Weight lifters


Long Time Member
I'm sure lots of MM members lift. I was doing skullcrushers an hour ago. I had my Medial Tricep snap. Came home iced and Ibuprofen . Never had it happen before . Sure hope it wasn't a tear. If bruising appears tomorrow that won't be a good sign. I guess I will rest a few days..ouch
That sucks, because skull crushers are probably the best for triceps.

I had something similar happen to me and had to give them up.
Skullcrushers only ? Or triceps extensions also ?

I did triceps extensions as well, and a couple other exercises targeting triceps. Those were my favorite exercises but I haven't targeted weight lifting in about 6 years, most of my workouts now are cardio and leg focused.
I had a “pop” in my knee when doing some heavy squats about 6 months ago. I took a couple months off and spend a lot more time warming up now. So far so good.
With everybody falling apart around here I'm starting to feel ashamed about the tick bite I got the other day on the back of my arm, but dang it sure does itch.🤬 I hope yours is not serious DM.
I'm sure lots of MM members lift. I was doing skullcrushers an hour ago. I had my Medial Tricep snap. Came home iced and Ibuprofen . Never had it happen before . Sure hope it wasn't a tear. If bruising appears tomorrow that won't be a good sign. I guess I will rest a few days..ouch
Is there a deformation on either end of the triceps? Can you move the joint?

If there is deformation, it is more likely a tendon rupture. (the Achilles tendon is an example; if it is ruptured, it sorta rolls up on itself not unlike a tape measure and forms a visible deformation). If you cannot move the joint, or if there is a scraping, crunchy noise, it's more likely a tendon related problem.

Get some imaging before the problem requires surgical intervention.
I always do skull crushers last after the tri's have been warmed up thoroughly. Before then, it's close-grip bench presses, then dips and extensions on the rope if available.

Definitely rest up and bummer to hear about your injury. Hope it is nothing serious. Once you can get on the program again, I think you can accomplish a lot by just doing bodyweight dips on a chair. First with your feet on the ground, then you can prop it up on another chair or bench when you can.
I always do skull crushers last after the tri's have been warmed up thoroughly. Before then, it's close-grip bench presses, then dips and extensions on the rope if available.

Definitely rest up and bummer to hear about your injury. Hope it is nothing serious. Once you can get on the program again, I think you can accomplish a lot by just doing bodyweight dips on a chair. First with your feet on the ground, then you can prop it up on another chair or bench when you can.
I was up at 230 am to start my Venison Snack Stix so I was just reading your post. I did my Treadmill Cardio first. I use the incline and keep a range from 126 BPM heart rate to 136 BPM for my workout with a little jogging halfway through.
I it was dumbell bench presses, both incline and flat. Then it was Tricep extensions on the cable machine to warm up, and then I was doing my 3rd set of Skullcrushers, when my tricep snapped. It felt like my ligament snapped over a bone. I'm not in bad pain this morning, but just pretty sore. I have no idea how this will pan out. Next Wednesday or Thursday I will try some light weights dumbell bicep curls, and if it is sore I will see a Dr.
I popped my doing... "Skull Crushers" had to have it surgically re-attached about 5 years ago. My advise DON'T WAIT! Get to the doctor ASAP, so that re-attachment is feasible.
I Tore it up. Will be needing surgery. I called Sports Dr at 930 and he had a cancel . I'm already out of the office and they are scheduling an MRI. I will be getting surgery asap within days. He said if I don't I could lose most of the use of my arm.
Wise decision to have it checked. I’m a strong believer, in early intervention…….in all things.
I was up at 230 am to start my Venison Snack Stix so I was just reading your post. I did my Treadmill Cardio first. I use the incline and keep a range from 126 BPM heart rate to 136 BPM for my workout with a little jogging halfway through.
I it was dumbell bench presses, both incline and flat. Then it was Tricep extensions on the cable machine to warm up, and then I was doing my 3rd set of Skullcrushers, when my tricep snapped. It felt like my ligament snapped over a bone. I'm not in bad pain this morning, but just pretty sore. I have no idea how this will pan out. Next Wednesday or Thursday I will try some light weights dumbell bicep curls, and if it is sore I will see a Dr.
Did you know that you can see significant cardiovascular training from lifting weights?

As long as your lifting produces a THR within an age predicted range, your left ventricle doesn't care if it receives a training effect from treadmill type stuff or lifting.

The difference is that treadmill stuff produces a volume overload (of blood) on the left ventricle, producing a bigger left ventricle chamber.

Weight training produces a pressure overload on the left ventricle which produces thicker ventricle walls. Either way the LV gains more mass and becomes more efficient at pumping oxygenated blood. Some refer to this measurement as ejection fraction (EF); higher numbers = improved efficiency.
I Tore it up. Will be needing surgery. I called Sports Dr at 930 and he had a cancel . I'm already out of the office and they are scheduling an MRI. I will be getting surgery asap within days. He said if I don't I could lose most of the use of my arm.

Man glad you got it check, hope surgery goes well and you have a full recovery.
I Tore it up. Will be needing surgery. I called Sports Dr at 930 and he had a cancel . I'm already out of the office and they are scheduling an MRI. I will be getting surgery asap within days. He said if I don't I could lose most of the use of my arm.
Yikes! I read your earlier post and you did everything right as far as warming up. Please keep us posted and good on you for getting it checked out early.
Yikes! I read your earlier post and you did everything right as far as warming up. Please keep us posted and good on you for getting it checked out early.
Happened Wednesday. The bruise is showing up now. Still waiting on M.R.I. approval so I can get surgery. It's going to be a long road through recovery. 6 weeks of not using it and 6 months to full recovery. I'm done with heavy weights. Don't need this sheet happening again.
How did recovery go SD ?
They reattached it to my elbow and it's been great. It's definitely a different shape than the other side but no one seems to notice but me.
I don't do crazy weight anymore, I don't want it to come undone again.
I have a partial tear of the bicep on that same arm, it came undone at the top but I didn't have it repaired.
Too many mistakes made back in my competitive bodybuilding days........ugh.
I'm done with heavy weights. Don't need this sheet happening again.
Yeah, that bruise is definitely starting to show. :(

I stopped heavy lifting in my 30s after a bad accident going through a set of deadlifts. I wasn't getting paid for that stuff so I had to ask myself why I was even doing it in the first place.

For the last 20 years, it's been bodyweight exercises, dumbbell work and a weight vest. It's all I need and I achieve the results I was never able to years ago.

Power to you, my friend and I pray your road to recovery is smooth.
They reattached it to my elbow and it's been great. It's definitely a different shape than the other side but no one seems to notice but me.
I don't do crazy weight anymore, I don't want it to come undone again.
I have a partial tear of the bicep on that same arm, it came undone at the top but I didn't have it repaired.
Too many mistakes made back in my competitive bodybuilding days........ugh.
I am really glad to hear that you healed well. I hope for the same...It's stupid that I knew going heavy was a risk and I kept up. It's been one 7 or 8 months and have felt and seen the results.
We all make mistakes so we're human.
Yeah, that bruise is definitely starting to show. :(

I stopped heavy lifting in my 30s after a bad accident going through a set of deadlifts. I wasn't getting paid for that stuff so I had to ask myself why I was even doing it in the first place.

For the last 20 years, it's been bodyweight exercises, dumbbell work and a weight vest. It's all I need and I achieve the results I was never able to years ago.

Power to you, my friend and I pray your road to recovery is smooth.
Do you hike with the vest ? I have ,have,have to stay ready for an epic backpack trip in the White Cloud Mountains.
I'm 52 and I will not longer lift heavy. Too many things can go wrong. I do squats and cardio mainly these days but will reluctantly start doing more upper body stuff with average weight...more so just for strength. I don't need to build muscle at 28 years of marriage....just need to be in better shape. I hope you heal up quickly, DM. Your mishap may have saved a few of us from the same injury. When I would work tri's, it would just be tri pull downs with a hold at full extension. That seemed to work them pretty good.
My head is hard so....lol
I'm 52 and I will not longer lift heavy. Too many things can go wrong. I do squats and cardio mainly these days but will reluctantly start doing more upper body stuff with average weight...more so just for strength. I don't need to build muscle at 28 years of marriage....just need to be in better shape. I hope you heal up quickly, DM. Your mishap may have saved a few of us from the same injury. When I would work tri's, it would just be tri pull downs with a hold at full extension. That seemed to work them pretty good.
Well, I hope I save some of you from it happening. I just paid my debt off and now I will have to pay a few grand for this mishap. But the most important thing is to take care of yourself.
I thought getting really strong again was going to help me later in life. I saw my Dad lose his strength . He became sedentary after dealing with pain. Pain comes at older age for many , and some people can't cope with it so they sit and think they need to rest. And some fall into the pit of pain relievers. It might hurt to move , but moving is necessary to continue. I just took it too far. Moderation fellers ! That's my share.
I haven't lifted weights since college, about 1967. I signed up for the class because it fit my schedule. Little did I know that half the football team was in the class, and I was a fish out of water. I held my own though and got B grade. All I remember about the class was I leg pressed 10 reps @ 440 pounds. You had to do 10 reps or it didn't count. We also had to run around the track for 30 minutes before we were allowed in the weight room.
I haven't lifted weights since college, about 1967. I signed up for the class because it fit my schedule. Little did I know that half the football team was in the class, and I was a fish out of water. I held my own though and got B grade. All I remember about the class was I leg pressed 10 reps @ 440 pounds. You had to do 10 reps or it didn't count. We also had to run around the track for 30 minutes before we were allowed in the weight room.
HaHa Imagine what would happen at this day in time.The parents would be looking to sue the pants off someone.
tore both peaks about 15 years apart. One felt like a rope unwinding and the other felt like something turned into jelly. Did not do surgery for either one. Tons of bruising. Bench press might be the dumbest lift of all of them. Anyways still have pain in my shoulders now doing pushups and pull ups. Probably should have had surgery. Peaks look deformed now but doesn’t bother me.
tore both peaks about 15 years apart. One felt like a rope unwinding and the other felt like something turned into jelly. Did not do surgery for either one. Tons of bruising. Bench press might be the dumbest lift of all of them. Anyways still have pain in my shoulders now doing pushups and pull ups. Probably should have had surgery. Peaks look deformed now but doesn’t bother me.
True on the bench press.....only use dumbbells from here on out....no straight bars.
DM- I 100% agree on seeing what happens to the elderly and NOT staying busy. Staying fit in the 50's-60's should pay off when you hit the 70's. My Dad stayed fit and he's 78. His back has been hurting him lately but who knows how bad it would have been had he been a couch potato.
A body in motion stays in motion is a very true statement to live by....or you may not live as long as you hope.
A body in motion stays in motion is a very true statement to live by....or you may not live as long as you hope.
I had a quack doctor who was 92 and he went to the gym and lifted weights. He was like a dried up old prune with muscles, and an ego to go with it. He finally did everybody a favor and died.
Do you hike with the vest ? I have ,have,have to stay ready for an epic backpack trip in the White Cloud Mountains.
I have not, not yet anyway. I usually just do box steps and box jumps and that appears to help immensely in the mountains. Keeps the knees, quads and calves in great shape.

Although I really should just wear it when hiking. Won't hurt...much. :D
I have not, not yet anyway. I usually just do box steps and box jumps and that appears to help immensely in the mountains. Keeps the knees, quads and calves in great shape.

Although I really should just wear it when hiking. Won't hurt...much. :D
Those do help alot. I have good success using 2 kettle balls- fists touching with the weights laying on my wrists, squat as low as I can go . 20 lbs or 25 lbs each. 3 sets of 15. It really increases my leg strength and stamina.
Those do help alot. I have good success using 2 kettle balls- fists touching with the weights laying on my wrists, squat as low as I can go . 20 lbs or 25 lbs each. 3 sets of 15. It really increases my leg strength and stamina.
Yep, you nailed it. Fundamental movements like you described will go a long way towards strength and injury avoidance.

Looking forward to pics of your trip to the White Cloud Mountains :)
Yep, you nailed it. Fundamental movements like you described will go a long way towards strength and injury avoidance.

Looking forward to pics of your trip to the White Cloud Mountains :)
Thanks BroadHead. I finally got my MRI approved. If all goes well I can get surgery this week or early next week in the nick of time. I heard I should get surgery for this within 14 days of injury.
Thanks BroadHead. I finally got my MRI approved. If all goes well I can get surgery this week or early next week in the nick of time. I heard I should get surgery for this within 14 days of injury.
You're welcome, my good sir. Awesome news on the MRI getting approved quickly. I suppose it does make sense to get surgery done on that injury as soon as possible, before scar tissue forms on it and makes it more of a challenge (in my non-medically educated opinion).

Either way, the important thing is you're giving it the urgency it needs. :)
I wish the Dr would give me BPC-157 shots. It's banned in the Proffesional Athlete world because it gives them an unfair gain factor. It heals up injury and reduces granulasides or scar tissue, and promotes rapid regrowth.
I had a snap in my bicep many years ago, finished my workout, with pain, went to the docs the next day, my bicep tendon came off at the forearm had surgery the next day, told the doc I needed it to be good to go by Aug 18th! he thought I could just make it, I was able to make it for archery season that year, better to get it checked out
I hope it heals quickly for you.
Thanks feddoc, I guess it relates to the funny bone. Holy $#@% there won't be sleep tonight. I would do it again but would not do it with 5mg percs . It would take 10s. Never wanted Opiates but this is different. I know he is a good sawbones. Maybe the nerve block somehow backfired.
Then Mrs wanted to pull up a recliner from the basement for me to sleep on. I said no frickin way you have some back problems. I said reclining sectional is good for this first night- friends will get it tomorrow. She is as stubborn as me but wants to help. I bet tomorrow She won't be able to do much. I wish She would listen. I'm pretty damn good at foreseeing what will happen. I heard her moaning all the way up the stairs- no, not the good kind.
I heard her moaning all the way up the stairs- no, not the good kind.
Even in pain, the humor is still there. :D I've broken a few bones here and there and had a surgery or two, but sounds like you've hit the pain jackpot.

Well, whatever doesn't kill you makes you more stubborn. Heal up quickly, my friend. :)
Should spend some $$ on a personal trainer. Kind of like hiring a fishing guide for the day to learn the techniques. Then do it on your own.

We have free trainers where I work and a full gym. Learned a lot from them.

When I was 48yrs old and only after 2yrs of training, I was able to bench press 275lbs, squat 410lbs and deadlift 425lbs. And at the time I weighed 175lbs. Won a power lifting competition and the same year I played organized competitive flag football. And won the championship for that as well.

Yes, at 48yrs old. I played QB. Nothing like beating kids in their 20s. Point is learn the techniques so you don't get hurt.
Should spend some $$ on a personal trainer. Kind of like hiring a fishing guide for the day to learn the techniques. Then do it on your own.

We have free trainers where I work and a full gym. Learned a lot from them.

When I was 48yrs old and only after 2yrs of training, I was able to bench press 275lbs, squat 410lbs and deadlift 425lbs. And at the time I weighed 175lbs. Won a power lifting competition and the same year I played organized competitive flag football. And won the championship for that as well.

Yes, at 48yrs old. I played QB. Nothing like beating kids in their 20s. Point is learn the techniques so you don't get hurt.
Your trainer has you bench pressing over 200 pounds at your age? That is one of the worst motions for anyone over 35....so I have heard.
The range of motion strains muscles....too tight of a motion. You should do dumb bell presses instead.
The range of motion strains muscles....too tight of a motion. You should do dumb bell presses instead.
Please stop. 'The range of motion strains muscles....' ??? WTF are you talking about? Bench press can be hard on some people's shoulders for sure but 'the range of motion' absolutely isn't straining people's muscles. For reference, I'm 53 and benched 408 in a competition just a few months ago (to go with a 550+ squat and deadlift at 240lb bw).
Age is certainly a factor in training but it by no means is a reason to quit lifting heavy. Seems like a super convenient excuse for you wimps! ;)
Please stop. 'The range of motion strains muscles....' ??? WTF are you talking about? Bench press can be hard on some people's shoulders for sure but 'the range of motion' absolutely isn't straining people's muscles. For reference, I'm 53 and benched 408 in a competition just a few months ago (to go with a 550+ squat and deadlift at 240lb bw).
Age is certainly a factor in training but it by no means is a reason to quit lifting heavy. Seems like a super convenient excuse for you wimps! ;)
I remember when I had my first beer.....

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