Dang, it happened again yesterday...


Long Time Member
...while I was rooting around in the freezer. Seems I still had a bag with a couple rib steaks from 3/2020. So in the interest of self sacrifice, I volunteered to see if one was still worth eating. And am I glad I did. It was exquisitely tender, juicy & tasty. Sides of fries, asparagus & shrimp ceviche and a glass of zin helped please my palate.


...while I was rooting around in the freezer. Seems I still had a bag with a couple rib steaks from 3/2020. So in the interest of self sacrifice, I volunteered to see if one was still worth eating. And am I glad I did. It was exquisitely tender, juicy & tasty. Sides of fries, asparagus & shrimp ceviche and a glass of zin helped please my palate.

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If I knew you weren’t already married I would ask you to marry me!
Brave man. I have always read steaks are only good for up to 12 months in freezer unless freezer is at 0 degrees.
Brave man. I have always read steaks are only good for up to 12 months in freezer unless freezer is at 0 degrees.
My buddy and I found a pack of elk steaks that were 7 years old when we were living together. We got drunk one night and cooked half of them up, and we thought they were pretty good. Tried the second half sober the next day, and they really weren’t too bad.
Brave man. I have always read steaks are only good for up to 12 months in freezer unless freezer is at 0 degrees.
Hmm. I'm not sure there's a way to freeze anything much more than frozen solid, especially if it's vacuum sealed. :)I've exceeded that time frame too many times with a variety of meat to put much stock in that adage. I also had some meats I wouldn't eat because of the way it looked -- whitish, freezer burned, etc. For the most part, though, those were pretty old -- like lost for a decade. :ROFLMAO:
Hmm. I'm not sure there's a way to freeze anything much more than frozen solid, especially if it's vacuum sealed. :)I've exceeded that time frame too many times with a variety of meat to put much stock in that adage. I also had some meats I wouldn't eat because of the way it looked -- whitish, freezer burned, etc. For the most part, though, those were pretty old -- like lost for a decade. :ROFLMAO:
I’ve gone up to two years and thrown those things on the grill. Like you said once that freezer burn gets to them it’s over.

I’ve also put a fresh kill processed elk in the freezer only to take off for a week and upon my return discover the freezer went out, all meat ruined, didn’t get to eat even a hamburger, what a mess and a sick feeling to deal with.
Know the feeling with a freezer that goes belly up. We were at our time share in Mazatlan about 20 years back. Whenever we're gone for a while, my oldest son stops by the house to check on things. On one such occasion, he walked in the front door & nearly keeled over from the smell.

The freezer had quit days earlier. Everything in it was ruined, so he tossed it all. Sadly, that included my B&C lion skull, a Coues deer cape, a couple of fish skins & an Apache trout waiting to get mounted.

I eat a LOT of steaks, and the one above was one of the best I've eaten in a while. :)
Know the feeling with a freezer that goes belly up. We were at our time share in Mazatlan about 20 years back. Whenever we're gone for a while, my oldest son stops by the house to check on things. On one such occasion, he walked in the front door & nearly keeled over from the smell.

The freezer had quit days earlier. Everything in it was ruined, so he tossed it all. Sadly, that included my B&C lion skull, a Coues deer cape, a couple of fish skins & an Apache trout waiting to get mounted.

I eat a LOT of steaks, and the one above was one of the best I've eaten in a while. :)
Best $20 you'll ever spend. Have your freezer on a dedicated circuit, with no other loads. Don't plug them into GFCI outlets. Plug alarm into the other receptacle on same outlet. Mount on the side of your freezer, with Velcro or Command strips, where it's visible.

Best $20 you'll ever spend. Have your freezer on a dedicated circuit, with no other loads. Don't plug them into GFCI outlets. Plug alarm into the other receptacle on same outlet. Mount on the side of your freezer, with Velcro or Command strips, where it's visible.

That doesn't help when the freezer quits freezing. No amount of electricity will change that. ;)
Best $20 you'll ever spend. Have your freezer on a dedicated circuit, with no other loads. Don't plug them into GFCI outlets. Plug alarm into the other receptacle on same outlet. Mount on the side of your freezer, with Velcro or Command strips, where it's visible.

Not counting compressor failure and such I don’t believe that would work for us, we’ve got two freezers and two refrigerators in the garage, 3 freezers and a refrigerator in the pool room and two freezers and a refrigerator in the shop.
Not counting compressor failure and such I don’t believe that would work for us, we’ve got two freezers and two refrigerators in the garage, 3 freezers and a refrigerator in the pool room and two freezers and a refrigerator in the shop.
I'm not quite that bad. We have one side-by-side fridge in the kitchen and another like it, along with a large upright freezer, in my office, which is a converted two-car garage.

One in the kitchen...
You know, that may be something today’s technology could help with. An app on your phone letting you know when the freezer and/or electricity is out. Naw, somebody would come along and want to ban it. :ROFLMAO::LOL:
I'm not quite that bad. We have one side-by-side fridge in the kitchen and another like it, along with a large upright freezer, in my office, which is a converted two-car garage.

One in the kitchen...
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We’ve been preppers and hoarders for over 35 years now, I can’t ever seem to get rid of anything. I’ve got a 40x120 shop packed full of junk. I told her when I die just sell it all as one package deal.
No, but a temperature alarm for inside, and a power alarm will eliminate 99% of the lost contents problems.
We're in the freezer almost daily, so it's easy to tell when there is a problem. That isn't the case when no one is around to monitor alarms. It's kinda like trying to hear a tree fall in the forest while you're on a cruise ship. :cool:
He also said his son checked on the house while they were gone. A full freezer will stay frozen for 48 hours before thawing, and it would take another week to thaw enough to spoil and smell that bad. With our loud audible alarm, the neighbors would know immediately, and call someone!
He also said his son checked on the house while they were gone. A full freezer will stay frozen for 48 hours before thawing, and it would take another week to thaw enough to spoil and smell that bad. With our loud audible alarm, the neighbors would know immediately, and call someone!
Living in the country where your nearest neighbor could barely hear a gun shot and living in an area where summer temperatures get over 100 degrees outside not counting the temp increase inside the garage doesn’t help matters. You make good points.
We’ve been preppers and hoarders for over 35 years now, I can’t ever seem to get rid of anything. I’ve got a 40x120 shop packed full of junk. I told her when I die just sell it all as one package deal.
Man, wish I had a big shop like that! Mine is only 25x20, and it's crammed full of woodworking machines. The rest of my hoarding occurs in two attached store rooms that are both 8x10 and then the myriad cabinets in my office.
Man, wish I had a big shop like that! Mine is only 25x20, and it's crammed full of woodworking machines. The rest of my hoarding occurs in two attached store rooms that are both 8x10 and then the myriad cabinets in my office.
I purchased an old body shop, less than one mile from our house. We’ve got all our hunting and fishing, camping gear and toys packed in it also. It’s got a paint booth inside that I’ve parked two cars in. The old timer who sold it to us was in his 80’s and left all his toolboxes, welders, compressors, auto body tools and such also which really didn’t help me much in the beginning. I scrapped a lot of it, sold some of it and threw away some. There was over a hundred pieces of automotive glass in there. He had two prices, one empty and one with everything in it. I chose the empty price because I’m not into auto body repair work and I have my own tools. So when it came time to give him the money he said he didn’t have anyplace to store the stuff I didn’t agree to purchase so he was just going to leave it, and he did.
at my work the pharmacy refers/freezers have alarms that will send a notification to a mobile device if the temps go out of range...if you get the notification while on vacation at least you might be able to call someone...our pharmacies have lost thousands of dollars worth of stuff when no one responded to the alarm...Doh!
at my work the pharmacy refers/freezers have alarms that will send a notification to a mobile device if the temps go out of range...if you get the notification while on vacation at least you might be able to call someone...our pharmacies have lost thousands of dollars worth of stuff when no one responded to the alarm...Doh!
And to think I thought I was on to something that was going to make me millions! And It’s already been invented. Story of my life, a day late and a dollar short.
I purchased an old body shop, less than one mile from our house. We’ve got all our hunting and fishing, camping gear and toys packed in it also. It’s got a paint booth inside that I’ve parked two cars in. The old timer who sold it to us was in his 80’s and left all his toolboxes, welders, compressors, auto body tools and such also which really didn’t help me much in the beginning. I scrapped a lot of it, sold some of it and threw away some. There was over a hundred pieces of automotive glass in there. He had two prices, one empty and one with everything in it. I chose the empty price because I’m not into auto body repair work and I have my own tools. So when it came time to give him the money he said he didn’t have anyplace to store the stuff I didn’t agree to purchase so he was just going to leave it, and he did.
Man, what a boon that was!

This is my humble abode -- a 4BR tract house built in 1959 that we bought as a fixer-upper in 1980. It was originally about 1,600 sq. ft. without the garage. It's now well over 3,000 with all the additions I've done over the years. Plus, I've basically remodeled the entire interior, including turning the old dining room & kitchen into one really big kitchen.

Feb. 22 views from Google. Everything in red has been added to the original sq. footage.


Nice, that’s quite a layout. As soon as I figure out how to post pictures I’ll load some up. I’m not kidding, I’m not very tech savvy. I seem to be the last to catch on to modern ways but once I’ve got it, I’ve got it forever.
Nice, that’s quite a layout. As soon as I figure out how to post pictures I’ll load some up. I’m not kidding, I’m not very tech savvy. I seem to be the last to catch on to modern ways but once I’ve got it, I’ve got it forever.
If you're using a computer, just drag & drop the image file into the message area or do a simple copy/paste of the image. Can also hit CTRL-P or single picture icon
to insert/upload.
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Yes, as far as the alarms go, the new ones are WiFi and you can select your phone carrier (ATT or Verizon) and they send the notice to your phone. About $100 for those, but I'm too cheap and technology resistant!

As far as houses, ours is 1500 sq ft, with full finished basement the same size, with wine cellar. Two car garage, but a garage door on back and a drive thru 3 car garage attached, for 5 total. My freezer and two more installed ovens are right outside the kitchen door in the garage
I'm not quite that bad. We have one side-by-side fridge in the kitchen and another like it, along with a large upright freezer, in my office, which is a converted two-car garage.

One in the kitchen...
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That's a nice kitchen but you don't get many earthquakes in Arizona, I take it. All those beautiful nick-nacks wouldn't last long in northern CA. unless they're screwed down. :)
hmmm...I looked in the freezer in my shop yesterday and found a complete pronghorn head....jeezus.....that was three years ago.....
That's a nice kitchen but you don't get many earthquakes in Arizona, I take it. All those beautiful nick-nacks wouldn't last long in northern CA. unless they're screwed down. :)
I hear ya. Racked my brain trying to recall any earthquake tremors that I actually felt here and can't remember any.

Those knickknacks on top are ceramic liquor decanters that I made in the 1960s. The two oil lamp bases came out of my great grandfather's little non-electrified bungalow on my grandfather's property. The railroad lantern on the right is at least 75 yrs. old. I have several more in a cabinet.

The old kitchen just prior to demolition...

Thru the backdoor

From the old family room, which is now the dining area
hmmm...I looked in the freezer in my shop yesterday and found a complete pronghorn head....jeezus.....that was three years ago.....
I have two 'unprocessed' bear skulls in one freezer that have been there since about 2005 or so. I'll clean them up one of these days. :rolleyes:


I have two 'unprocessed' bear skulls in one freezer that have been there since about 2005 or so. I'll clean them up one of these days. :rolleyes:

The wife has been known to call me the “Manana Man” Spanish for “Tomorrow”. I tell her I’ll get to it tomorrow. I swear I can start a project get 80 to 90% finished with it and move on to another project before the initial one is completed. I must have 10 to 15 projects around here unfinished. ?
Now you’ve entered an arena I can compete in……. I got half dug post holes all over my place. It’s been so long I can’t remember where I set’em down.

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