Who'd take this buck on a hunt that took 15 years to draw?


Founder Since 1999
Finally after 15 years you draw the tag. It's an archery tag. You scout all summer and looked at 100 different bucks, with a couple being in that mid 180 range and then a big 210 buck. But you only saw the 210 buck once, never again while scouting. Opening morning, this buck strolls out at 53 yards? You shootin'? Or walking away in search of the 210?

53 yards is my outer limit for hunting. Sorry, I'm no bow expert. If I could slip just 5-10 yards closer, I would definitely shoot.

Heck, I've been waiting 18 years for any license in Utah. I'm ready to shoot the first yearling I see if I ever draw a license. Maybe this is my year..............
Looks similar to a buck I passed up last year on a limited entry hunt.

That is a really tough one. It depends on how much time I had available to hunt. To even know an area that holds a 210 buck is a very rare find. If I had a week or more to hunt and the area had no pressure, I would probably hold off and keep looking for the 210.

However, if it was in an area where I knew other hunters were out chasing and pressuring the deer, then I would probably take the shot.

Some may say BS, but a few years ago I actually hunted a 200"+ buck for three years. I only saw him a couple times in those three years and passed up opportunities on a few nice bucks. I ate my tag all three years holding out for him.
Finally after 15 years you draw the tag. It's an archery tag. You scout all summer and looked at 100 different bucks, with a couple being in that mid 180 range and then a big 210 buck. But you only saw the 210 buck once, never again while scouting. Opening morning, this buck strolls out at 53 yards? You shootin'? Or walking away in search of the 210?

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If you have multiple 180" bucks on the wall, all taken with a bow, then let him walk. If not, a 180" buck with a bow I would consider 1 in a million. Quite an accomplishment.
Would shoot! That said the minute you connect with that buck the 210 will magically show up and trot past you at 30 yards
Not just trot past. But stop broadside and stare at you for a couple minutes. And then you'd sneeze and he'd keep standing and staring!

I was halfway down a tree after shooting time one time, and a buck I had been hunting showed up at 15 yards. I stopped climbing. Finally, after a few minutes, I got tired of waiting. He stood there and watched while I packed up my stand and left!

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