Which is further


Active Member
I have 7 antelope points and am considering either 67 or 90-1.
Which is further from the hunting ground, Lander for 67 or Pinedale for 90-1?

Is there another obvious unit I'm not thinking about?
LAST EDITED ON Jan-10-16 AT 09:41AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jan-10-16 AT 09:41?AM (MST)

I'd do 93 myself, a coworkers wife drew it last year and we saw some really good lopes.The biggest one I saw was on 89 though.
There are a lot of units besides the two you've mentioned that would give you a good hunt with 7PPs. However, I'm a little puzzled as to your question about relative distances of towns to those two units you asked about. Are you asking because you want to base a hunt from a motel, rather than camping out in the unit you choose to hunt? IMHO of the two you asked about, I would pick 67 and stay in Riverton if that's the case.
Maybe mapquest could help.
You should be able to determine which is farther to your hunting grounds.
What's wrong with a tent? I've had my best hunts based out of a tent and the last pronghorn hunt was no exception. There's just something about taking a naked shower in the middle of the prairie!!!!
Good luck with your search.
Mapquest would be helpful but it doesn't know where "the hunting grounds" are within those units compared to the towns named, and neither do I really.

The hunt will be solo most likely, and I like some solitude but camping out is more than I want. Plus I don't have all the gear I would want to bring...
LAST EDITED ON Jan-10-16 AT 05:58PM (MST)[p]>Mapquest would be helpful but it
>doesn't know where "the hunting
>grounds" are within those units
>compared to the towns named,
>and neither do I really.
>The hunt will be solo most
>likely, and I like some
>solitude but camping out is
>more than I want.
>Plus I don't have all
>the gear I would want
>to bring...

Then do what I mentioned and hunt 67 while moteling it out of Riverton. The unit is only about 15 miles east of there by good highway, is a lot bigger than 90-1, and it's a good unit to get an average, if not an above average goat. Lander is much further to the west from 67. Hope this helps!
I think either would work out perfectly fine for your needs. Both have good major roads to access the middle of the units.

If I had to rank the towns to quickness to get to antelope, I would rank them:

1. Riverton
2. Pinedale
3. Lander

If I had a choice between towns, I would like to visit. I would go:

1. Pinedale
2. Lander, very close 2nd.
3. Riverton, definitely third with respect to curb appeal in my opinion.

Riverton would be the shortest drive, but no problem at all getting to the lopes from Lander in 67 (20 minute further drive).
LAST EDITED ON Jan-13-16 AT 01:11PM (MST)[p]I have stayed in Riverton and hunted 67 twice in the last 6 years. There are several decent places to stay in Riverton. As has been said there is excellent paved road access to 67. In my experience the antelope hunting gets better the farther you get from Riverton but we're still only talking a 30 minute drive or so. If you do a search on here for unit 67 info you can find some of the info on my hunts that I've posted as well as info from several others. Feel free to PM me for more details if you'd like. Good luck. Chip

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