Who would shoot this buck?


Very Active Member
Ok, here's this weeks question.
Knowing the DWR is doing some sort of research on this buck.
Probably tracking its migration and such.
This picture was taken on 7/6/2019. He has a lot of growing still to do, so I'm guessing he could end up a 180" buck.
Who would shoot it and who would pass just to let the DWR do their research?
I know this is a once in a lifetime buck for many people but if you said you would pass on it, how big would it need to be to change your mind?

Come on people, I would like a lot of feedback on this one.
Even you lurkers.

Shoot the buck, turn in the collar.

The collar can be redeployed on another deer, this scenario happens with research animals when they are in an area where they can be harvested during hunting season.

Yep, shoot him. 30% of the time, the collar is inoperative anyway and DWR would like to get it back, download any info, refurbish and re-deploy. They appreciate the effort to return them.
The Buck is at the end of his 3-1/2 year old Life Span in TARDville!

Ain't but Few TARDS that wouldn't Shoot that Buck!

Cut the Collar off Immediately!

Then The Pics Start Circulating even Before He's Gutted!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
He?s a taker with a general tag.


My Favorite Expo Tag Quotes:

"It is fair to ask how much comes in with the five dollar application fees and how much went onto the ground.? Don Peay of SFW during 3/31/2005 Wildlife Board Meeting.

"There will be a full accounting of how the applications fees are spent.? Don Peay of SFW - 9/26/2006 - Monstermuleys.com
General season unit, yes.

Kind of like leg bands on a goose. Great buck, story and photos - not many to kill a great buck with a collar.

Sure the Cape would be no good, run marks.

Just return the collar for research.
I would shoot one with a collar but wouldn't be trying to target him because of the collar. Waterfowl with bands do become targets when a flock comes in.
>>Wouldn?t shoot that buck.
>You wouldn't shoot any collared buck

I Guarantee You One Thing Ridgetops!

It'd Have to be a Big Bastard Before He'd Shoot it!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>Nope , I really don't see
>anything impressive about him at
>all , especially from that
>view !

That was my first thought. But he's got a couple more months of growing. So, when the season rolled around, I'd shoot him and return the collar. Now if I judged him to be only 179"...:D :D
Nope. Still shooting!
>>Wouldn?t shoot that buck.
>You wouldn't shoot any collared buck

It truly depends Ridge.

I would have to see him finished out. I think if I had tune to analyze him and didn't think someone else would get him. I would for sure pass.

This year is second year on dedicated, I killed a buck last year, so I for sure would not kill him this year.

He looks young, so that influences my decision too.
If I were desperate, yes. Otherwise, he is nothing special. Not worthy of spending money on a mount. Looks pretty skinny from a meat standpoint...

Maybe I follow him to the rest of the herd! Bound to have a big brother lurking out there!
The deer is a shooter but I wouldn't shoot it. Conservation is more important to me than a kill. I set high ethics standards for myself.

However, I have no bias for what others do. There's nothing illegal about shooting it.
>The deer is a shooter but
>I wouldn't shoot it. Conservation
>is more important to me
>than a kill. I set
>high ethics standards for myself.
>However, I have no bias for
>what others do. There's nothing
>illegal about shooting it.
This is my feelings also. Conservation is very important to me.
You guys realize that part of the collar studies is the mortality of the animal, right?

So in your super high ethical standards, you may not be helping the conservation very much after all.
Shoot without hesitation...

But then again, I'm going into my first deer season this year, so I feel sorry for the first yearling that has just gotten his first fork...he's a done dead deer. lol.

Not only that, I'm going to post a pic of him with my ##### eating grin because I'll be thinking about all the tender meals I'm going to be enjoying for the months to come.

Maybe when I get some more experience under my belt, I'll become a more discerning hunter, but until then, I'm seeking experience on game larger than rabbits and hogs so right now anything legal is meat for the freezer as far as I'm concerned.
>You guys realize that part of
>the collar studies is the
>mortality of the animal, right?
>So in your super high ethical
>standards, you may not be
>helping the conservation very much
>after all.

Who knows how long the deer will live? I don't choose to be the one to end the study. Mortality is a small part of the study. Maybe you should understand it more before talking about my ethical standards.

It's really not that hard to find another buck to shoot.
I'm not sure if I'd shoot or not. Depends on the hunt. But If someone were to shoot him, I sure as hell wouldn't look down on them or consider them unethical.
>I'm not sure if I'd shoot
>or not. Depends on the
>hunt. But If someone were
>to shoot him, I sure
>as hell wouldn't look down
>on them or consider them

Of course and you also shouldn't look down on someone who won't shoot the deer. The bias goes in both directions.

Just comment on what you'd do and let it go at that. No reason to comment or quote someone elses post.
Muley. WTH you talking about? I never quoted a post (see post 31) I simply stated that I wouldn't judge anyone who shot that buck. Spin your flat brim, take off you kuiu and quit acting like a badass hunter ethics cop. You won't shoot him? Great. Say so and leave it at that! Don?t come at me for having an opinion.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-05-19 AT 01:48PM (MST)[p]Muley. And don't forget to take a look at post 29 while you crying about others quoting posts. Somebody sh!t on your breakfast today?
Hey Shadow...I'd just ignore that guy.
When I read his post I almost fell out of my seat laughing.
You're right, You didn't quote anyone, you didn't call anyone out.

But you know what..
HE DID< lol

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.
I was like...is this dude serious?
I honestly thought it had to be some joke,
They hypocrisy was so obvious, the only reason I didn't reply was since I"m new, I assumed you guys were friends or had some prior relationship and it was some sort of inside joke

I mean who doesn't see the idiocy of what happened in that post.
I mean LITERALLY quoting your post, calling you out. and saying
DON'T CALL PEOPLE OUT...while calling you out.

I mean, You can't make this ##### up, lol
shoot and mail in the collar.
Will a lion not kill him because he has a collar.
will a car not run over him.
will not the next hunter shoot him.
This list could get very LOOOOOOONG

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
LAST EDITED ON Oct-05-19 AT 03:06PM (MST)[p]>Muley. WTH you talking about? I
>never quoted a post (see
>post 31) I simply stated
>that I wouldn't judge anyone
>who shot that buck. Spin
>your flat brim, take off
>you kuiu and quit acting
>like a badass hunter ethics
>cop. You won't shoot him?
>Great. Say so and leave
>it at that! Don?t come
>at me for having an

I never said you did but my post did get a comment right after my post. That's what I was referring to. Although your post isn't much better. You don't like my ethics? You can't imagine how little I care. That was a good line from Tom Selleck but it fits right in.
>AT 01:48?PM (MST)

>Muley. And don't forget to take
>a look at post 29
>while you crying about others
>quoting posts. Somebody sh!t on
>your breakfast today?

I responded to a comment to me. I had to quote him so he'd know who I was talking to. Hard to understand. I was done after my first post but vanilla didn't want to leave it alone.

It's really not hard to follow along. For some anyway.
icgamer.........Tough talk for someone with 1 hunt. It would be funny if you weren't so pathetic. Go back to your video games. Do you play hunting games? So you have all the answers now.

No need for ignore. I came back here to see if the same jerkoffs were still here. Yes and some new ones too.

I'm gone.
>>LAST EDITED ON Oct-05-19
>>AT 01:48?PM (MST)

>>Muley. And don't forget to take
>>a look at post 29
>>while you crying about others
>>quoting posts. Somebody sh!t on
>>your breakfast today?
>I responded to a comment to
>me. I had to quote
>him so he'd know who
>I was talking to. Hard
>to understand. I was done
>after my first post but
>vanilla didn't want to leave
>it alone.
>It's really not hard to follow
>along. For some anyway.

I comment my opinion, you take offense? You sound like a good dude there Miley. Take some Medes and a better day tomorrow, huh?
Here are some more recent pictures of the buck. Although a nice general season buck, I'll personally keep all my efforts looking for the G-4 buck. At least until the last of the season.


Muleys ethics are so high that he has to come on here and belittle every person that doesn't agree with him.

That is truly the moral high ground we can all aspire to!

Keep us posted ridge. It's always fun to see what you turn up.

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