or better deer and raghorn bull you're our kind of trophy hunter. anything much more is unrealistic for the most part, sure big animals are taken every year but they're few and far between.

The best thing you can do is look at the draw odds and choose from the best tags your points will draw, 99% of the time that gives you the best advice of all. I don't want to be a wet blanket you have enough points to have a fun time huting in Oregon, but since you say you've hunted other states you need to know what you're up against.
Antelope hunting has a lot of good public access. As mentioned if your looking for a good deer buck you may want to go to the interent and look up Oregon guides and see what they charge.

If there is any proof of a man in a hunt it is not whether he killed a deer or elk but how he hunted it.
As stated, deer hunting in Oregon has been on the decine for years. a 170 buck is a trophy buck in Oregon lately. We get a few nice ones every year, but very few bucks in Oregon are "book" bucks anymore.

Bull elk are geting older and bigger, since its hard to draw tags. It all depends on when you really want to hunt, and what size you be happy with. PM me if you would like more info.
Thanks for the input and the suggestions. I don't have very high expectation for deer, a nice 3pt or small 4pt would be worth burning 10 pts for. And any raghorn bull would be work. My son killed a small bull in New Mexico in 2009 and can't wait to get back after them. I thought maybe by posting this early, somebody may have a suggestion that I haven't thought of. Thanks again for the input.

LAST EDITED ON Nov-15-10 AT 04:21PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Nov-15-10 AT 04:20?PM (MST)

I would suggest the Imnaha Unit or Sled Springs. There is a lot of public land. Like stated before, most ranchers hunt on there own land, but you might be able to find some one that will allow a youth to hunt. If you might need any more help PM me and I will help.
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