

Long Time Member
New Pennsylvania Elk record. It is a stud. And Archery kill.
Son served a mission there. Said they'd eat apples out of your hand if you're patient enough.
Totally false. That may happen around the elk viewing area but not the huntable area. You cant hunt around the viewing/ tame area. You would be surprised how wild those elk are in the huntable zones. Realize this is PA where we hunt deer like mad men. THOSE elk are plenty wild. Dont be a hater on our PA elk we have some that would rival any great west state and ours have been here since the early 1900s
Totally false. That may happen around the elk viewing area but not the huntable area. You cant hunt around the viewing/ tame area. You would be surprised how wild those elk are in the huntable zones. Realize this is PA where we hunt deer like mad men. THOSE elk are plenty wild. Dont be a hater on our PA elk we have some that would rival any great west state and ours have been here since the early 1900s
I believe ya. Elk change their nature from June and July and after they shed their velvet.
Elk can get big just about anywhere if they have age and easy living.
I Agree with that. The limited amount of tags in PA especially for bulls ensures that there will just as big of bulls the following year. I have 21 points for PA and hope one year to draw a tag. May never happen though.
No lions or wolves or weather
They probably do live a long time
They die here as there are no predators other than the coyotes on the calves. And I dont think that is a big deal.
The bears are the biggest problem. Weather? That area gets real nasty weather.
Been applying for a WHILE.
No dice.
I'd just like one tag before I turn to dirt.
That is a beautiful bull.

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