3/1/10 Weigh-In


Active Member
Alrighty gentlemen post em up and I will update the spread sheet and see how everyone has done.

Time to refocus on meeting your goals. 6 months or less until hunting season. This is all about being a more effective hunter and enjoying your hunts more. In addition to that - having a long and healthy hunting career. As hard as tags are to draw - you need the extra time. The longer you can hunt effectively the more primo hunts you can experience.

Post em up. We might also get a side post going for advice, suggestions, encouragement, etc.

Here is a little motivational quote for you guys from Cameron Hanes book Back Country Bow Hunting:

"Every day that you spend in inactivity, you are getting weaker. Every day the elk and deer move through the high country, they are getting stronger. The longer you wait the wider the gap grows. TODAY is a good day to start preparing for the back country."
170.2 boys

Sit tall in the saddle, hold your head up high, keep your eyes fixed to where the trail meets the sky...
219 lbs, I thought I had been doing better for the last 2 weeks but the scale does not lie.
I didn't sign up, but I'm down 17 lbs. since January 1st. Have a half-marathon May 1st and the Wasatch Back Relay in June.
233 this morning, up a couple pounds. Stupid chocolate, why does it have to taste so good.
290 - think I am up a couple. The good news is that I am on the downhill side of a major project that has been taking 99% of my time. Will make more time for exercise now.! It is a priority and I will get it done!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Saweet....only four pounds from my original goal...but now time to start gainin more mass!

I'm right at 194lbs as of this morn!

?-ERock-> ?
Still at 230, been slackin latley, shed huntin is just around the corner though.
>Here is a little motivational quote
>for you guys from Cameron
>Hanes book Back Country Bow
>"Every day that you spend in
>inactivity, you are getting weaker.
>Every day the elk and
>deer move through the high
>country, they are getting stronger.
>The longer you wait the
>wider the gap grows. TODAY
>is a good day to
>start preparing for the back


?-ERock-> ?
up 1 to 244. I was doing well until I fell victim to pizza and beer this past weekend.
New weight 227

down a total of 30 pounds now... The best part is I have had to add 4 new holes to my belt.
269..... but getting some good exercise.


Margaret Thatcher: "The trouble with Socialism is, sooner or later you run out of other people's money."

"A Liberal is a person who will give away everything he doesn't own." - Unknown
I was out of town and missed the last one. Sorry hope this doesn't mess you up. 265

"blaming guns for violence is like blaming spoons for Rosie O'donnell being fat."
258. Not as bad as it could have been. 3 conventions in 4 weeks, plus a drive from Pa to Las Vegas and back. I guess I should be happy its only up 2 lbs but now is time to get serious. I bought a backpack Dall sheep hunt for august at Eastern FNAWS so that should be the incentive I need.
"Yeah, I'll shoot him"
Keep em coming guys. We dropped some dead weight last weigh in and I dont want to loose any more participants.

I think we need to get in the mid 70's...
What do you guys need for motivition/tips.....I'm no expert but I do know a thing or two.

Sit tall in the saddle, hold your head up high, keep your eyes fixed to where the trail meets the sky...
309 still for me. Have been eating better but not seeing results yet/ increasing my time at the gym.
I wish I weighed what I weighed four years ago when my wife said I was "FAT"then!Oh well,here we go again.Sign me up,@240
I keep forgetting the weigh in dates..errr.. anyway it's 260 when is the next weigh in?

"Keep yer powder dry n yer eye on the skyline!"

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