Wyoming, my son, and the "C" word


Very Active Member
This year has had some major ups and downs. My son and I applied for our Wyoming high country tags together this year and finally drew. We were so excited to be doing a back country backpacking hunt together. We were so excited to even begin scouting with high hopes of finding him a great buck. In late July I found out that I had an osteochondroma (bony tumor) the size of a tennis ball growing on my pelvis just above my hip joint that needed to be removed. The surgery involved cutting and folding back my muscle attachment to be able to get to it. After 53 sutures and 23 staples I was done.


I was determined to not let this ruin our trip so I laid low and took it easy hoping that it would heal in time but it completely shut down my ability to do any scouting. About this time I saw Founders ad about his scouting package and I jumped all over it. I saw this as a huge blessing. I really wanted a great buck for my son and this was perfect timing.

A month later I was feeling pretty good but still unable to put much weight on my hip. But another blow came like a sledgehammer. With all my CT scans and MRI's the doctors also found that I had bladder cancer. No one ever wants to hear the "C" word, especially a 39 year old healthy guy. It was a HUGE blow to me and my family. Four days before my WY hunt with my son, I was back on the operating table to remove the 8 tumors growing in my bladder.

Now, more than ever, I needed the mountains to bring me some peace and to wrap my mind around this new terrible news. I knew going into this hunt that I wouldn't be as quick up the mountain but I was so determined to make this hunt with my son happen. With ibuprofen on tap and several stops to rest we made it to the top in what seemed like forever. Luckily my brother met us at the trailhead and helped carry much of the gear that would've killed me to carry. He was a savior.

We were planning on using the next day to scout around and look for the big buck that Founder had sent us pictures of. But that day a storm had moved in dropping snow and fog, making the visibility under 50 yards.


My son and brother decided to stay in their warm sleeping bags. I, however, spent the morning staring into the blanket of white in pure silence on the top of the mountain reflecting on the things that were truly important in my life. It seems that times of hardship are where we can really reflect on those things and thank God for the many perfect blessings we have in our lives. The timing of this hunt was the most perfect, awful time to have a hunt.

Opening day we woke up early hoping for clearer weather. With fresh snow on the tent we headed out with high hopes. We hadn't been sitting in our glassing spot more than 10 minutes when I spotted a great buck bedded near 800 yards away. I really wanted my son to take the giant buck that Founder had scouted and I would take whatever else we found later but this was a great buck. With a quick glance through the spotting scope, he was ready to shoot this buck. I had Hunter practicing all summer with my custom .264 WM out to 800 yards. But with a patch of trees between us and the bedded buck I knew we could get closer.

We dropped down off the cliff ledge we were perched on and used the thick pines to close the distance. The only problem was the only place we could get a shot from was covered in baby pines covered in snow that wouldn't provide much cover to the spot we had designated as the shooting position. Hunter and I belly crawled through the snow covered pines to our spot but noticed 3 other 4 point bucks bedded between us and the bigger buck. We had to stop short. I ranged the bigger buck at 550 yards with a steep downhill angle. We were both very confident that he could make the shot so I dialed his elevation compensating for the angle. When he pulled the rifle up, snow had filled up his scope making it impossible for him to see anything. I asked him how he felt using my .300 RUM. He didn't even hesitate. Just as he was set up in the rifle and ready to go, the buck stood up to stretch. Hunter made a perfect shot, dropping him right back into his bed. He was elated to take his best buck to date and dad was grinning from ear to ear. It is these moments that cannot be replaced by anything else, I'm convinced. The inches of antler on this buck will never matter to me or him. I needed this time with him.




My brother met us at the buck as excited as we were. He insisted on loading up his pack with the entire deer and made the 9 mile round trip down to the truck and back to save my hip.


We spent the next 4 days searching for the big buck that we knew was in there to no avail. The pain in my hip cut me a day short but I went home more satisfied and happy about any hunt in the past. This time it wasn't about the deer or my equipment or time away from work, it was about family and perfect time with them that will always be remembered.

I got a call from my doctor when I got home. My biopsy came back low grade and superficial. Our prayers had been answered. The best diagnosis we could get. Bladder cancer, of all cancers, has the highest recurrence rate so I will have to be scoped every 3 months for the rest of my life.
Hello marley

Great story and thank you for sharing! That is a beautiful buck your son shot, and sounds like some precious time on the mountain. Congratulations to you all!

I wish you the very best in your recovery, and many, many more years of happy hunting!
Great story and outcome. Sorry to hear about the "C". Sounds like things are going to work out! Prayers headed your way?
Great story and and even better buck. I too was diagnosed with cancer this summer at the age of 38. It sure puts a whole different perspective on what's truly important in our lives. Congrats to your son and good luck with recovery.
Wow!!! Thank you for sharing this amazing story with us. Truly a hunt of a lifetime and a buck of a lifetime to add to the memories. Glad everything is looking good and keep at it. Good luck for a speedy recovery and keeping the C away forever!

Do you have a spot picked out in the trophy room for this special buck already?
Teared up! My dad was much older, but the years i hunted with him with that gawd awful disease that not deserve its name mentioned, including him with an oxygen tank, meant the world to me. Kick that craps azz man, kick it hard!!! Your boy gets yo pull the my dads the toughest because....card on his friends for sure!!

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
Great story,pictures, and memories with your son! Glad our prayers are answered. Best of luck in the future. You already have quite the trophy room. Memories with your son are the best of all trophies for both of you.
Great story and great buck!!! Marley, I don't know if you believe in the power of prayer, but I took a few moments and said my favorite prayer for you and your family. I can tell from your story you are a good man, a good father and brother. I hope you and your son share many more hunts together. Best wishes to you.
WOW, Congrats. What a story. Some awesome memories made there for a lifetime. Sorry to hear about the "C". Best wishes and wishing you and your son many, many more years of hunting together. Thanks for sharing the great story, buck and your pure will and persistence.
Marley, that's a great hunt you got to share with your boy, and he got an awesome deer.

But your story of your health really hit me, I feel for you man. I hope you get well and the dreaded "C" word never comes back! Wishing you and your family all the best from now and into the future!
Congrats and the buck and the good news ! As I get older you start to think about things a little differently. That time with your boy is priceless. I am self employed and there always seems to be work that has to get done . There is always going to be work to do. I have one regret in life that comes to mind. I never made it up to Lake Pend Oreille to fish with my grandpa. He lived on the lake and my Grandma was the secretary of the Fishing club there. I am going to try and not let that happen again. Congrats again on your time on the mountain with your boy !
Dang Marley. Great buck!! Man, in the words of my dad " go ahead and keep it pegged in the red why don't ya". Jokingly you do that with anything it seams like. Heal up buddy! Don't need the "C" word around anyone's house. Congrats on a helluva hunt, well deserved.
Congrats on the hunt. Glad they caught that ugly disease. Here's to many more years of chasing big bucks and bulls. Cheers!
Congrats on making it through your bout with cancer. I've had my signature what it is since my wife was diagnosed 3 years ago. She made it through the chemo and the radiation. She wouldn't wish it on anyone. It doesn't matter what kind of a person you are or what kind of life you lead. It will take who it wants and at whatever time it wants. I'm glad you had the time with your son and brother. Those are times none of you will likely forget. Stay healthy!!


Cancer doesn't discriminate...don't take your good health for granted because it can be gone in a heartbeat. Please go back and read the last line. This time really understand what it says.
Wow what a story and what a buck bot incredible wish you the best in recovery and I'll bet your kid has showed those antlers to all of his buddies as he should
The best story I have read on on any site or any magazine in quite some time. That hunt will probably be the most memorable ever, congratulations on being able to have such a precious time with your son and brother doing something that you enjoy so much. Great buck for your son, so glad to hear your health is better. Keep Huntin!
Marley, congrats on your son's buck and your time in the high country. Cancer really sucks but it sounds like you are up for the fight. Hang in there and keep fighting.

Great story man! Glad to hear you are C free for now! Glad you were able to go on the hunt with your son and brother and get some mental healing...

Congrats to you and your son on a great trophy buck!
LAST EDITED ON Oct-20-16 AT 12:03PM (MST)[p]Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers. And I'm sorry to hear about some of your recent diagnoses and lost loved ones to this awful disease throughout this thread. I'm sure we all know someone close to us dealing with cancer. Thank you for the words of encouragement.
I have 2 sons 17 and 11. So I connect with you on that level. What a great story and an awesome buck. Its amazing how news like that made this hunt likely way more special and important than if there was no issue. I'm glad you're on the mend. I thank you for the inspiration and new outlook on this time with my sons who are hunting for the first time ever.

God Bless

Way to go Marley. That might be the best story I've read on an intent forum. Congrats to you and your son for many reasons. Great buck and great family story. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

You should seriously put that story in a magazine.
Great story, and great to hear your cancer was the low grade. I was diagnosed with bladder cancer in 2014. The scopes are definitely no fun, but far better than the alternative. Good luck to you going forward and may you remain cancer free.
One question...why ain't that son of yours packin that meat out...you're the one crippled up....Nice buck by the way,,,
I have been a member of MM for quite sometime and love to read everyone's stories and successes. I hardly ever comment, but when I read your story, which is one of the most emotional/greatest stories I have ever read on here, I knew I had to say something. I am so glad you got to go on your hunt and experience what is truly important in life! Nothing is better then spending time with the ones you love in God's country. Congrats on an amazing deer! Thanks for sharing your story and my prayers are with you and your family. I hope you never have to endure these trials again and you will have many more successful/memorable hunts with your son and family.
Great story! Always helps to read stories like this to put things into perspective and remember the true reason we love the outdoors!
Brent that a great story. Ive only got bits and pieces that last couple of months. The times we spend in the mountains are some of the most precious. The bond you strengthened with your son and your brother will forever be there.
So glad to hear your health is back on the mend. Many more adventures are to come your way still.
Amazing story. You are tough! Sounds like a memory no one will forget. Thanks for sharing and may the Lord continue to bless you and your family. (What an awesome brother you have.)
Great story, thank you for sharing. My dad had bladder cancer, survived it, and is going strong and you will too.

Thank you for reminding us all what it is all about.
Reminiscing on this hunt, excited that my son will be home from his mission in august so we can hunt together again. Update: as of a few months ago I am 5 years cancer free and continue now with yearly scans instead of every 6 months.
So cool! Well done persevering for the sake of your son! He will have fond memories of that for sure! Thanks for sharing!
One of the best hunting stories I have ever read! Talk about perseverance! What a great memory to share with your son! Hope everything turns out well, glad you got some good news at the end. Praying it stays that way!
Congrats on being cancer free! That's a great story. I am very excited also that my son gets home from his mission before hunting season. Hopefully we can get some tags?
Wow! That is an amazing story and a great hunt to add to it. It sounds like there are a lot of good things lining up for you to be thankful for this year. Congrats on keeping the "C" away, you're tuff enough to keep it that way.
I never looked at the date on this thread until I saw yellums reply and realized that it was a few years back
I remember your hunting adventure. That’s fantastic that you’ve been doing well. Hopefully it continues for many, many, many more years.
This year has had some major ups and downs. My son and I applied for our Wyoming high country tags together this year and finally drew. We were so excited to be doing a back country backpacking hunt together. We were so excited to even begin scouting with high hopes of finding him a great buck. In late July I found out that I had an osteochondroma (bony tumor) the size of a tennis ball growing on my pelvis just above my hip joint that needed to be removed. The surgery involved cutting and folding back my muscle attachment to be able to get to it. After 53 sutures and 23 staples I was done.


I was determined to not let this ruin our trip so I laid low and took it easy hoping that it would heal in time but it completely shut down my ability to do any scouting. About this time I saw Founders ad about his scouting package and I jumped all over it. I saw this as a huge blessing. I really wanted a great buck for my son and this was perfect timing.

A month later I was feeling pretty good but still unable to put much weight on my hip. But another blow came like a sledgehammer. With all my CT scans and MRI's the doctors also found that I had bladder cancer. No one ever wants to hear the "C" word, especially a 39 year old healthy guy. It was a HUGE blow to me and my family. Four days before my WY hunt with my son, I was back on the operating table to remove the 8 tumors growing in my bladder.

Now, more than ever, I needed the mountains to bring me some peace and to wrap my mind around this new terrible news. I knew going into this hunt that I wouldn't be as quick up the mountain but I was so determined to make this hunt with my son happen. With ibuprofen on tap and several stops to rest we made it to the top in what seemed like forever. Luckily my brother met us at the trailhead and helped carry much of the gear that would've killed me to carry. He was a savior.

We were planning on using the next day to scout around and look for the big buck that Founder had sent us pictures of. But that day a storm had moved in dropping snow and fog, making the visibility under 50 yards.


My son and brother decided to stay in their warm sleeping bags. I, however, spent the morning staring into the blanket of white in pure silence on the top of the mountain reflecting on the things that were truly important in my life. It seems that times of hardship are where we can really reflect on those things and thank God for the many perfect blessings we have in our lives. The timing of this hunt was the most perfect, awful time to have a hunt.

Opening day we woke up early hoping for clearer weather. With fresh snow on the tent we headed out with high hopes. We hadn't been sitting in our glassing spot more than 10 minutes when I spotted a great buck bedded near 800 yards away. I really wanted my son to take the giant buck that Founder had scouted and I would take whatever else we found later but this was a great buck. With a quick glance through the spotting scope, he was ready to shoot this buck. I had Hunter practicing all summer with my custom .264 WM out to 800 yards. But with a patch of trees between us and the bedded buck I knew we could get closer.

We dropped down off the cliff ledge we were perched on and used the thick pines to close the distance. The only problem was the only place we could get a shot from was covered in baby pines covered in snow that wouldn't provide much cover to the spot we had designated as the shooting position. Hunter and I belly crawled through the snow covered pines to our spot but noticed 3 other 4 point bucks bedded between us and the bigger buck. We had to stop short. I ranged the bigger buck at 550 yards with a steep downhill angle. We were both very confident that he could make the shot so I dialed his elevation compensating for the angle. When he pulled the rifle up, snow had filled up his scope making it impossible for him to see anything. I asked him how he felt using my .300 RUM. He didn't even hesitate. Just as he was set up in the rifle and ready to go, the buck stood up to stretch. Hunter made a perfect shot, dropping him right back into his bed. He was elated to take his best buck to date and dad was grinning from ear to ear. It is these moments that cannot be replaced by anything else, I'm convinced. The inches of antler on this buck will never matter to me or him. I needed this time with him.




My brother met us at the buck as excited as we were. He insisted on loading up his pack with the entire deer and made the 9 mile round trip down to the truck and back to save my hip.


We spent the next 4 days searching for the big buck that we knew was in there to no avail. The pain in my hip cut me a day short but I went home more satisfied and happy about any hunt in the past. This time it wasn't about the deer or my equipment or time away from work, it was about family and perfect time with them that will always be remembered.

I got a call from my doctor when I got home. My biopsy came back low grade and superficial. Our prayers had been answered. The best diagnosis we could get. Bladder cancer, of all cancers, has the highest recurrence rate so I will have to be scoped every 3 months for the rest of my life.
Hey Marley

Great story and really nice buck for your kid. You have my respect working it out no matter what and not laying down as most would have.
What you have shown your boy about perseverance in life will take him a long way.
I still can't believe you hiked up that mountain after both of those surgeries. WOW
My favorite story of the year so far! Nice job congratulations. Hard times can bring out the best in us, and change is into who we were always meant to be.
Reminiscing on this hunt, excited that my son will be home from his mission in august so we can hunt together again. Update: as of a few months ago I am 5 years cancer free and continue now with yearly scans instead of every 6 months.
Good for you and the blessings you have received; I hope they continue.
This was a nice treat to stumble upon this morning. Awesome Marley. May God continue to smile down on you and your family.

I know this is a 5-year old thread, but...it’s still a great story. Congrats to you, Marley, for overcoming the hurdles that you did to spend a great hunting trip with you son. And congrats to Hunter for a very nice buck also. I hope this thread finds you still healthy.
One tough SOB for sure.
Hope you and your son pull some great tags this year so we can see ya both in action again..

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