Wyoming Unit 64 Antelope


Active Member
After many years of trying, I finally drew a decent unit for antelope. Been out there a few times over the years, but would love to get some advice from anybody that's willing to share. Thanks in advance for any help.
I also drew 64 but I have never seen the unit, nor have I hunted Pronghorn before. I have plenty of muley and elk experience though, and I look forward to a fun time.

I will get to hunt the last 2 weeks of the season. I'll be coming from Mississippi and wouldn't mind meeting up with other hunters in the unit.

Congrats and good luck to all,
I'll be driving out to Wyoming around the first of October, prepared to hunt the rest of the season if need be.
I've had no time for planning yet as I'm currently in Africa working.
I know nothing of the area or what to expect but I'm sure I'll put a game plan together as soon as time allows.

Can anyone tell me what is available in the way of lodging?
I have all the necessary camping gear if that's an option.

Thanks for your insight.
I'm really looking forward to a fun hunt.

Jeff, unit 64 is about halfway between nuthin' and nowhere. Lander would be the closest place with any accomodations. Its about 50 miles from unit 64 so unless you want to spend a lot of windsheild time I suggest camping - especially if, as you say, you're set up for it. GOOD LUCK. Chip
Make sure your camp gear is up to snuff. October in Wyoming could be mild fall or harsh winter--sometimes both in a few days time. Make sure your tent can stand up to some wind.

As you know I drew this tag as well. I will be there from Sept 18-23. If you want to PM me with your tx # I will be happy to give you a full report on what we see in this unit.

We will be camping, not sure where, but if you (hunt30) are there at the same time we will be in a small white canvas wall tent. Feel free to stop in and visit.

If you're there in Mid Sept keep an eye out for those cute little critters with the rattley tails. There are some in that area and they like warm tents on cool nites !
Thanks Troy, and everyone else as well.

I welcome any and all experiences & opinions, etc. I enjoy hearing huntin' tales period anyway.

My cell number is 601-641-0398, but I am in Africa a lot and it's no good to me there unless you use the WhatsApp texting app since it's useable via wireless internet.

Other than that, my email address is the best way to get me.

It's [email protected]

I hope you guys do well there. I know I am going to have a great time, no matter what! I always do.

btw, I may have some extra time on my hands after the hunt. If ya think of something cool to do or see that you care to share with me, I am interested to hear about it.

If your camping make sure to bring a few cans of extra gas/diesel nothing is very close. Jeffery City only has a little bar and no fuel last year. First week of oct. is pretty good time they will be in full rut fighting, chasing, breeding all day long. Any time you see some does you can count on a buck being with them . If you have time I would go to Teton and Yellowstone. I never get tired of seeing those places and most of the tourist are gone by the first of oct.
Good info, jodog.
It's good to know I'll hit the rut.
I believe I will definetly camp while there.
What is the terrain and the road system like?
Would an ATV be advisable?
LAST EDITED ON Jul-31-12 AT 06:37AM (MST)[p]+1 Jodog. No gas. no water, no nothing. So take everything you need. Lots of BLM land so you can camp pretty much anywhere you like. The terrain is mostly rolling with some canyons, etc.... There are a lot of 2 track BLM roads so access is good -but they are impassable if there is any significant precipitation. Take an ATV but keep it on the roads. Its a cool area and a good hunt you should see 100 bucks per day easy. Don't kill the first good one you see !There are some dandies in there.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-31-12 AT 06:41AM (MST)[p]I am not familiar with the particular area you guys are discussing, but any time the road question comes up I advise everyone to take a couple sets of good chains with them. The roads almost everywhere I've been out there once you get off gravel aren't worth a hoot if they get any moisture. It can ruin a hunt real quick if you can't get around or, even worse, slide off and wreck an expensive vehicle! Always take extra fuel and water, along with some food for a few extra days when you go off the beaten track and are any distance from services. It's just common sense, but every year guys go out and get flats, don't have a proper jack, etc. when something happens and then they have to pray that somebody else comes along to help.
Edit: Sorry I just repeated most of what chip stated, as I had to leave the computer for a couple minutes before I finished and hadn't seen his post.
Do yourself and your truck a favor and use the ATV, responsibly of course. Lots better on gas and your truck will not get beat up and dusty inside. Pick a likely spot out in the middle of it all and go for it.
By the first of oct. alot of hunters will have filled their tags and have gone home so you can drive the BLM roads and 2 tracks without much competition. Last year was hot and dry and I didn't see any ATV's but you could take one for sure. I had my truck with my little hunting shack on the back and just made camp where ever the sun set. Hunting antelope in WY is alot of fun and pretty easy because there are so many of them unless your looking for a high end book critter. You'll see a lot of them, some up close and some way off so bring some good glass. Here are some pics from that part of the world.



I see a few prairie rattlers every time.
Good stuff, jodog.

I am considering the camper shell route myself, although it forces me to tow a trailer if I bring the ATV...
Are there any special rules & regs for ATV use?

I really do like the option of a quick camp wherever you decide to end your day at, especially if the area is big enough to warrant covering huge amounts of ground, which I am thinking that it is.

How long of a drive is it into town for a shower, etc?
A Wyoming ATV sticker will set you back a whopping $15. You can pick one up at the G&F or most ATV shops in Wyoming.
If you bring an ATV you will need a WY ORV sticker $15 like HiMt said and you can ride any trail, 2 track or BLM road. If your ATV is licensed and has the sticker you can drive it on trails, 2track, BLM, Forest Service or any road in WY.
Thanks guys, I'm home from overseas now & planning for my hunt. I have the first 3 weeks of October to play with so I'm trying to add some more hunting in while in the area.
Any ideas?
I won't be going home immediately after this hunt, but will head down to New Mexico for a bear hunt. With any luck I'll need a good Pronghorn taxidermist, maybe someone in Cheyenne, or somewhere between there & Silver City, NM.
I could be a week or two fooling around & I don't want to chance letting the cape get ruined while waiting to get it home.

Anyone care to recommend a good pronghorn taxidermist?

Trailswest Taxidermy. Between Rawlins and Sinclair on the south side of the interstate. Excellent people, excellent work.
Yep, I both researched & spoke with 'em a bit and I think they'll do just fine. Conveniently located for me as well. I'm sure they do a ton of pronghorn.

Now, to get out there & get mine!

If you were you I'd order them for $8 on this website:


Any blm field office in the area will also have them.

If you want a custom map of the area so you don't have to have multiple maps, then you can order one from a variety of places, perhaps someone here can steer you in that direction.

Wyoming Hunting Guides & Outfitters

Badger Creek Outfitters

Offering elk, deer and pronghorn hunts on several privately owned ranches.

Urge 2 Hunt

We focus on trophy elk, mule deer, antelope and moose hunts and take B&C bucks most years.

J & J Outfitters

Offering quality fair-chase hunts for trophy mule deer, elk, and moose in Wyoming.

Yellowstone Horse Rentals - Western Wyoming Horses
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