Helping Hunters


Active Member
Heres why you may not get much REAL help on a website.I used to guide and have hunted all over the west for 30 years.In 1984-1988 I had sone desert spots for big mule deer 180 plus four years in a row with my bow.I had a (buddy) that had not killed a buck so I took him out to hunt in this spot(mistake1),he showed up with another hunter who I did not know--mistake two!!!!!Now we get out to the spot and he shoots a buck his first az buck with a bow.Next year I pull up to the spot 12 toy haulers and a truck I know,he had got his guiding licence and had a bunch of hunters in this spot.I can tell you if you get information from a giude on where to hunt in a unit that he is in with a dude,it is not going to be anywhere close to where he has bucks picked out for them.I hunt the strip and kaibab and when people ask me for spots I just tell them to scout hard just like I have for many many years.No one is going to tell you where they shot a 220 buck out there,not the real spot anyway!!!!!
Anyone remember when a fellow posted the EXACT location of a mega monster buck he had seen? It happens occasionally.

I do agree with you though, spots and entire areas can be ruined.


Do I know you?

You talk as though you know 13B very well, I am not used to people on MM knowing their way around 13B.

Please pm me and tell me who you are, and where we met.

From what very limited experience I have hunting in the desert for deer, I've never found a "spot" that produces big bucks year after year though I have found a few general area's that occasionally will have a big buck or two. First of all, the deer I hunt in the desert are very nomadic there here one day gone the next. They follow the area's that produce the most rain. I like to find the greenest areas possible and hunt it. Sometimes I find a big buck and other times I don't. If it's green everywhere, the deer are more scattered which can be more of a challenge to find what we're looking for. If its dry you can count on most of the deer being in the greener areas that received the most rain.

To me the deer in the desert especially in the flats are always on the move. There is no rhyme or reason to what they do.

Gun control is a good aim and a steady rest
This is an easy solution, blindfolds for your friend and his buddy! In essence this is true though, why no one normally gives "exact" locations, good spots, especially in the desert, are too hard to come by and should be found via hard work and scouting. That sucks that your friend would do that to you though.

Arizona Hunting Guides & Outfitters

SilverGrand Outfitters

Offering mule deer, elk, antelope, bighorn sheep, javelina, and turkey hunts in Nevada and Arizona.

Arizona Elk Outfitters

Offering the serious hunter a chance to hunt trophy animals in the great Southwest.

A3 Trophy Hunts

An Arizona Outfitter specializing in the harvest of World Class big game of all species.

Arizona Strip Guides

Highly experienced and highly dedicated team of hardworking professional Arizona Strip mule deer guides.

Urge 2 Hunt

THE premier hunts in Arizona for trophy elk, mule deer, couse deer and javelina.

Shadow Valley Outfitters

AZ Strip and Kaibab mule deer, big bulls during the rut, spot-n-stalk pronghorn and coues deer hunts.

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