
Long Time Member
It's about time the devil pay for the sins!!

It's about time these guys got it!!


www.OutdoorNewsService.com <http://www.outdoornewsservice.com/>;

The Humane Society of the United States, an organization that does little to
nothing for animal shelters, but sues, badgers and lobbies politicians and
businesses into adopting its radical animals rights agenda, is getting a
taste of its own medicine.

In a little-reported ruling by a judge in the District of Columbia earlier
this month, the HSUS is going to court to face charges under RICO statues on
racketeering, obstruction of justice, malicious prosecution and other
charges for a lawsuit it brought and lost against Ringling Brothers Circus'
parent company Feld Entertainment, Inc.

After winning the case alleging mistreatment of elephants in its circuses
brought by Friends of Animals (later merged into HSUS), the American Society
for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) and the Animal Welfare
Institute (AWI), lawyers at Feld filed a countersuit with a litany of
charges ranging from bribery to money laundering to racketeering. The
attorneys for the animal rights groups asked the judge to dismiss all
charges, but most stuck because the evidence was overwhelming. So in early
August, HSUS will be facing the music in a case that should attract the
attention of hunters, ranchers and farmers, and anyone impacted by HSUS
radical animal rights agenda.

While district judge Emmet G. Sullivan did dismiss allegations of mail and
wire fraud, but he only did so because Feld didn't have standing to file
this charge. His ruling all but set the stage for a class-action RICO
lawsuit against HSUS for misrepresenting itself in its fundraising campaigns
across the nation. This future lawsuit could easily bankrupt HSUS and put it
out of business - and send some of its top executives to prison.

For the first time, a group has fought back against the animal rights and
environmental extremists who have been setting policy in this country for
the past 20 years or more. Now, instead of getting rich off their lawsuits
and fund-raising schemes that misrepresent their efforts and
accomplishments, they could be driven out of business when they start
getting larger doses of their own medicine. These animal rights groups have
cost the farming and ranching industry jobs and raised the price of products
we all buy every day. They are behind the efforts to ban sport hunting
across the nation. They have forced state wildlife and fishery agencies to
waste countless millions of dollars on lawsuits, and they have spearheaded
policies and legislation like the Marine Life Protection Act
I think we may be amazed at just how serious soliciting and collecting funds under fraudulent means can actually be. They defrauded millions of people and they're not going to get a slap on the wrist for that! They used illegal funds to wage war on the states and were the primary source of funding to defeat prop 109 here with highly deceptive ads. They financed hundreds if not thousands of lawsuits using illegal means and damaged a lot of people in the process. The ripple effect on this could be huge and the deceptive practices of the green lobby may be exposed and could be found to be complicit since they help fund their activities.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-11-12 AT 11:43AM (MST)[p]This is the reply to my comment ""Good to see the RICO lawsuit against HSUS is moving forward" on HSUS' Facebook page:

The Humane Society of the United States wrote: "The circus? retaliatory countersuit, which dates back to 2007, is a civil action, and there are no ?charges? and no law enforcement involvement at all. It's simply one disgruntled corporation suing to silence its critics -- which is hardly a new or unexpected tactic. Feld Entertainment filed a grudge suit, and some very sloppy or ideologically slanted reporters have misstated the facts.

We at The HSUS are proud of our work to end the abuse of animals wherever it occurs ? whether on a puppy mill, a slaughter plant, a dogfighting operation, or anywhere else. Guidestar?s Philanthropedia experts have ranked The HSUS as the highest impact animal protection organization and we receive high ratings for charitable accountability from Charity Navigator and the Better Business Bureau."


How To Hunt Coues Deer
Thats a pretty interesting read. I guess if they dont have a case, they just pay someone to make one up. I wonder how many lawsuits they have won this way.

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