DUBYA's ranch



went to Waco, texas monday and come back wed. crawford, where Dubya's ranch is, is only about 20 miles away, so we made a detour on our way back to austin to the airport. they give us a printed up little deal with directions on how to get there. then when we got there, they told us to get the hell outta there. them secret service fellers get hornery. little red dots bouncin' around on us. looked like we had chicken pox. why the hell they make a road to the place if they don't want ya to visit? we was just gonna ax if he wanted to go fer some barbecue.
They just didn't want to have to take the duct tape off the doors, nothing personal.
I dunno if I like the idea of duct taping yourself up in a room or not. Imagine if'n you was stuck in a room with a couple of rednecks like Ed and HoundDawg with no ventilation, I'll guarantee nothing on the outside would be half as bad as what was brewing on the inside! I'd still use the duct tape I suppose, just not on the windows!!

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