072-075 Pronghorn


Active Member
My son and I went out for a 2 1/2 day Hunt to see if I could fill my buck tag, we saw lots of does, a couple small bucks I passed on, saw one really nice one with a spotting scope, but can never close the distance and on the morning of the last day, I got this one, he’s not the biggest, but I got meat in the freezer this year, I will say this, 30 years of hunting in Nevada, not sure I’ve ever seen it so green up north like it is right now. I didn’t bring my rain gear this year and we got caught in that rain storm on opening day in 072, by the time we got back to the truck, we were soaked, I have to remember to pack that in my backpack.

Got this one in the same unit last weekend. Got a first come first serve tag and only had 1point so I grabbed it. Passed this buck the first morning out and regretted it so went back the next weekend and found him again. Although the tape proved he was smaller than I thought, I was way happy with him!

Got this one in the same unit last weekend. Got a first come first serve tag and only had 1point so I grabbed it. Passed this buck the first morning out and regretted it so went back the next weekend and found him again. Although the tape proved he was smaller than I thought, I was way happy with him!

View attachment 119477
He’ll Yeah, good buck.
Got this one in the same unit last weekend. Got a first come first serve tag and only had 1point so I grabbed it. Passed this buck the first morning out and regretted it so went back the next weekend and found him again. Although the tape proved he was smaller than I thought, I was way happy with him!

View attachment 119477
So what did he tape at then?
My son and I went out for a 2 1/2 day Hunt to see if I could fill my buck tag, we saw lots of does, a couple small bucks I passed on, saw one really nice one with a spotting scope, but can never close the distance and on the morning of the last day, I got this one, he’s not the biggest, but I got meat in the freezer this year, I will say this, 30 years of hunting in Nevada, not sure I’ve ever seen it so green up north like it is right now. I didn’t bring my rain gear this year and we got caught in that rain storm on opening day in 072, by the time we got back to the truck, we were soaked, I have to remember to pack that in my backpack.

View attachment 119289
Congratulations glad you got out and enjoyed yourself!
Good looking skull, you’ll have to tell me how you did that.
Boiled in pot and got most of it off with pressure washer. Pulled horns and cleaned under there. Once everything was off skull I dumped pot and put fresh water in and got boiling again and added 40 volume peroxide and gave it a white boil. Pulled out and brushed bleach on any area I warned happy with. Glued horns back on. Tip: Use small drill bit and drill through base of horn about 1” from base just before pulling horn. Then you can use bit as a guide when gluing horns back on.

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