What does this have to do with the NIH??


Long Time Member
I tend to cruise medically based websites because I lived that life for many years.

Woke is everywhere.

One can only imagine how you feel about what's being done to this country on so many levels from a medical standpoint. How many little droids they have working to shape the narrative to manipulate the minds of people into submission. Using a pandemic as a petri dish to exert more levels of control on us as a society and create dependancy on the party politic.

Using manipulative techniques to foster the guilt in minds young and old using skin color clearly shows how RUTHLESS they are.

Imagine how it shapes the young mind into feeling bad about all the wrongs society has committed clearly conflicting them about what's right or wrong.

In many instances what they've been taught in the home is suddenly the fault of the parents and their authority and virtue is suspect to what they're being taught in school. Now they ease the teacher into the role of being the role model and as such replace the parent as the authority figure. Hence the evolution of the teacher as authority figure over the child and the push for the schools control over the child.

Once implemented, they continue the indoctrination to facilitate all the behaviors and responses they want in the child. They use their power to introduce the child to things they wouldn't be taught in the home such as introducing forms of deviant sexual behavior, submissive behavior, relearning false ideals, false history and down playing and hating forms of governance outside the party politc.

Individual needs are seconday to those of the party and are to be purged from their mind, for the collective good of the party.

Whoa boy we've come a long way from the original founders intent in this damn mess not to mention how in the hell, the ideals of freedom have been replaced with absolute submission to the state. All this was done circumventing the rights and will of the people.

Khrushchez is being proven correct in that we are being taken from within without a shot being fired! TEAM Obama is getting one step closer to transforming this country every day the democrats are in power to exert their will over this nation.
One can only imagine how you feel about what's being done to this country on so many levels from a medical standpoint. How many little droids they have working to shape the narrative to manipulate the minds of people into submission. Using a pandemic as a petri dish to exert more levels of control on us as a society and create dependancy on the party politic.

Using manipulative techniques to foster the guilt in minds young and old using skin color clearly shows how RUTHLESS they are.

Imagine how it shapes the young mind into feeling bad about all the wrongs society has committed clearly conflicting them about what's right or wrong.

In many instances what they've been taught in the home is suddenly the fault of the parents and their authority and virtue is suspect to what they're being taught in school. Now they ease the teacher into the role of being the role model and as such replace the parent as the authority figure. Hence the evolution of the teacher as authority figure over the child and the push for the schools control over the child.

Once implemented, they continue the indoctrination to facilitate all the behaviors and responses they want in the child. They use their power to introduce the child to things they wouldn't be taught in the home such as introducing forms of deviant sexual behavior, submissive behavior, relearning false ideals, false history and down playing and hating forms of governance outside the party politc.

Individual needs are seconday to those of the party and are to be purged from their mind, for the collective good of the party.

Whoa boy we've come a long way from the original founders intent in this damn mess not to mention how in the hell, the ideals of freedom have been replaced with absolute submission to the state. All this was done circumventing the rights and will of the people.

Khrushchez is being proven correct in that we are being taken from within without a shot being fired! TEAM Obama is getting one step closer to transforming this country every day the democrats are in power to exert their will over this nation.
What a steaming pile of crap. You have to be a half bubble off plumb to even dream up a conspiracy theory like that. What a loon...

If any mind has been manipulated, it's yours, by the Q websites you obsess over.

Wow, just WOW!

Meet the Author: Donald Moss at NYPSI - International Psychoanalysis

Donald Moss, MD is a faculty member of the New York Psychoanalytic Institute and the San Francisco Center for Psychoanalysis, and is in private practice in New York City. He is also a member of the Green Gang, a four-person collective that studies the relationships between the human and non-human environments.

From that bio I would think that the author is one of BuzzH's liberal Democrats that he likes to support on this forum.


Meet the Author: Donald Moss at NYPSI - International Psychoanalysis

Donald Moss, MD is a faculty member of the New York Psychoanalytic Institute and the San Francisco Center for Psychoanalysis, and is in private practice in New York City. He is also a member of the Green Gang, a four-person collective that studies the relationships between the human and non-human environments.

From that bio I would think that the author is one of BuzzH's liberal Democrats that he likes to support on this forum.

He/She probably had his/her student loans forgiven.
What a steaming pile of crap. You have to be a half bubble off plumb to even dream up a conspiracy theory like that. What a loon...

If any mind has been manipulated, it's yours, by the Q websites you obsess over.

Wow, just WOW!
Dang...I was going to smart off...till I remembered that touching story of all those close neighbors of yours.....
What's wrong Buzz having an issue keeping up the facade about denying anything opposed to the party's ideological agenda........LOL

In case you hadn't noticed the one not educated about these matters is you!

If they're throwing Manchin under the bus what chance does a damn fool like you have in their big game?

Isn't reality a *****.......funny how all these things keep popping up with numerous examples in different states outside bumpkinville........... Chicago, LA, Spokane, Boston, NY, Baltimore, Portland, Dever, Durango and in hundreds of other school districts and medical facilities in multiple states across this country. In case you haven't noticed Buzzy...... America is waking up to all these little schemes and manipulative games.......

There's a reckoning coming Buzzy .........and your covers being exposed here just like on all the other websites.......:eek:
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What's wrong Buzz having an issue keeping up the facade about denying anything opposed to the party's ideological agenda........LOL

In case you hadn't noticed the one not educated about these matters is you!

If they're throwing Manchin under the bus what chance does a damn fool like you have in their big game?

Isn't reality a *****.......funny how all these things keep popping up with numerous examples in different states outside bumpkinville........... Chicago, LA, Spokane, Boston, NY, Baltimore, Portland, Dever, Durango and in hundreds of other school districts and medical facilities in multiple states across this country. In case you haven't noticed Buzzy...... America is waking up to all these little schemes and manipulative games.......

There's a reckoning coming Buzzy .........and your covers being exposed here just like on all the other websites.......:eek:
It's coming, Q tell you that?

You and Sydney Powell going to release the kraken?

I think you both have chit your kraken...
The only one to chit his kraken is you Buzzy since you keep promoting the party line. But you keep working on the propaganda there skippy because we all know you for what you are...........

Isn't it ironic how good writers include the sources of their information and your left wing propagandists never do.........kinda shoots big holes in your credibility doesn't it.......When you support the party of lies and deceit it's kind of hard not to get wrapped up in the false rhetoric......LOL
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I tend to cruise medically based websites because I lived that life for many years.

Woke is everywhere.


I was hoping there was a “Pay Now” button where I could cure myself.

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