UT Bison


Very Active Member
Well I got my BLM maps today. The entire heart of the bison habitat is completely open for ATV use. Talk about crying wolf. I could hunt a different spot every single day of my hunt and not get into a restricted area. Even if I wanted to hunt out into one of these bordering areas, which I don't, I would still be legal on "existing ways and trails". Why do people pull this crap?

Thanks anyway for bringing this to my attention, but maps were already being stuffed in envelopes by the BLM for all tag holders back when I called. Looking forward to a physical and exciting hunt, bow or rifle. Put in 20 miles scouting Illinois Saturday. Spied a dandy B&C whitetail and getting in good shape.

Have a good fall hunting season.
I put 1600 miles on my truck over the 3 weekend hunt... ended up replacing all the tierod ends and idlerarm afterwards. The ONLY 2 places we found buff were in the park or on Mt Ellen. The ones on Mt Ellen were no where near an ATV trail.

I wish you luck, but dont expect to see herds of buffalo running around in the lowground areas ala Dancing with Wolves. Oh yea, dont bother going up on Terrantula Mesa, total waste of time.

Take a breath bud. I remember most of the advice was that you can't drive everywhere and shouldn't count on using your ATV to retreive the animal. Those BLM maps do not show the "Wilderness Study Areas" which are prevelant throughout the Henries unit. Some of these areas are small, some are big. Quiete a bit of the country is accessible by ATV for Retreival, but there can be a lot of ledges between a buffalo and the road.

There is also private land that is posted and there are buffalo on those ranches. Some years the success rate is over 85%, while other years it dips below 60%. Enjoy the scenery and those rutting mulies.

Best of Luck.

that boy has an MEAN look like some one just pee'd in his corn flakes!
Go ahead Zim he has your name all over him!

The Chase.....A true class act.

Thanks Mulyz for the awesome photos - that is an unreal beast in beautiful country!

It will be quite a shift for me as I have several slammer whitetail hunts lined up immediately prior to this bison trip. Two I have in pocket, two I'm still waiting on special draws, all at or near home. This will be my only distance trip for the year, and I am looking forward. Will bring my camcorder for some muley action.

Why don't you drive up and visit my bison camp? Not very far away. I'll be there November 20th.

Have a great hunting season! :)

It must be nice to be able to get 4 hunts in the same year, close to home.. How about you move to AZ or Nevada now and get to hunt near home once every 5 or 6 years. Like I said before, you had nothing to lose and everything to gain at other resident's expense.

No wonder you were so adamant about "your constitutional rights" in the beginning of the USO lawsuit. Nothing to lose for you!. Not sure how these fellow MM guys can wish you luck, you fall in the same category hunter as George and Griz, (what's in it for me!)

I am not sure if you want ?The Chase? to come see you at camp, he's about 6?6? 260 and has had about enough of your BS as have most of us, I know you're what 6?4? and what? 240 right? Don?t worry, I'm lying about ?The Chase? too!

Have fun hunting your Indiana whitetails from your tree stand over your feeder in your backyard! And please pack out your trash after your buffalo hunt, don't leave a mess like most Eastern Out of Staters.

May your 4 wheeler crack it's block after you run over your camcorder!


Uhhhh....my ht. & wt were exact. Just like my archery accuracy! So what that's not so big. I only mentioned it because I have been physically able to get a lot more done than my hunting friends as far as hiking, backpacking, haulin. But I think it's more because I've worked out regular and done physical work my whole life. I still play 10-12 pickup games of roundball with the boys in the hood each week. They call me "Old School". I am embarassed to say I have guarded several kids from my son's HS class recently. Coached them in soccer 10 years ago! That is pretty bad. I think it's time to quit. I've done this regardless of one severed ACL in my left knee (8 years ago), and 30% of my cartiledge in my right knee removed (9 years ago). Also the year I had the back problem in NM, forgot to mention I had an angiogram (came up clean) 8 days before I left. I was not able to exercise while healing in prep of that trip. Doc didn't want me to go. I'm not one to let physical problems slow me down, and I push myself to the limit. I think it's healthy, just like the mountain air!

I find your comments about whitetail pretty odd. Every time me or anyone else mentions you are free to apply for whitetail here, the animal seems to get zero respect in replys, as if it is some kind of inferior varmit. I don't get this because we got the biggest a$$ whitetails in the world in our breadbasket of the country. You are free to apply for those tags, and I would urge you to give it a try. Some of your fellow residents have, I've met them in Illinois. The tags aren't always easy to get, but you can draw a top unit in Iowa or Kansas every 2nd or 3rd year. Illinois every other year if you have speed-dial!

Of my 4 hunts, only one you would be ineligible for, and that is a 2 day park hunt in Indianapolis (I've complained beacause NR were not allowed). The other is a two day military gun hunt for which you could apply. These are both draw hunts with a 50% chance if you have a bow-ed card. I did not draw these yet - just spplied. May not get either. My 3rd deer tag is the regular IN tag, one buck only. 3 best weeks of archery followed by 2 weeks of gun. You can get one of these OTC. I hunt my private 40 acres in Porter County, and drive an hour to get to a public land wildlife area. Not great trophy areas. Maybe comparable to your hog or coues deer hunts? My 4th deer hunt is the best! That is an Illinois archery tag. I will be hunting federal land where you are eligible to hunt any time. This is where I saw the two B&C bucks last week.

It's been mentioned to me several times I can just hop on a plane and fly down there to take your AZ hunter's ed class to gain my permanent bonus point. No big deal. Well if it is indeed that simple, I'd definitely encourage you to hop on a plane to Midway Airport, because this spot is only an hour from there! Just a cab drive. You do that and you are welcome to hunt my land too. I wait in line like everyone else to draw Iowa and Kansas. Seen AZ hunters in both those places too.

As far as trash pickup, I have to laugh. Each day when I returned from elk hunting in NM my buddy got a kick out of all the junk I dump out of my fanny pack. Been doin that for years. Makes me feel like one of those granola crunching Sierra clubbers! On the contrary, I really have been disgusted by mainly yocal locals dumping SERIOUS trash in canyons I have seen; Washing machines, bottles, glass, car parts, refrigerators, transmissions, ovens. I took video pictures once in NM it was such a sad sight. Why the hell do these people have to drop off appliances off a 60' cliff? How many of these people do you think hauled their refrigerators from Indiana or Illinois? With regards to a better hunting comp, I can't tell you how many times I have been disgusted by yocal local bear hunters in several states. I'm talking about beer drinking, can throwin hillbillys. When I was at the Book Cliffs these two guys stopped to ask me if I had seen any bear (I had one in bow range one hour earlier). I told them ya on the other side of the unit. He had his tailgate open and beer cans were falling out all over the place as he departed. I picked them all up and swore to myself what an ***hole. Even complained to a CO there they shouldn't even have both seasons open at the same time with this going on. The R elk hunters thought the same thing.

BTW, the kids from the community college hauled my junk collection off that NM mountain too, for free. So something good came out of it! Afterwards I mailed letters to both the college president and rescue instructor. What a way to go. Pretty girls from all over the world, feeding me water and fish crackers all the way down the mountain! Not bad at all.
Very cool picture of that big buff! How majestic.

I know you rub a lot of people the wrong way going back to the USO thing so I really don't know who's side your on but wish you the best of luck on your hunt. Hope to see some pictures of your success.
Grandpa, The fact is, I'm not on either side with that USO thing. I think it's the classic example of two parties squabbling and hurting all hunters with their actions and reactions. Some folks have a problem with anyone that is not 100% in agreement with their view. Since I am only about 90%, that is not enough. So be it. Not sure what all the fuss is about when most parties agree 10% would be a good compromise. Whatever. I think ultimately cooler heads will prevail. I'd be glad to set up any AZ resident with a free hunt on my Indiana land OTC or a trophy Illinois public land whitetail hunt if they can pull a tag next year.

Been looking forward to a bison hunt somewhere for so long. It will be a one time deal, and I am looking forward to it.
Big really don't means that much,They Hit the ground just as same as a smaller person, It's really funny how you think because a guy is big he can fight, Here how you should look at it a small guy say around that 5-10" 185 lbs has how many fights in his lifetime,(alot if he from my neck of the woods) and then you have this huge guys who has about 6 fights in his lifetime I think you are seeing the picture,( little guys fights big guy everyone is saying look at the that big guy beating up on the little guy, or hey look the little guy sure is giving that big a beating of his life either way little guy has nothing to lose)
It does seem to me that you both have a problem with Zim as he says come by and see his camp. that way you can do it and not just talk about it. As I always say pay the quarter and take the ride. Hey do you want to know where I camp LOL

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