What Outdorr Industries Will Be Hurt The Most By The Down Economy?


Very Active Member
With all the trouble across the globe oil market crashing, Wall Street crash and Covid-19 shutting down world manufacturing and travel. Causing catastrophic layoffs, house hold name companies maybe not recovering and either closing or selling out to more secure companies and millionaires/billionaires potentially losing millions maybe billions.
What will be affected the most within the hunting industries.
Will it be high end rifles (Cooper Arms, Gunwerks, Christensen Arms etc).
Will it be technology (trail cameras, high tech glass rifle scopes, binos etc).
Will it be high end guided hunts.
Will it be out of state do it yourself hunts.
Will it change the way hunters look at hunting, not so much about trophy hunting and more about putting meat in the freezer.
Or is all this talk about the world economy BS and as soon as all the stay at home orders are lifted, does the economy come right back stronger than ever and the ten plus million people that are layed off get hired back on and it is buisness as usual.
I personally think you could see alot of hunters tighten there belts and not spend as much on the hunting industries. There was a poll on another thread of how much of a percent of your income do you spend on supporting your hunting needs and it was like 45 percent said they spent over 10 percent of there income. Does that continue with so much income lost this year.
Let's here your opinions and thoughts.
It will change some for the wealthy but not uber -rich. Smart people won't be paying for expensive guided hunts. At least I would think that it isn't a wise choice. We will have the deepest recession the boomers have seen in their lifetimes. I would buy a Remington over a Christenson Arms if I truly needed a gun.
I'm sure there are plenty of hunting addicts here wanting trophies that will spend too much money this year and be in trouble. But that isn't my business. And there are a few that will always have enough.
I feel bad for the youth that will lose opportunities and I worry about all the poaching that will likely happen.
It will all roll down hill.

Guys will step down in levels.

Gunwerks buys become Browning. Browning guys buying Mossberg.

Like every recession there will be winners and losers. Problem is the government is picking them and hunting isn't super popular.

There is ZERO excuse to be poaching right now. With each month that passes, there will be more and more reasons.

I'll drop gohunt before I do onx, but I'll drop it to buy bullets.
Heartshot I hear you about buying the more expensive equipment. Now that my kids are raised I have purchased a couple items that are higher price but not top end.
The sad thing is these upper end companies dont know how to run on lower prices they will just sell less numbers until they slowly go out of business.
Any resort, lodge or camp based business based on current trends.

And as far as hunting in general the needs will out do the wants in most cases.
Notdonhunting I agree with you. For example I bought some Helinox chairs for backpack fishing trips I love. They are so damn expensive and I bst they won't make the price more reasonable to stay in business.
I used them last year and it sure was nice to relax on at camp.

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