You gotta gut the moose


Long Time Member

Iditarod issues time penalty to Seavey for not properly gutting moose that he killed on the trail​

Smart, probably saved him more than 2 hours and it certainly would have saved him some energy. As always the calculator type weigh the cost vs the benefit. You know what they say……. When you find yourself in a hole………..

How much did they fine the moose….. for damages done?
I do understand the requirement... but can you imagine gutting a moose by yourself? In the snow and freezing temps? That seems a pretty tall order for anybody, wow!
You coulda easily taken a Benjamin off me on this one- like this:

Which of the following are not really rules of the Iditarod?
  • No dog can be named Scooby Doo or Fido.
  • There is a 2-minute penalty for each doggy doo-doo drop.
  • If a racer kills a moose, they must gut it.
I woulda picked c) as the least likely rule!
He never tried to gut the moose! He cheated! Check his video about it to the insider! He knows better! He’s a veteran that should know the rules and abide by them!
The 2hr penalty is not the issue! The issue is that the rules state that he is supposed to gut the moose if he kills it! Plain and simple! One cannot change the rules in the middle of the game/race!
The 2hr penalty is not the issue! The issue is that the rules state that he is supposed to gut the moose if he kills it! Plain and simple! One cannot change the rules in the middle of the game/race!
Well………. he fouled a guy going for a lay up and got called on it. The guy got two free throws. They didn’t kick him out of the game. That’s the rule. Get it?
He paid the penalty for breaking the rule. He got 2 hours added to his time.

They said the meat was salvaged.
He paid the penalty for breaking the rule. He got 2 hours added to his time.

They said the meat was salvaged.
So tell me this, did he actually try to gut the moose but couldn’t do a good job as the media says, or did he leave it and go a few miles down the trail to take a 3 hr ready?
STFU....and go back to your PETA forum
What peta forum am I supposed to go back to if I want him to take care of the animal he killed? It’s the right thing to do and it’s in the rules to do so!
So tell me this, did he actually try to gut the moose but couldn’t do a good job as the media says, or did he leave it and go a few miles down the trail to take a 3 hr ready?
you know 2hrs isn’t enough! It sets a precedent for any future musher to kill a moose and just leave it there without taking care of it! That’s a lot of meat that can be given to the needy people up there!
FFS....why are you on MM now?......apparently a 2 hour penalty was the RULE......and....the moose was salvaged
FFS....why are you on MM now?......apparently a 2 hour penalty was the RULE......and....the moose was salvaged
No, the rule is to gut the kill! He ignored that rule, and an official gave him a 2 hr penalty! The 2 hr penal was not the rule! So he broke the rule to begin with, so he should be disqualified! What’s so hard to understand?
It’s the judge that allows a penalty for breaking the rules! That judge should be kicked in the nuts! He ruined the race!
The main pack are separating themselves from him! He may win, but it will be at his own downfall! Because he cheated! They don’t want to be anywhere near him! Or with the downfall that will come! That’s the truth!
The main pack are separating themselves from him! He may win, but it will be at his own downfall! Because he cheated! They don’t want to be anywhere near him! Or with the downfall that will come! That’s the truth!
Karen... you are off to a great start here on MM!
In defense of Whitemoose, I think it would be a good law for road kills. If you hit an animal with your vehicle, you should be required to gut it and then report it. If you don't you should lose your license to drive for one year. 😃
In defense of Whitemoose, I think it would be a good law for road kills. If you hit an animal with your vehicle, you should be required to gut it and then report it. If you don't you should lose your license to drive for one year. 😃
Some don't get a chance. Hitting a Moose can be bad. 😏
In defense of Whitemoose, I think it would be a good law for road kills. If you hit an animal with your vehicle, you should be required to gut it and then report it. If you don't you should lose your license to drive for one year. 😃
It’s already the law in AK if you hit a moose you must report it. Almost all the moose hit by cars are salvaged
It’s already the law in AK if you hit a moose you must report it. Almost all the moose hit by cars are salvaged
To bad you probably can’t say the same think for the vehicle. I would hate to hit a moose.

Dallas Seavey Wins 6th Iditarod Championship, Most Ever in the World’s Most Famous Sled Dog Race​

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — Dallas Seavey overcame killing a moose and receiving a time penalty to win the Iditarod on Tuesday, a record-breaking sixth championship in the world’s most famous sled dog race.
Seavey drove his team a half-block off the Bering Sea ice onto the frozen streets of Nome to cross under the famed burled arch finish line, a triumphant moment in a race marred by the death of three sled dogs, including two on Sunday, and serious injury to another.

Dallas Seavey Wins 6th Iditarod Championship, Most Ever in the World’s Most Famous Sled Dog Race​

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — Dallas Seavey overcame killing a moose and receiving a time penalty to win the Iditarod on Tuesday, a record-breaking sixth championship in the world’s most famous sled dog race.
Seavey drove his team a half-block off the Bering Sea ice onto the frozen streets of Nome to cross under the famed burled arch finish line, a triumphant moment in a race marred by the death of three sled dogs, including two on Sunday, and serious injury to another.
Oh no, here comes the uproar over dogs dying during the race.
What happed with the moose.

Someone else had to go out to gut the moose! He never touched it! Don’t believe the lies from the cheater! He never stated he touched the moose in his insider video! GPS also debunks his claim!
It gets distributed to the needy people!
Whitemoose, here's the real reason he could take a 2 hour penalty and still win the Iditarod. No need to waste time gutting a moose.


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