Whats wrong with us?

Phantom Hunter

Very Active Member
I heard that next week, Sunday School classes all over the US are going to take up a collection to buy Bibles for use in Russian public schools!! Here in the USA we can't even say a prayer much less have a Bible in school. I think it's time for a change. What can we do to turn our schools and nation around? Can we ever get back to "One Nation Under God"?

Phantom Hunter
Some of us don't want the government or state endorsing one religion over others. My ancestors came to America to avoid the Tsar's view of God and worship. America is so diverse, let's just avoid that headache by keeping a seperation of church and state.
This country was founded to allow folks to worship how they pleased. Most of the founding fathers were of some Christian belief, that is why God is mentioned so often in their writings. Just because a Bible or a list of the "Ten Commandments" is in a school or public building does not mean the gov't is forcing anyone to espouse the same beliefs.

Phantom Hunter
i don't really care if there's religion in school or not. but i think it's a bad idea to have religion in school. you'll offend more people having it there then not. i don't know about other high schools, but mine had something like a bible club that took place before and after school hours and that never was a problem with anyone.

i was even known to let the girl i was dating talk me into going with her sometimes.
There are three reasons to own a gun. To protect yourself and your family, to hunt dangerous and delicious animals, and to keep the King of England out of your face. -- Krusty the Clown

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