Utah Trail Cam Season Question


Active Member
I keep hearing that after July 31st in Utah everyone is going to give a free tune up to trail cans they find in the forest. My question would be this, if I'm not a hunter or have no tag and have no intentions of hunting an area can I have a trail cam up after July 31st?
Yes for some its a hobby. They may not even hunt. Enjoy taking photo's of wildlife. But just don't share you photo's with hunters in your area. :) Ha ha
They are only for big game. I can have a trail cam out 24/7/365 for turkeys, rabbits, rodents, coyotes, etc. I just got a new trail cam that explodes into heat seeking missiles and kills everything in its path. So excited to try it out this year!

Thats the Utard spirit.

Find a gray area, exploit the hell out of it, then squeal about tyranny when that loophole is gone after.
How is it a loophole to use a trail camera as a hobby on a unit I am not hunting and have no intentions of sharing information to someone that is hunting that unit?
Please explain, don't go off on one of your tangents about how I have no ethics and that I am not a real hunter.
How is it a loophole to use a trail camera as a hobby on a unit I am not hunting and have no intentions of sharing information to someone that is hunting that unit?
Please explain, don't go off on one of your tangents about how I have no ethics and that I am not a real hunter.
one thing with this vote that alot of people dont realize is as of right now you can still use them for non hunting purposes,. however kevin albrecht and others in the division have been talking with legislatures to get this passed at the state level for and all out no cameras on public property without a special permit from the dwr between the givin dates. This came strait from Kevins mouth in our conversation about the ban.
one thing with this vote that alot of people dont realize is as of right now you can still use them for non hunting purposes,. however kevin albrecht and others in the division have been talking with legislatures to get this passed at the state level for and all out no cameras on public property without a special permit from the dwr between the givin dates. This came strait from Kevins mouth in our conversation about the ban.

Legislation via popular opinion.
Nothing better then having politicians that know nothing about hunting making are laws and regulations for future hunting. Will have that hunt back in hunting in know time ?.
How is it a loophole to use a trail camera as a hobby on a unit I am not hunting and have no intentions of sharing information to someone that is hunting that unit?
Please explain, don't go off on one of your tangents about how I have no ethics and that I am not a real hunter.

You missed the 300 other "how they gonna enforce it, posts I guess.

Including one of the commenters doing the "they are for recreation" comments, I'll assume
If you’re out doing tune ups on other peoples cameras/property when they have a legal right to to do so, then you are a POS plain and simple.

To the OP, as currently understood you can use them if you’re not using them to take big game. But, we will have to see what the law actually states because as previously noted, that moron from the WB is pushing for a 100% all out ban.
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False. It’s only for big game that they can’t be used. If a fellow has got them out to photograph ground squirrels then you sir are a thief.

That's the Utard spirit!!

See you next year, squealing like a stuck pig, when an outright ban comes up, because the gray area brigade can't follow the spirit of the law, and want to play make believe.
If you’re out doing tune ups on other peoples cameras/property when they have a legal right to to do so, then you are a POS plain and simple.

To the OP, as currently understood you can use them if you’re not using them to take big game. But, we will have to see what the law actually states because as previously noted, that moron from the WB is pushing for a 100% all out ban.

No one will have to push. They gray area brigade will hang themselves.
There definitely is some shady gray area but If any one needs some Trail cam removal tips/tactics and etiquette, you best reach out to the trail cam tune up legend of the wasatch front, Andrew McleanoutmyTrailcam and his crew of bolt cutting vigilantes.



Thats the Utard spirit.

Find a gray area, exploit the hell out of it, then squeal about tyranny when that loophole is gone after.
I’ve never owned a camera, but I hate a two faced person and yes hoss you are one. Maybe someone should tow your trailer off the mountain down to the forest service parking lot in ephraim and hope it doesn’t come unhitched on the way down.



Luckily tech hasn't changed since 2009, so I guess you got me.?

Sarcasm is hard for some folks

I am flattered that you've been here for 127 posts, yet you're frantically searching posts from 13 years ago, about camp spots, to conflate that to trail cams in 2022.

14 days.

We don't need to change that.
The boards decision on this WILL turn hunter versus hunter. Also outdoorsman versus hunter. They are expecting hunters to enforce this. But there are no measures in place to know if a camera out past July 31st is legal or not. Therefore hunters will assume and take action (tune ups) without enough information. I can’t picture this working out too well
On the Vernon Unit last year, there was (13) camera's on one spring. Stacked up similar to the pictures above.

No BigBuckz, the only picture I have is the one in my memory from seeing it first hand.
The boards decision on this WILL turn hunter versus hunter. Also outdoorsman versus hunter. They are expecting hunters to enforce this. But there are no measures in place to know if a camera out past July 31st is legal or not. Therefore hunters will assume and take action (tune ups) without enough information. I can’t picture this working out too well

What they would prefer is sportsman would follow the law and not need enforcement.

We saw this with swans.

The DWR created a gap, so that honest mistakes in shooting trumpeters didn't need to come with consequences.

So of course in Utard fashion, some "sportsmen" decided that meant the DWR WANTED 20 dead trumpeters.

So, the hunts have been shut down earlier and earlier, until now, there are consequences for every Trump shot.

So yeah. This can't be enforced, only participated with.

The same "sportsmen" will be cute, and it will lead to a total ban.

Sucks, but I agree, that's where it's headed.
I asked you how many times. So one rancher seen it sounds like a serious statewide problem.
I legally hunt that rancher's private and leased property. Both the husband and wife spoke about it, and I can tell you they mentioned ONLY ONE of the watering stations! Those cameras are on EVERY watering station I've hunted, even on their private property where there's "hunting by permission only" signs. Maybe it isn't statewide, but that doesn't matter to them. They have enough damage from the elk and wild horses and don't need any more from "hunters".
I legally hunt that rancher's private and leased property. Both the husband and wife spoke about it, and I can tell you they mentioned ONLY ONE of the watering stations! Those cameras are on EVERY watering station I've hunted, even on their private property where there's "hunting by permission only" signs. Maybe it isn't statewide, but that doesn't matter to them. They have enough damage from the elk and wild horses and don't need any more from "hunters".
So it sounds like we have an issue with cameras and water so regulate that. Where I hunt its rare I see another camera.
Got any pictures to prove your claim
I'm not usually in the habit of photographing other people's trail cams, but here's one example.

This is a pretty obscure location (not near a road) on a general unit. Admittedly, one of these cameras is mine. I broke some branches to setup my camera. When I came back a few months later there were several others on the same tree. There are usually 5 or 6 on this tree. This is the only time I can find that I took a picture of it. There are also usually 3 or 4 more on other trees nearby, but I don't think I ever took a picture of those.

In full disclosure, I have 10 trail cameras and I was one of the ones hoping to continue using them in the fall. But I can also admit that it has become a problem over the years. In spots where there used to be 1 or 2 cameras, there are now 8 or 10.

Am I technically part of the problem? Yes. Did outfitters running hundreds of cameras ruin it for us "average Joes"? In my opinion, yes. Will I still put up my 10 cameras this spring? Yes. And will I take them down by July 31? Yes.
I'm not usually in the habit of photographing other people's trail cams, but here's one example.
View attachment 70879

This is a pretty obscure location (not near a road) on a general unit. Admittedly, one of these cameras is mine. I broke some branches to setup my camera. When I came back a few months later there were several others on the same tree. There are usually 5 or 6 on this tree. This is the only time I can find that I took a picture of it. There are also usually 3 or 4 more on other trees nearby, but I don't think I ever took a picture of those.

In full disclosure, I have 10 trail cameras and I was one of the ones hoping to continue using them in the fall. But I can also admit that it has become a problem over the years. In spots where there used to be 1 or 2 cameras, there are now 8 or 10.

Am I technically part of the problem? Yes. Did outfitters running hundreds of cameras ruin it for us "average Joes"? In my opinion, yes. Will I still put up my 10 cameras this spring? Yes. And will I take them down by July 31? Yes.
Is this location on a water source
one thing with this vote that alot of people dont realize is as of right now you can still use them for non hunting purposes,. however kevin albrecht and others in the division have been talking with legislatures to get this passed at the state level for and all out no cameras on public property without a special permit from the dwr between the givin dates. This came strait from Kevins mouth in our conversation about the ban.
Thanks Doyle
Sportsmen “enforcing” this ban is one thing. Call it in, report it on the tip line.

Giving tune ups to cameras being used legally is BS. I’m waiting to see what the actual law states before I worry too much about it. But, if you are in the habit of giving tune ups to property that is not yours you are a POS and are a large part of the problem.

No difference between busting up a camera on a tree and destroying a camp trailer left on the mountain. Both actions are wrong and cowardly.
Sportsmen “enforcing” this ban is one thing. Call it in, report it on the tip line.

Giving tune ups to cameras being used legally is BS. I’m waiting to see what the actual law states before I worry too much about it. But, if you are in the habit of giving tune ups to property that is not yours you are a POS and are a large part of the problem.

No difference between busting up a camera on a tree and destroying a camp trailer left on the mountain. Both actions are wrong and cowardly.
Problem is people try and loophole everything.
It should be like the trap tags, register once and affix number to camera. No tag? Get a ticket
Pretty simple
Yeah maybe we could get registered numbers for optics, rangefinders, radios, gps, are bullets and we could pay even more money and keep regulating and registering tell theres nothing left. Or we could just quit worrying about dumb crap and go hunt. Geez you people amaze me.
There is no easy answer, but if they regulate trail cams we might as well limit under ground **** fighting, meth labs, fentanyl fillers, pill presses, bath salts in large quantities, axe deodorant and cross fit selfies along with vape pens in day care facilities and what ever else the Uintas basin has currently trending.
Axe? Hello 2003. If you’re going to trash talk you gotta stay relevant. It’s all about the Manscaped brand or dr Sasquatch.
Lol, True,true…. The Uintah basin is a little behind the bell curve of relevancy but by Gawd at least they have their No-mad buck and some MM faithful.
We did. Did you miss the 7 meetings?

How's Robyn?
Yeah I seen alot of your presentations at the meetings pictures of trail camera advertisement pictures didnt see anything that was actually represented the way I see it in the field. Who is Robyn?
Problem is people try and loophole everything.
I agree people will use the “loophole” if there is one once the bill is written but that does not justify destroying property that is not yours.

Judge, jury, and execution belongs to the DWR not a bunch of a hole hunters who think they need to fulfill that role with no facts or knowledge over who is using the cameras and for what purpose.
I agree people will use the “loophole” if there is one once the bill is written but that does not justify destroying property that is not yours.

Judge, jury, and execution belongs to the DWR not a bunch of a hole hunters who think they need to fulfill that role with no facts or knowledge over who is using the cameras and for what purpose.

I agree with you.

People should leave folks **** alone.

And then in the other side, folks shouldn't exploit good people.

It's a tough spot.

Unfortunately no one, back when cams first started(the old film type) anticipated what would happen.

I'm pretty certain that if we knew then, the reality now, cams would have been banned like drones were.

It would be great if dudes pulled cams the 31st, and that was that. It won't happen. You and I both know dudes will push the "recreation" thing.

Personally, to me, this is a corporate issue.

Very few if any dudes are running more than a handful of cams.

2outfitters in that meeting 20x or more.

That's where the " we are all in this together" talk from them is unbelievable. Without them, no one cares
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I agree with you.

People should leave folks **** alone.

And then in the other side, folks shouldn't exploit good people.

It's a tough spot.

Unfortunately no one, back when cams first started(the old film type) anticipated what would happen.

I'm pretty certain that if we knew then, the reality now, cams would have been banned like drones were.

It would be great if dudes pulled cams the 31st, and that was that. It won't happen. You and I both know dudes will push the "recreation" thing.

Personally, to me, this is a corporate issue.

Very few if any dudes are running more than a handful of cams.

2outfitters in that meeting 20x or more.

That's where the " we are all in this together" talk from them is unbelievable. Without them, no one cares

That’s why this shotgun approach of all hunters to an issue that is primarily an outfitter issue is bogus.

The other thing for me is that all this time and money wasted on something that will not grow our herds or do anything for habitat.

The same big bucks and bulls will get killed as before and nothing meaningful will change.
If you put them on my land or around my ponds or water line, they will turn in to be trash, be a good hunter to not how I can break the law and get a way with it
If you put them on my land or around my ponds or water line, they will turn in to be trash, be a good hunter to not how I can break the law and get a way with it
Ya and then I'll take the water law and line the cam with the trash card, I'll run around with my pants down in the trash cam. So be a gooder hunter like me see?

Go to bed Dog you knothead
Rancher yesterday said they had 24 on one trough.

Did u not listen?
The ranchers also blabbered on incoherently about a bunch of BS that had nothing to do with trail cams. If you want to talk about what impacts the herd we can discuss the overgrazing on the SW Desert.
The ranchers also blabbered on incoherently about a bunch of BS that had nothing to do with trail cams. If you want to talk about what impacts the herd we can discuss the overgrazing on the SW Desert.
It's because of hunters like you we are going to lock all our gates this year and post our land.
How is it a loophole to use a trail camera as a hobby on a unit I am not hunting and have no intentions of sharing information to someone that is hunting that unit?
Please explain, don't go off on one of your tangents about how I have no ethics and that I am not a real hunter.
My question would be do you plan on hunting it possibly one day? Would you use the Intel from the cameras to help you take a big game animal?
I have had cameras destroyed. Completely agree that is uncalled for. If you're destroying something that's not yours you have thinking errors you need to correct. However, I really am in favor of this new regulation. I hope the people that are finding gray areas will reconsider, and put some more thought into it. I'm confident that 95% of people will follow the law and it will do some good.
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Always have a cam watching the other cam just to caught guy that F#cking with something that isnt theirs. Destroying cam that isn't your is the same as stealing the cam guys money.
Best if you just report the location to a GW or FS.
Lots of $hit talking going around IMO.
We pay for each cow we put on BLM, we keep water in the ponds on BLM, we fix the fences on BLM, this is for the deer, elk and cows, what do you do, but to complain.

So we share what is ours with you right, including National Forest? But you don't share the animals on your land with us? Also how much are you paying for every cow on blm? I know the answer to that so don't lie. It is a ridiculous low amount, around $1.35 per month??.Cut us a deal. We will pay you as much as you pay for a cow on BLM and come hunt the deer and Elk on your land. Sound like a deal? I didn't think so.
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My question would be do you plan on hunting it possibly one day? Would you use the Intel from the cameras to help you take a big game animal?

I clearly state "a unit I am not hunting and have no intentions of sharing information"
I do believe my question obviously addresses your question.
So we share what is ours with you right, including National Forest? But you don't share the animals on your land with us? Also how much are you paying for every cow on blm? I uknow the answer to that so don't lie. It is aridiculous low amount, around $1.35 per monthx fences??.Cut us a deal. We will pay youryou as much as you pay for a cow on BLM and come hunt the deer and Elk on your land. Sound like a deal? I didn't think so.
How much do you pay to go on BLM and Forest land, how much do you pay to fix fences, haul water to ponds, your way off on the price per cow, we don't complain about deer and elk
How much do you pay to go on BLM and Forest land, how much do you pay to fix fences, haul water to ponds, your way off on the price per cow, we don't complain about deer and elk
I think most would gladly give up the "good" you bring to the wildlife table if in return you pull your cows off the range. It's a disgrace what goes on on Boulder, Dutton, Paunsaugunt, SW Desert. To show up and whine about a trail camera is ridiculous. The length of the chain this state gives the cattlemen is way too lenient and needs to be addressed. Whining about a camera on a public spring, meanwhile the cattle decimate the range is a good way to put egg on your face.

You may not complain about the deer and elk, but how many times have elk, deer, turkeys and antelope been killed by ranchers literally slaughtering them for being in their hayfields. Meanwhile 1000 head of cattle are eating on the public buffet for pennies. Cattlemen entitlement is getting real old.
Loophole, poophole! What happens if somebody else puts a camera on the waterhole I hunt? The proposal as stated in the meeting says it's Illegal to use a camera for hunting and it doesn't specify who places or maintains it or what it's used for by the unknown owner. Do I get a ticket or do I have to move?
Your probably the same landowner complaining about crop damage. But won't let hunters on your land to help try and get rid of your problem.
I belive dogvalley had let hunters hunt his land, he posted in post #74 that he was going to start locking gates and post his property.

Utah board upholds decision to ban trail cameras through most of hunting season​

The Utah Wildlife Board is sticking with its decision to ban trail cameras during most of the hunting season after its original ruling two months ago received enough pushback to trigger an administrative rule appeal hearing on the matter.

It was a three-hour meeting Thursday, where dozens of hunters provided feedback, yet, the board voted in favor of keeping the rule as is — it passed with a narrow, 4-3 decision on Jan. 4. Only one board member switched their vote this week, but that was to support the measure.
I’m gonna do whatever I want, and none of you can stop me.

I want to adhere to the regs, and will cease camera use on the dates defined.

Take that! for more tips on how to stick it to the man just keep track of my posts.
Loophole, poophole! What happens if somebody else puts a camera on the waterhole I hunt? The proposal as stated in the meeting says it's Illegal to use a camera for hunting and it doesn't specify who places or maintains it or what it's used for by the unknown owner. Do I get a ticket or do I have to move?
Are you implying that if somebody else has a recreational camera on a water hole that means you can't hunt in the same area?

That's like saying that if somebody else has a deer tag that you can't hunt that day because you'd be the second deer hunter and it's only legal to have one deer tag.

If somebody else drives up the road in the middle of the day with headlights on their wheeler, that doesn't mean you're hunting with artificial light because their headlights are on.

If somebody else is hunting grouse and you're archery hunting, that doesn't mean you're hunting deer with a shotgun just because somebody else is using one.

There's no plain reading of the law that would reach that conclusion.
I think the biggest takeaway from the new hunting regulations over the last year: cameras, baiting, paid guides, etc... is that the Corporate Hunting crew overplayed their hand.

If you're an outfitter on the Pauns, for instance, you've lost apples, trail cameras, and a big hired crew in a very short timespan. Your season this year is going to be much different than in years past.

I think most Utah hunters welcome the change. I know I do.
That's the Utard spirit!!

See you next year, squealing like a stuck pig, when an outright ban comes up, because the gray area brigade can't follow the spirit of the law, and want to play make believe.
There is no grey area at all Hoss! It says no using cameras after a certain date for BIG GAME... Are turkeys big game? No. Black and white.
There is no grey area at all Hoss! It says no using cameras after a certain date for BIG GAME... Are turkeys big game? No. Black and white.


LEO doesn't have access to tag database.

They'd never think to just look and see what tag you have, for where.

And you'll probably pick up a ticket for hunting turkeys with 30-06.

Can't wait for next year's meeting when all the guys who "never killed anything on cams", to show up at the total ban meeting to tell us "I just really love turkeys the 3rd week of October, don't take my cam"

I heard all the "really smart" dudes say for years that it wasn't "illegal" to shoot Trumpeter swans because there was no penalty.

Now there's a penalty.

The same will happen with the "smart guys" on cams

Have at it?
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