Winter Updates


Very Active Member
This winter looks like it could be shaping up to kill a bunch of mule deer. I thought we could update how your neck of the woods weather is playing out.

Oregon has way above normal snow so far this year. November was normal but December has been very cold and it's been snowing very heavily all month. I84 between LaGrande and Baker has been closed twice in the last week or so. We have had two incidents of snow in Portland already this year. I have heard reports of deep crusted snow which is a death sentence for deer. It's early, but we have 3 'more months to go. It's shaping up to be a very bad winter here.

I'm worried. very worried.

Here in Pineville we had about a foot and it's melted down to about half that and turned to white ice. often I can see a little blood in the deer tracks from ice scrapes. my dogs hardly leave a track on top so do the math. I've seen a few deer out towards Paulina by themselves not moving and looking dumpy. they're not going to make it.

We're supposed to get a little more snow followed by highs around 14 and sub zero lows. we're feeding the cattle more than normal and they're just holding their own.

From what I hear the SE part of the state is better, NE part is worse.

Long term is the end of Jan will warm up into the 40's . I hope like hell that's correct because if this goes on much longer it's going to be a train wreck.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
I think the deer in Northern Utah are doing fine for now. We are at about 140% on our snow pack. The good news is that we had little snow until mid December. The deer have had a couple good winters prior, and fat reserves should be good. We don't want a lot more snow with sub zero temps for sure. Winters used to be a lot worse than this. Time will tell how Jan and Feb goes.

I'm ready for a little more global warming. Yes, I know, if it rains a lot, snows a lot, warm and hot a lot,and even cold a lot, it's all part of global warming. Wink.
Richfield Utah area doesn't have a lot of deep snow but what we have is crusted in the winter range.

About 40 head walk by my patio door, every afternoon, starting at around 3 p.m. They are not fat. Last year the DWR hauled offf a dozen dead yearling, give or take, in late Feb and March. The way these deer look right now I'm guessing we'll have another die off this spring.

NE California has had too many warm storms. That means no run off this spring. The snow doesn't add up much until you get to 8000' plus. We actually need it at about 6000'. Most of our deer winter at about 4-5000'. Nothing to speak of at those elevations. I hope we start getting some colder storms to start building up the snow pack at that 6000'plus or we're not going to be in very good shape come summer.
None of that sounds worth a dang! Hopefully winter mellows out for you guys before long.

SW Wyoming is about normal so far in most places. Went for a trip to take pics yesterday and the deer still look pretty fat and sassy for the most part. Lots of the older bucks have the post-rut limp going on, though. If the snow doesn't get much deeper we should be okay. Sub-zero temps for next week will burn up some fat reserves, I'm afraid.

Mountains look like they are getting plenty of snowpack.
Leading this evening's parade.




We're in decent shape in eastern WY. Went up and shot a cow elk on Wednesday and was able to drive places I can't usually go in December. The snow that's there is old stuff and hard as concrete - almost. We've had two blasts of arctic air and this coming week will be darned cold again. I think after Monday we won't see double digits all week and lows below zero every night. But so far the critters are doing well enough.

Was on the Black Hills for Christmas and they had some snow up high but nothing serious.

We are just getting started but so far we are OK in the lower elevations of eastern WY.

Happy New Year to all.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-30-16 AT 09:52PM (MST)[p]Never heard anybody complain over rain before
>NE California has had too many
>warm storms. That means no
>run off this spring. The
>snow doesn't add up much
>until you get to 8000'
>plus. We actually need it
>at about 6000'. Most of
>our deer winter at about
>4-5000'. Nothing to speak of
>at those elevations. I hope
>we start getting some colder
>storms to start building up
>the snow pack at that
>6000'plus or we're not going
>to be in very good
>shape come summer.

We haven't had much snow pack for the last 4 winters and virtually no rain one winter and our herds are booming , you think to much rains going to make them be in bad shape?

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