135,000 dollar Deer tag


Active Member
I was at the MDF Dinner in Reno and the Arizona Tag went for 135k COlorado went for 101k LOL it was alot of fun and a real learning experience. Just crazy!!!!!
Here's a question. How much money would you need to be worth before you dropped that kind of cash on a deer hunt? I don't think I could justify it even with 10 million in the bank. 50 maybe. Unless these tags are tax deductable. Are they?

If I was going to drop that kind of change, it would be in Tanzania.
Millions, Money well spent, that chap will get a break from making his millions. Wouldn't that be nice!

Hope the money is well used to better deer issues.

If I made a million a year, I'd buy it. Heck, for a guy to afford it, he would have to be in a 50% tax bracket, so he's really only paying half of that $135,000 (out-of-pocket).
These tags are a tax deduction.

Brian Latturner
You can do alot of canada/alaska/africa/south america....anywhere you damn well please hunting for 135k.
If you can brandish that kind of coin on a deer tag, you probably aren't choosing between your trips, you just go on what you want and what you have time for. Money is not your limiting factor. What's a $30,000 sheep hunt in AK when you can blow $135K to hunt muleys in AZ?
I imagine that the 295 buck taken this last year isn't going to hurt the prices any either. It will be interesting to see how much the tags go for at the ADA banquet this year.
Maybe a chance at a 40" Mule Deer is worth more then a Trophy Sheep to some. Beats me! But there are people with so much dough 135K is pocket change.

I will say this Much the Man who bought that Tag is an Upstanding Man i met him and he is standup to me. I watched him donate a hunt to some kids he is Big Time stand up. And he likes to hunt big Mule Deer Flat out. So i think he will greatly appreciate the Tag
I don't have anything against anyone who spends that kind of money on hunting. Maybe slightly envious and trying to get in that position myself. My hat is off to anyone who can do it. I know most of that money goes to a good cause. I think if you made a million a year, you could still go broke in a hurry from hunting if you tried.
The ADA did not get that tag this year, The State of AZ gave it to the Mule Deer Association. This is the first time in awhile the ADA does not have it. Anybody know who the lucky guy is? Is it the same guy that has bought the last 2 years worth of tags for AZ? Did Ryan Hatch and the Muley Crazy guys get the guide service yet?
This seems unconstitutional to me.

Where is the phone number to geo's boy lawyer?

I thought there were two tags and ADA got one?

I surely don't have a dog in the fight, just wondered.
This tag was not Purchased by the Gentlemen who has purchased the Last 2 and NO Ryan Hatch and his Muley Crazy Crew did not get the contract for guiding it. I do not think Mr. Hatch will have anything to do with this hunt at this time was the jest of what i got.
The ADA (Arizona Deer Association) does have one of the Arizona special commiccioners tags that will be auctioned at our April banquet. There are two of the these tags for mule deer, one was awarded to the ADA and the other to the MDF.
we should thank him, because that money is going to go to make all of our deer hunting better
Who were the gentlemen that purchased these permits? Man, I can't believe that CO's went from 28K last year to 101K this year. Must be a big bugger out their on the west slope. Thanks for the info.

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