Who's Going to the Expo?


Very Active Member
I figured this would come up eventually but with all the things happening to SFW lately who is going to the expo and planning on lining SFW's pockets for their lawyer bills on expo tags?
Ain't nobody going this year!

Mormons ain't suppose to Gamble & are all Loyal to the Good Book!

Everybody is so mad at the SFW they just ain't going this year!:D

Hot Dog,Hot Damn,I love this Ameri-can
If they are giving away our tags, I think I would like a chance at one. The henries tag is mine this year, so don't even bother trying for it.

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-13-12 AT 06:50PM (MST)[p]No, I'm not going.

I don't support the SFW organization, especially in light of the attempted Arizona midnight tag heist:

nor uneducated SFW cronnie Corey Rossi, Alaska Director of Game & Fish who resigned yesterday due to his 12 poaching charges:



There will be 4 Alaska governor's tags at the SLC expo which where unilaterally granted to SFW by this appointed cronnie who DOESN'T EVEN HAVE A COLLEGE EDUCATION!!!

I cannot compromise my ethics nor morals to support SFW nor this expo.
So what's Bruce Hubbard got to say about this?

I won't tell your Bishop wet_boot!:D

Hot Dog,Hot Damn,I love this Ameri-can
Anyone down to play a real drinking game at the expo Saturday night?? I've been kicked out of lots of places but never a hunt expo :D

Well ~Z~!

You know what they say!

"There's a first time for everythang"!


Hot Dog,Hot Damn,I love this Ameri-can
Cant pass a chance to throw down a few bucks and roll the dice!!! I'm hoping "my wheels get greased" this year!!!! Can't pass on seeing AWLB, Prism, and a few others. I'll probably even look up Wiley and buy him beer or six!!! See you all there!!!
I usually dontate a few hundred, but this year I'm only giving sfw criminal defense admitance to the show.
Im going does anybody know if we are allowed to bring some sheds and show them off.
Ah yes.... The good old Western Handjob and Corruption Expo.
This will be my first. It will be good to see some old friends like Robb that I haven't seen in too damn long, slap Jim on the back, slurp a few of the beers coming from the "C" family and watch BESS renew his bromance with Peayday..

What could be better.

hey z, I think you tried that drunk bit with me last year didn't you? besides, according to chris all you do is try to get drunk on mountain dew lol

btw, I'm not going. The expo is way boring if you ask me. Not worth it at all. The booths are drab and the auctions are worse.

What makes those tags even worse is the fact that they are in Utah. I have zero desire to ever hunt utah again. The party hunting mentality I see every time I hunt there has completely killed my desire to ever hunt there again. I'm done with Utah. Expo sucks and the hunting is even worse!
Oh come on stinkbug! It's not so bad. Come up here and share some of that NM love! We still have a barbary sheep hunt to plan!:)

It's always an adventure!!!
I will be there on Thursday. Tell everyone you know, not to put in for the Henry's deer tag, I have already payed off SFW for that tag. It was a little pricey, but I think it will be worth it. Feel free to put in for all the other tags.
Good luck to every one that plays the game.
stinky, No I don't do mountain dew, SFW Koolade, or any other soft drinks. Don't do sugar. I'm 52 but still try to take care of myself. Gotta keep running the flatlands to be ready for mountains in September.
I Dew the Dew 24/7!! :D Chris thought I was insane when I loaded a shopping cart full of 2 liters of Dew lol!! Stinky, I don't remember the cab ride back to the hotel but that was a fun night at the bar for sure!!

Mr. Assassin, you need to wipe the dust off your puter screen so you can see the sarcasm here. These guys are good hunters and even better people. They just like their beer. Nothing wrong with that. Before you go calling someone a dork, you may was to look at your screen name a little better. Not sure I would want the word "a$$" in my name twice. Just sayin.:)

It's always an adventure!!!
"Is there anything to do at the hunting expo besides drink beer?"


Ow and make S.F.W filthy rich!
Don needs to hunt sheep in BC too silly.

"btw, I'm not going. The expo is way boring if you ask me. Not worth it at all. The booths are drab and the auctions are worse."

Well Crap!!!! I was going but if there is no chance to be in the presence of the great & wonderful Sthench & Qtip I'm out..... but wait... BCB might be there... never mind I'm in!

Come on! Lets all meet & drop a couple of bucks... have a couple of beers & see some impressive stuff!

Hope to see you all there .... SFW FOREVER!!!!!!!!!


"The Road goes on forever & the Party never Ends"
I am going to try and make it up again this year. Just look for the Doug Miller look alike. ;-)
It's what we do right!
Yessir it definitely is lol!! You better stop by and free up one of my hands so I can pick my jaw back up...I don't want anyone calling me a dork :D

I am not a fan of SFW but I will NOT throw away my only chance to draw one of the many tags they stole from the public draws.

I will be there to validate only.
Everyone needs to boycott the Expo. This is just another example of Don P. raping the beast that is hunting in UT. SO if you stand for bestiality, go ahead and support SFW and the expo, but if you are the more "Traditional hunter" stand up for yourself and NOT ATTEND.
Don't worry about Don, he will eat...
And remember, just showing up to validate still validates your card of bestiality! DON 1 = BEAST 0
jim ur good. didnt even catch that one elk a$$ a$$? think that dude subscribes to beasteality websites or what? lol.

besides. why would i wanna go and see you. 2 years in a row just to see you and two years straight im stood up. to heck with you. your just a stinky hater!

actually im goin to vegas the week before to go after a nm gov elk tag. ever seen someone get a gov elk tag n diy? lol if that dont come through im comin there to try and get a rez tag. so who knows
No I don't subscribe to those. If you draw a gov elk tag I can help you kill a heck of an elk though, I fear no elk and they all fear me. You should accept my help or you will not kill a good elk.
elkass, I'm sure those poor creatures are terrified of you.

I would be too if someone was running around the woods looking for me and his name was manass! rofdl

your a good sport. Maybe we can hook up in utah if I make it that way. Just don't change your screen name to manass.
You should not make fun of the name I chose, it angers me and you do not want to see me angry! Got it? Perhaps we can meet at the expo but if you are like the rest of these dorks then I doubt I will be interested. I only want to and care about killing elk. Got it?
manass n stinky. two names that just go together lol.

ya poor guy. that names gonna stick bro. just ask rugburn and fondler
my name is not smellyman its Stinky! My other name on this website is analseepage. so pick whichever you like but smellyman is not one of my names bud!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-20-12 AT 07:53AM (MST)[p]So stinky you're not going to the expo? Is QTPIE going alone then? I wasn't planning on going but I could.


After thought: Make sure she brings lots of cash and your credit card.
>I am not a fan of
>SFW but I will NOT
>throw away my only chance
>to draw one of the
>many tags they stole from
>the public draws.
>I will be there to validate

who is the public that they stole the tags from? you and me? just a thought!i'll be there puttin in for the stolen tags!

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