Trumps pick Interior Secretary


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Dec-13-16 AT 04:28PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Dec-13-16 AT 04:25?PM (MST)

U.S. President-elect Donald Trump chose first-term Republican Representative Ryan Zinke of Montana, a former Navy SEAL commander, as his interior secretary, according to media reports.

Zinke, 55, has yet to accept the offer and has given no indication as to which way he is leaning, Politico reported, citing two transition officials and someone familiar with the offer.

The Washington Post, citing an individual with first-hand knowledge of the decision, also reported that Zinke had been tapped to lead the Interior Department.

A Trump aide told Reuters last week that Republican Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers of Washington had been picked for the post.

Politico reported earlier on Tuesday that Trump had expanded his search to include Zinke and U.S. Republican Representative Raul Labrador of Idaho as well as McMorris Rodgers.

Zinke was an early Trump supporter, backing the New York City real estate mogul in May.

"Congressman Zinke is a strong advocate for American energy independence, and he supports an all-encompassing energy policy that includes renewables, fossil fuels and alternative energy," Trump spokesman Jason Miller said ahead of a meeting on Monday between Zinke and Trump at Trump Tower.

Zinke, a member of the House of Representatives subcommittee on natural resources, has voted for legislation that would weaken environmental safeguards on public land.

But unlike other candidates who were shortlisted for the interior secretary position, he OPPOSES the transfer of public lands to the states, which is the official policy of the new Republican Party platform.

Over 30 percent of Montana is comprised of public land, according to the Montana Wilderness Association.

In July, Zinke resigned as a delegate to the Republican nominating convention because of the party platform position.


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"What I saw was a platform that was more divisive than uniting," Zinke told the Billings Gazette. "At this point, I think it's better to show leadership."

The League of Conservation Voters, which ranks lawmakers on their environmental record, gave Zinke an extremely low lifetime score of 3 percent.

(Reporting by Eric Beech, Valerie Volcovici and Susan Cornwell in Washington; Editing by Mohammad Zargham and Alistair Bell

January 28, 2015 Press Release
Zinke Introduces Legislation to Protect Hunting & Fishing Rights

Montana Congressman Ryan Zinke helped introduce the Recreational Fishing and Hunting Heritage and Opportunities Act which protects Montanan?s right to hunt, fish and enjoy recreational shooting on federal lands. About 30 percent of Montana?s land is public land.

?In Montana our land is our way of life, and we have a proud heritage of hunting, fishing and outdoor recreation,? said Zinke. ?I'm committed to making sure Montana?s public lands are truly public and ensuring families have access to hunt and fish on federally-owned lands. Hunting and fishing is part of the larger outdoor recreation industry and it is an economic boon to our state, supporting thousands of jobs and hundreds of millions of dollars in economic activity. We must do what we can to preserve both the jobs and the tradition.?

Montana leads the nation in hunters per capita, and according to the Congressional Sportsmen?s Foundation, in 2013 Montana counted 335,000 hunters and fishermen who spent $983 million annually and supported 16,515 jobs in the state. Outdoor Industry found the economic impact of Montana?s greater outdoor recreation industry is an astounding $7 billion and supports more than 64,000 jobs.

The Recreational Fishing and Hunting Heritage and Opportunities Act is supported by sportsmen's organizations, such as Ducks Unlimited and the National Rifle Association. The bill would create an "open until closed" policy for sportsmen's use of federal land and would block threats from interest groups that seek to limit hunting, fishing and shooting on America's federal properties.

I told a few critics that Trump would be good for hunters and sportsmen. Enough said.
WOW! This is a bit of a surprise. Not so much his stance on Policy but that the focus shifted away from the person in Washington.

Now if only they can truly strike a balance between energy, environment and demands. I hope that this allows all to grow.
It's nice to know that a hunter, gun rights advocate, and one who has proposed bills to protect hunting, hunting rights, and sportsmen access to Federal lands will be in charge of this department. Also a western Montana congressman who knows the importance of hunting and western lifestyle way of life.
This sounds like good news. From politico...

Zinke voted against the GOP?s fiscal 2016 budget because it sold public lands, and even resigned as a delegate to the RNC this summer because the party platform included language calling for the sale of public lands.

Zinke has also opposed efforts by House Natural Resources Chairman Rob Bishop (R-Utah) to transfer land and other GOP measures to hand over millions of acres of public land from the U.S. Forest Service to the state.

He?s also partnered with Democrats on conservation issues: In October 2015 he was the only Republican to support a Democratic amendment to permanently authorize the so-called Land and Water Conservation Fund. He?s also received praise from conservation groups, including the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation and Teddy Roosevelt Conservation Partnership.
I wonder if our in house expert will find fault with this selection by Trump.

In todays world with things as they are Zinke is a good choice. Sure a lot better than we could have been stuck with.
I look forward to some positive change with real conservation.

"Courage is being scared to death but
saddling up anyway."
Exciting news. Just realize that according to the most knowledgeable man in Montana, you who voted for Trump are fake conservatives. So, did all the previous posters vote for Trump or did you not because you believed that Trump would nominate DP (the most hated one)for interior sect?
I'm Sure alot of this Relates back to Trumps Son!

But That's OK!

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
My Question is:

Is Founder Impressed Yet?:D

I Could Easily Tell He Wasn't Much of a Trump Fan!

[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U. in My Future,Ya She's got a
way with Words[/font]
I am excited about Trump's pick for Secretary of the Interior but I doubt Rob Bishop is very enthusiastic. :)

LAST EDITED ON Dec-14-16 AT 08:24AM (MST)[p]YBO-

I voted for Trump in spite of the Don Peay connection. From my perspective, there were only two real choices and I was not going to vote for HRC. Now, let's see if our Republican friends follow through on their campaign promises and get us headed in the right direction. I am cautiously optimistic so far.

> My Question is:
>Is Founder Impressed Yet?:D
>I Could Easily Tell He Wasn't
>Much of a Trump Fan!
>[font color="blue"]She put a Big F.U.
>in My Future,Ya She's got
>way with Words[/font]
He had a melt down on the view.
This is the best republican pick we could hope for. I hope to also see a balance of energy, wildlife, and habitat, and also keeping it public. Zinke has proven he will vote against his own party for our public lands, and I respect that a lot because its something you don't often see anymore. He has also voted to permanently renew the LWCF. Rob Bishop doesn't like the guy, so he must be good. He said this just last year:

"I stood before the people of Montana and said I would never sell, give away, or transfer your public land. That still stands true today, and in perpetuity. I never have voted to give away, sell, or transfer your land and I never will."

He's definitely a republican worth having in the spot.
One of the hurdles to Zinke's confirmation will be the Utah delegation. Bishop, Lee, et al, who have been big proponents of selling/transferring/disposing public lands, are not fans of Zinke.

Since many of you are from Utah, you can have some say in how difficult Zinke's confirmation will be. Hopefully, if you support his nomination you let your delegation know that.

"Hunt when you can - You're gonna' run out of health before you run out of money!"
Zinke hasn't accepted yet, but I like the way Trump is thinking.

I was hoping for Ted Nugent. hahaha!
In one interview I watched Zinke agreed to serve where needed.

Paul Ryan is also an avid bow hunter. We finally got some good people in the right places. I don't know how long it will last. Conservative supreme court will help a ton as well.

I bet the extreme granola tree hugging anti-hunters are not smiling.
That's good, but the proof is in what happens later down the road. Trump definitely has his advisors keep an eye on the pulse of what's popular in the hunting community.

But there are few if any win win situations in the modern world of balancing natural resources, growth, greed, and public vs private, the issues are still complicated.
Private cows vs Elk, Private old world sheep, vs native bighorns. Water rights. The list goes on and on.

The republicans usually come down on the side of private interests over public interests. So we will see. The devil is in the details

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