Varmint Conttrol Request in Lehi


Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Jun-11-12 AT 09:10AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jun-11-12 AT 09:07?AM (MST)

I have seen this post twice in the last 3 days on and the man sounds desperate:

"I posted an add similar to this 3 days ago but my problem has got worse i am loosing 2 chickens a night to coons and foxes.. i will give 20 bucks per coon or 100 pounds of beef to who ever traps these little Fu^%#!@$ so I can have my revenge. i am not allowed to own guns because i am on probation i will give you 20 bucks per to kill them or 30 bucks to trap them and let me kill them.. i have lost 12 chickens since saturday i am mad.. i have alot invested into my birds.. i live in lehi the coons are coming around midnight everynight. I am buying live traps today so come get yours before i gettem. you bring me a coon tonight i will give you a tanning bed. you come out atleast once a week till august i will give you a hundred pounds beef ( if you kill my problem).. please call me ASAP"

I thought someone on team MonsterMuleys could help him out.

Yes, I saw, after I posted this, that I misspelled control. When i tried to edit the post it would not allow me to change the subject. :)

"20 bucks per to kill them or 30 bucks to trap them and let me kill them"

This line had me laughing pretty good. Must have reached breaking point.

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